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Ahead of some major public policy set pieces, New Zealand's largest mortgage lender follows its rivals with higher rates, pushing its 3 year fixed rate to the highest of any bank for that term. ASB goes even higher

Personal Finance / analysis
Ahead of some major public policy set pieces, New Zealand's largest mortgage lender follows its rivals with higher rates, pushing its 3 year fixed rate to the highest of any bank for that term. ASB goes even higher
Endless staircase

Update 2: Kiwibank has followed quickly too. The unique rate hike for them is taking their three year fixed up to 4.49%, the highest of any bank for that term, and up +50 bps in one hard hit.

Update 1: ASB has followed ANZ by raising fixed home loan rates further. 

In fact, ASB has brought back a two year rate over 4% for the first time since March 2019. And it is well over 4% at 4.15%.

ASB's new rate levels are the highest of any bank in the heart of the competitive 1-3 year offer card. And their move probably signals a general move higher, even higher than yesterday's ANZ changes that led this latest push.

Here is our earlier report on the ANZ move up.

ANZ is the next bank to raise fixed mortgage rates, upping rates by between a further 10 basis points and 30 basis points.

These new rates match Westpac at one year and two years fixed, and include a new market high for a three year rate.

In fact, ANZ has only one standard rate below 4%, its one year 3.94% standard rate.

Most banks have standard rates, although some like ASB don't. Standard rates apply to borrowers who don't qualify for 'specials' and 'specials' basically require 20% equity in the property being financed.

Heartland Bank still has the lowest fixed rate offers, and how long they can last must be open to question.

Bank of China, and ICBC also have rates that are market lows.

While wholesale rates slipped a little today, they are holding on to most of their sharp recent run-up.

The next direction could depend of two events that happen over the next few days. On Tuesday, Governor Arian Orr is out jawboning markets ahead of Wednesday's Reserve Bank Financial Stability Report. Moral suasion is now weapon in his armory. And tomorrow (Tuesday) the Reserve Bank of Australia is very likely to confirm some changed policy positions. A lot will depend on how markets react to this announcement at 4:30pm (NZT).

One useful way to make sense of these changed home loan rates is to use our full-function mortgage calculator which is also below. (Term deposit rates can be assessed using this calculator).

And if you already have a fixed term mortgage that is not up for renewal at this time, our break fee calculator may help you assess your options. But break fees should be minimal in a rising market.

ANZ also increased term deposit rates +5 bps to +30 bps, with a top rate of 3.00% for five years

Here is the updated snapshot of the lowest advertised fixed-term mortgage rates on offer from the key retail banks at the moment.

Fixed, below 80% LVR 6 mths   1 yr   18 mth  2 yrs   3 yrs  4 yrs  5 yrs 
as at November 2, 2021 % % % % % % %
ANZ 4.00 3.34
ASB 3.99
3.89 3.24 3.54 3.79 3.99 4.49 4.49
Kiwibank 3.99 3.49
Westpac 3.89 3.34 3.69 3.99 4.19 4.29 4.49
Bank of China  3.45 2.89 3.09 3.29 3.65 3.99 4.19
China Construction Bank 3.25 3.25 3.59 3.79 3.99 4.29 4.39
Co-operative Bank 3.24 3.24 3.54 3.70 3.99 4.29 4.49
Heartland Bank   2.35   2.60 2.90    
HSBC 3.24 2.99 3.29 3.59 3.79 4.09 4.29
ICBC  2.99 2.89 3.19 3.29 3.49 3.89 4.09
  SBS Bank 3.19 2.99 3.39 3.49 3.45 4.29 4.49
  3.14 3.14 3.44 3.65 3.89 4.24 4.44

Fixed mortgage rates

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Daily swap rates

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Opening daily rate
Source: NZFMA
Opening daily rate
Source: NZFMA
Opening daily rate
Source: NZFMA
Opening daily rate
Source: NZFMA
Opening daily rate
Source: NZFMA
Opening daily rate
Source: NZFMA
Opening daily rate
Source: NZFMA

Comprehensive Mortgage Calculator

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"The times, they are a changin'."



But why are term deposit interest rates increasing so slowly???

C'mon trading banks: the public can see through you. 



