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New Zealand’s most important relationship is also its most difficult

Public Policy / analysis
New Zealand’s most important relationship is also its most difficult
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon at a press conference in Singapore, April 2024
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon at a press conference in Singapore, April 2024

As Prime Minister Christopher Luxon heads to Vietnam next week with plans to bolster economic growth, some critics say he should be focusing slightly further north.

Just a few hundred kilometers north of the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, lies the southern border of China — the world’s second-largest economy and New Zealand’s biggest trading partner.

Luxon is expected to visit the superpower later this year, but not before he’s been almost everywhere else. His work as New Zealand’s top diplomat began in 2024 with a strong focus on Southeast Asia.

Since becoming Prime Minister, he has traveled to Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, the East Asia Summit in Laos, and now Vietnam.

This has been a deliberate effort to strengthen trade relationships with countries that share economic similarities with China but are more aligned with the Western worldview. Luxon has also made multiple trips to Australia and attended the NATO summit in Washington, DC.

Soon, he will head to India, where he hopes to open trade talks with the world’s most populous country, before an expected visit to China sometime after that. If that sequence holds, China would be roughly the 20th country on Luxon’s list.

This lack of urgency is somewhat offset by other engagements with China. Prime Minister Chris Hipkins led a trade mission there in 2023, Premier Li Qiang visited NZ last June, and Luxon met President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of APEC.

Still, some believe the New Zealand government should be doing more to preserve its relationship with China. Carl Worker, a former ambassador to China, wrote on Twitter that visiting Vietnam first was “playing favourites among Asia’s communist countries.”

Think of the economy

David Mahon, a Kiwi investment consultant in China, told the Of Interest Podcast it was “almost a diplomatic insult” for Luxon not to visit in his first year as Prime Minister.

It’s unclear whether he could have visited sooner—after all, he must be invited—but Mahon said China was "determined to retain its relationship” with New Zealand and would likely welcome a visit.

Former Prime Ministers John Key and Helen Clark have both criticised Luxon and Jacinda Ardern for shifting foreign policy away from China, toward more traditional Western allies.

Speaking at a "Vision 2025" business event hosted by the China Chamber of Commerce late last year, Key said China still held huge economic potential for New Zealand.

"If you were lying in bed at night and you say to yourself, what is going to make the waka go faster? Here's a clue: hundreds of millions of consumers who are getting wealthier and who want to buy the things we produce—and that is called China,” he said.

Politics and business are closely linked in China, and those on the ground say demand for Kiwi products partly depends on how the relationship between the two countries is perceived.

When Hipkins visited in 2023, some business leaders welcomed a favorable newspaper cover featuring his handshake with Xi Jinping. A Chinese employee at a New Zealand travel company said the coverage would help boost sales, which had been weak.

But even on that trip, Hipkins was cautious—declining to call China a “friend” and maintaining the more hawkish stance that began under Ardern.

Wake up and smell the gunships

Earlier this week, when a trio of Chinese war ships sailed through the Tasman Sea between New Zealand and Australia, Defence Minister Judith Collins called it a “wake-up call.”

The drive-by may partly be a response to the two ANZAC ships that sailed through the Taiwan Strait in September last year, and possibly a show of force to Australia, which is beefing up its navy.

The AUKUS submarine deal was designed to deter China from seizing Taiwan and using the island’s strategic location to control shipping routes, thereby creating an unchallenged sphere of influence in East Asia.

Even with an independent foreign policy, this Western posture was always likely to create friction in the New Zealand–China relationship. It’s hard to imagine New Zealand staying neutral in the (highly unlikely) event of a regional war involving Australia.

This has driven Luxon’s push to strengthen trading relationships with Southeast Asian countries, many of which have large, growing populations that are becoming wealthier and more able to buy Kiwi products — much like China.

Meanwhile, New Zealand has also been strengthening its long-standing security alliances with the United States, Australia, and NATO. But this strategy suddenly seems riskier with Donald Trump back in the White House.

The President has proven to be an unreliable ally and is likely to impose tariffs on New Zealand in April. He has already used economic coercion to force Canada and Mexico into border policy changes and wants Ukraine to surrender territory to Russia.

