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Latest auction results from Eves in the Bay of Plenty and Bayleys in Auckland, Waikato and Marlborough

Latest auction results from Eves in the Bay of Plenty and Bayleys in Auckland, Waikato and Marlborough

Leading Bay of Plenty real estate agency Eves is now having its auction results posted on

This considerably improves our coverage of the auction market in the Bay of Plenty, allowing readers to see how much properties in the region are selling for and perhaps find a new opportunity by seeing which properties are still available for sale.

At auctions conducted by Eves last week, prices ranged from $420,000 for a three bedroom house with a detached garage on a full section at Papamoa, to $1.17 million for a four bedroom house at Royal Palm Beach Estate near Papamoa Beach.

The full results are available on our Residential Auction Results page.

Bayleys Real Estate also had a busy time in their auction rooms last week, with 40 Auckland properties marketed for auction and sales achieved on 19, giving a sales clearance rate just shy of 50%.

Prices ranged from $600,000 for a two bedroom townhouse in Onehunga to $3.3 million for a four bedroom house on the waterfront at Rothesay Bay on the North Shore.

The individual results of the auctions conducted last week by Bayleys in the Waikato and Marlborough as well as those in Auckland, with details and photos of all the properties offered, are also available on our Residential Auction Results page.

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It seems like bayleys has been out performing other RE firms in the past 3 months

50% clearance is pretty good in current conditions.


Hello everyone,

The above item was posted by Greg Ninness just over 9 hours ago.

In that time, it has attracted just 2 posts...... Hardly anybody here wants to know about a relatively high auction clearance rate!

Clearly, if Greg was reporting a relatively low auction clearance rate, there would be dozens of posts here by now...... all shouting gloom and doom stories about the property market being about to crash.

Such is the bias of the people who come here.



Perhaps they have more meaningful things to do. Commenting on auction clearance rates is rather meaningless without any clear context. There's little point debating auction rates, except for troll fests.


It's strange how the auction articles often attract an enormous number of comments. It's like a gladiatorial arena. But it could be a good forum for discussing particular sales or even a place where advice could be asked for concerning locations, strategies or even particular properties. A place where the property obsessed can stay on topic. The property market is a key issue on


Sure, if it has any meaning or relevance. In most cases, the "I reckon..." is little more than BBQ banter. If people want to engage with it, they have the choice.


I agree with you TTP nuff said about the people who come here ^^


Not much to comment on. It’s a steady stable market dominated by wealthy retiring baby boomers and locals via interest rate fundamentals, who cares. Unlike Auckland real estate prices which are the subject of (the previous) governments lies and have, until recently, been dominated by Chinese foreign capital which is ruining the lives of tens of thousands of would be kiwi home owners, but also propping up our economy to the tune of… who knows 10’s of billions per annum probably.


50% auction througput is pretty dismal considering housing shortages, year on year comparison and it's a prime selling month. It only translate to an expensive exercise for more than half the vendors.


TTP, the meaning of trend = a general direction in which something is developing or changing. Hope this helps you form some insightful and meaningful comments. Good luck.


Hi R-P,

Nope - your comment above adds absolutely nothing new or insightful.......

The point I made in my post above still stands - and is clear for everyone to reflect upon.



You sound so sad TTP, But Poppy is right we do have better things to do. :)


Calm down TTP

50% is not a great clearance rate especially if you are one of the 50%who didn't manage to sell

The real question is how are Bayleys able to shift 50% while barfoots is only hitting the 20s. Are they priming the sellers with realistic expectations? who knows maybe the tide has changed as you have predicted for some time....

Never the less this is one reasonable result amongst a sea of poor results so only time will tell.

I am predicting that sales will continue to be low until the gap between wages and prices closes


A couple of Bayleys offices have a significant different pitch of cold water to sellers than a few other offices like BT who have a way of leaning on city wide performance, (where a few will not clearly admit to low performance locally). It might also help to prep the seller mentally for a quick sale rather than draw out the process for the sellers special buyer at top price.