Because they make more money, by taking advantage of the difference between the interest banks pay to depositors and the interest the bank can earn by investing.


yes the ASB would love to be matching 1 yr TDs at 1.65% with 1 yr homeloans at 3.49% today, a ridiculous margin of over 100%. They wont get any TDs at 1.65% of course when others are paying 2.0%


Because the banks don't need the funding, they can still obtain funding through the RBNZ at the OCR…



yes the RBNZ needs to play their part with the OCR, they are well behind the markets at present


yes ASB seems to be doing no favours to its home loans or TDs. They obviously dont want any 1 yr TDs or 3 yr homeloans.


Because they're taking everyone for a ride. I think they can afford to keep interest rates much closer to their term deposit rates for much longer than what the banks are saying.  But they know in a high inflation environment, but with the OCR still at historic low levels they can get away with hiking mortgage rates and keeping savings rates as they are.  It also points to a lack of competition in our banking sector, one would have thought the challenger banks would be putting forward top term deposit rates at the moment to take advantage of rising rates, but no they're not.

Of course, it could also be because the banks think the economy is going to really slow down next year putting downward pressure back on the OCR?!  But I don't think anyone believes that.


5% soon after Christmas ?


ANZ don't muck around


ooofffff there is going to be some brutal refixes for people who fixed for 1 year with a 2.xx%


yes the escape doors have been slammed shut, your trapped.


The rest of the cartel will follow suit tomorrow, no doubt.

6% rates in a year's time...

I get the feeling the property market is going to turn very flaccid in the coming months.

If you're selling... be quick.


Brock can you at least add what you mean by rates? You talking floating, one year, five year? It all matters


Two year. Fixed.


Well Brock, I was saying a few months back BNZ 2.99% for five years was well worth it. 

Comments indicate that some others were of the same mind and locked in around that. 


Sure.  I agreed with you.

However, what is of more interest in a macro-economic sense is the rate that new purchasers are having loans issued at, as this heavily influences the amount borrowers are going to be willing and able to plough into rot-boxes.


International currency exchange pressures will cap it lower than that. 


It might but it's not like anything is going to take a nose-dive. I mean, how can it?  Building costs aren't coming down and land costs could've decreased but with new avenues now open to home owners, it's not likey to nose-dive either.  

Of course, they could be trying to bring the economy crashing down...


The amazing thing is their new 5 year rates are still the best rates I could get for a 1-2 year special when I first got a mortgage 12-13 years ago.

It's all relative. I still think the greatest outlier is that they have been so incredibly low for so long. We have been very lucky.


And 12-13 years ago prices were third of what they are now.

And if we take into account salary increases of 1% per year, how is it that people now can afford such high prices?

Does anyone has any savings for a rainy day anymore or they just believe that government will save them when they get into trouble?



Would be good if you actually reflected reality in your comments, wages have averaged 3.1% in the last decade according the rbnz/stats. 


Wow 3%. I envy those lucky ones. And you still believe what RBNZ says or publishes. how naive?

Did you get 3% pay rise every year in the last decade?

RBNZ also said house prices will not increase. 


If your income is only going up 3% annually over a decade that's a good point to pause and wonder what you're doing with your life.


And why would you stay with an employer who treats you like this? 


The level of tinfoil hattery on this site is getting to extremes.   Apparently stats nz are fudging the numbers (for political gain?).  I get that some of you are angry about what you see as a system that's working against you, but can we leave the conspiracy theories to the anti-vax nutters please. 

No, I didn't get a 3% rise every years for the last 10, due to just starting out in a new career path 10 years ago I've tripled my income in the last ten years, so I'm an extreme outlier for sure.  



We had a thing at my old job where we would calculate how much we went backwards and adjust poop/mucking around times accordingly.

For example: Inflation 4.9%, pay"rise" 2%, so you were 2.9% worse off.

40 hours worked per week. That is 2400 minutes x 0.029 = 69.6 minutes more spend not working per week.

Employer think workers are so stupid, but the joke is really on them.

Yea it's probably a "poor attitude" but there is no loyalty these days.


Old job?


Correct. Left and retired. Not even kidding. Made comfy 7 figures in crypto, soon to be more.


Well done.


The place I bought 13 years ago it actually worth 3.5x what I paid for it back then. I don't own it anymore but how a 2 bedroom unit on the outskirts of town can be valued at over 1m is beyond me. Auckland is broken.