If the United States turns on us, who will we turn to? China has already pitched itself as the more dependable and pro-trade of the two superpowers, even if it is being disingenuous.

Whatever happens next, there will be plenty for Luxon and Xi to discuss when they eventually meet in Beijing.

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Our warships should do a wee bit of live firing in international waters off China! With little notice.


Ok so option 1: escalate. Got it. 

Let's have a hmm and come up with a couple of other ideas just to say we did. 

Especially as, given the quality and capability of our fleet, I can only read your suggestion as facetious. 


...echoes of this academics particular hobbyhorse

"Canterbury University's Anne-Marie Brady said it served as a serious threat, and New Zealand must boost defence spending to protect the region, and respond with its own "show of force"."

"Brady said New Zealand needed "boots on the ground" in other Pacific Islands, and the government should negotiate with the likes of Samoa, Fiji and Tonga about establishing a military presence there."…


Fiji do not want our "boots on the ground" they are too busy being corrupted by drug runners.


Some kids never grow up. Who is the aggressor? Who sabotaged this academic's car and tried to kill her?

1 you mean her low pressure tyres are sufficient justification to deploy NZDF?…


Nope not escalate, reciprocate. 


NZ warships have an embarrassing track record of being autopiloted onto reefs by DEI.

AUKUS submarines are the correct deterrent.


Nobody would have known if we were not shadowing the fleet. Perhaps we should be asking why we were shadowing them in the first place in international waters ? Perhaps the "Drill" was a result of them being followed because everyone loves a stalker right ? 


Perhaps if we welcomed the vessel for a port visit and some kiwi hospitality they might be more inclined to keep us in the loop.


Most people here pretend or genuinely not know NZ's navy sailed with the AUS and the Japanese Navy through the Taiwan straight. the ships were as close as 50km away from China's east coast. they said they sailed in the name of freedom of navigation.




yes I agree, though I am not sure we tried the live fire stuff.....

Mr Xi:   How have you been keeping Jack?

Jack Ma:   Great now I am not banging my head against a wall......       The Exponents - Who Loves Who The Most

[Verse 1]
It's been buggin' me
I vaguely seem to recognise your face
It's been haunting me
I can't quite recollect the time or place

You seem familiar
You seem so close
I wonder on a lonely night like this
Who loves who the most
Who loves who the most
Who loves who the most




Live firing off the back of a naval vessel is common. Dump a target get clearance open up on target. Everyone in date for weapons handling.


I totally agree


Sure, our navy has won prizes for its accuracy. Load up the sole 50mm gun and shoot some concrete blocks out the muzzle.


Hmm? Did they do anything that disrupted civilian commercial traffic? And at 50km from the coast they were still in international waters weren't they?

All they did was demonstrate the rule of law that applies to everyone rather than try to shut the area down as China is try to do.


Rocket Lab .... maybe  China should think twice about sailing off our 


NZ's political leaders and general population's knowledge and impression about China stays around 1900s to1980s thanks to the brainwash by the media from the UK and the US.

Each time I hear NZ leaders refer China as the second largest economy and the largest trading partner, I see a lack of deep thinking and vision.

NZ's leaders seem not have any sense of the current and future of technology and high tech manufacturing dominance in all areas by China. 

I have been hearing the small talks by staffs at the NZ embassy in Beijing on how Arden and Luxon's ignorance fxxxed up the relationship with China.


Generally loathe your takes on NZ politics xmw, though along with the viscerally anti-welfare views of Chinese property investors I encounter they're a welcome reminder that Chinese social policy is heavily to the Right of ours. 

But (your last paragraph exempted) there is little wrong in what you've said today. China has many internal problems to overcome but to believe it hasn't already won tech dominance is willfully ignorant. 


how are they going with financial stability and social cohesion?



Middle of the pack, depending on who you're including.


cool can you post the results?

I would like to chart the results historically

for the entire pack please, I am a bit of a data slut




The problem is the Chinese Communist Party, and not the country or culture itself.

That many people getting exponentially wealthier shouldn't be something to sniff at, no matter who their leaders are.

End of the day you're a lot less likely to go to war if you're trading amicably with someone. If we all build a war machine and give each other the fingers eventually someone's going to chuck rocks.


It depends on what you decide is amicable. China is rather wisely copying the British empire playbook - profitable trade first, protect the ships and ports and then very few troops required. Amicable for Britain but maybe not considered that way by the imperial possessions. 


I think it's pretty clear I'm stating a fuzzy response to your fuzzy request. Slap your question into various AIs or pop along to Ipsos. 


the size of your data......    is quite small



I wouldn't want it to upstage your wit. 


by fleek | 23rd Feb 25, 3:04pm

Middle of the pack, depending on who you're including.

you can link the data....      we are all waiting.....       

as a data slut I am feeling frustrated at the size of your data so far,,,,,, 


Only lonely you waiting. Clearly self-service is too much to ask.

As a one-off, I'm happy to be your little project of the night. Seeing as you've presumed that I have detailed knowledge of the matter, that you've interpreted my fuzzy response as an indication that I profess same, and that you're obsessing about holding me to account for your own misconceptions, I will go to the wells I've already directed you to for the answers which you want.

This report from Ipsos in late 2020 indicates China has net positive social cohesion of +65%:

IMF reports from 2024 indicate better-than-expected resilience in the Chinese economy.

Of course as a regular reader here, you already have this knowledge, or certainly the ability to hunt it down.

For my "middle of the pack" comment I've complemented the above with my own observations in dealing with Chinese citizens - but I'll freely admit the caveat that my experience is almost exclusively with Chinese who are visiting or have emigrated to NZ. Social cohesion seems more fractious than reported, and financial stability relies on the increasingly tepid buy-in of an increasingly swollen middle class.


You may feel that this proves your apparent point that I have no data, but I never claimed to have any, certainly not enough to smack you in the strawberries just how you'd like. As with the rest of the commentariat here I opine only based on what I know and believe. It's a genuine concern that you're expecting something more.

I'll continue to endure your 100-or-so-per-day comments (mostly nervy abuse of the punctuation keys) here at but holy god you're an egg, and I want you to know that.


Good on Luxon for building relationships with other countries. All the eggs in one basket is not a great idea. It is sad to see the way New Zealand has to suck up to China and are so scared of standing on their toes.


I do agree that Mahon and others are over-stating the claim that China has taken offence. But the continued neglect and comments by Collins and others indicate either a risky strategy is in play, or none at all. 

We should build strength with other countries, and we needn't suck up to China nor show respect out of fear. But at the moment we're caught reacting and stammering out belated grizzles rather than leading with strong and clear dialogue.

All while our politics are focused on internal drivel and wrangling thanks to dumb distractions like TPB and racist nonsense in the house. 


The answer to the question is in the headline - its most difficult - something that Luxon cannot and will not do other than talk.  


The US is about to displace China as "most difficult".


Why hasn’t Luxon done anything yet 


He could have hitched a ride on a gunboat. 


I once hitched from Sydney to Darwin 5,000km (onwards to a flight to Timor)

you can meet some very interesting people on such a hitch...



As Prime Minister Christopher Luxon heads to Vietnam next week with plans to bolster economic growth,

Luxo is joining a conference called ASEAN Future Forum (, which is being arranged by the Vietnamese govt. Very much just a talkfest. 

Then, he will visit a few modern trade flagship stores (where most Vietnamese don't shop) and perhaps sign another MOU.

Nothing concrete ever gets achieved in terms of business deals in these visits to ASEAN nations. The MFAT people want to pretend that they're important. It justifies their relevance and paychecks. 




Luxon is the weakest Prime Minister we have ever had. He is not the worst, he may be proven the best, But he is the weakest.


Chinese warships visiting the Tasman Sea on a goodwill mission. They only shoot [at] their own targets, that's how we know.


A few years ago the NZ govt went public and basically said that China has been spying on and hacking NZ govt computers and servers. Other counties said the same thing. Since then the relationship has never been the same .

There's a whole level of statecraft that most people don't see, and the media aren't good at reporting it. At that level the gloves are off.


The drive-by may partly be a response to the two ANZAC ships that sailed through the Taiwan Strait in September last year, and possibly a show of force to Australia, which is beefing up its navy.


last year? try last week. the Aussie plane flew 19 miles to Chinese islands!


He's a NeoCon at heart and just can't bring himself to get over it for the sake of NZders and NZs largest trading partner!!