To be fair my salary is 3x what it was when I bought that place. I had recently graduated from uni being the main reason why.

No such thing as savings. Revolving credit performs that function now...


yes NZ incomes dont match NZ house prices anymore.


And housing market still on fire.. Do these people know that they have to pay it back too.. It's not just take it and forget about it.

But yeah i think lots of these will have less and less sleep at night


The idea for most is that property values will appreciate over time, so if they end up selling in  the future they will walk away with more cash in their pockets, however, if you are forced to sell shortly after purchasing, in most cases you can well end up out of pocket.


Ah not for us and thousands of others.

Shortly after purchasing (less than a year ago) we could sell our place for $250k more than we paid. 


Very true, but you would be paying $250k more to buy a house from a year ago, unless you bought in a different area, hence why a lot of professionals are moving.

Sell for a massive profit in Auckland/Wellington, buy a place the same size or bigger at half the cost in Christchurch, and have a chunk of change to spend at Armstrong Prestige on a new car.

The downsides are you need to get a new job, move the kids out of school, wave goodbye to your neighbours and friends, and teach your new local barista your name and how you like your coffee.


Actually no they don't

House buying culture changed so much, people really don't plan on paying back the whole loan on the house. They started believing capital gains will save them the bother.



I am pretty sure most people with a mortgage are very well aware that they have to pay it back.

The ones who really seem to be oblivious are the renters - they really do forget that they are paying the landlords mortgage off. :)


Vulgar. With or without smiley face, just vulgar.


Agreed. The attitude of some people on this site towards people who rent is appalling. It's like they really think renters are a lower class of human being, people who are not as 'smart' as property owners and are therefore all completely oblivious to obvious facts. Not the first time I've heard people on this site insult renters, or use 'renter' as an effective insult for that matter. 


The attitude of some people on this site towards anyone who simply doesn't subscribe to their way of thinking is appalling. Some people seem to think that just because they borrowed a shite tonne of money, bought a house and then sold it for a tidy profit makes them some sort of financial investment super guru worthy of praise, and that anyone who doesn't prescribe to their investing brilliance is an idiot.



Jimmy and al123

The reality seems to get under your skin . . . rather than vulgar it is a reality which you don’t acknowledge.
The reality is that those who rent will not only be paying off the mortgage but the landlord walks away with the capital gain . . . nothing vulgar just the reality which you don’t seem to want to acknowledge. 
Your responses supports my post . . . not only recognise it but an unwillingness to do so.

RBNZ data shows highest numbers of FHB over the past year moving into their own homes in past year now paying off their principal . . . . you won’t want to acknowledge that either. 


Any other random housing facts you want to add to the list of things that you are going to accuse me of 'not wanting to acknowledge' on the basis of no evidence whatsoever? 


The reality for many (including my best mate, now in his 50's and a life-long renter) is that the realization is immaterial as there's no way in hell they will ever be able to afford their own house.  Locked out of the market, nothing to hand on to his kids.


It’s your assumption that renters are oblivious. Many are trying, being left behind and hurting. Everyone understands this fraudulent banking system now. Don’t confuse disadvantage with ignorance.


Was thinking housing marked would cool. But that is not going to happen, printing in the name of climate change is putting more coal on the fire( just a big scam). There is absolutely no trust in money anymore. That is why everything  is going true the roof.


I'm starting to lose track now, who's following who? Wasn't it only a week ago ANZ raised their rates?


You can’t stop these interest rates momentum up up up . I had a thought what if the banks and government planned to lower rates then when everyone is loaded with debt raise rates and then clean up buying everything cheap 


That's what happened in the US when the big global corporates bought up everything in site e.g. blackrock



So FHB's with less than 20% are looking at least at a 4% one year mortgage rate.

This will rise to at least 4.5-5.0% by March. 

Gee, hard times are a coming for the residential construction sector in Auckland, which has relied so heavily on FHBs in the last 3-4 years.  


Suspect construction will be ok as specuvestors wanting to maintain tax rinsing will mop those properties up.


They might mop up some bargains, it's more what happens earlier in the process that is the problem ie. Drop off in work in design, construction etc. Expect there to be pain second half 2022.


No it will switch to investors with the new rules. FHB's will be buying the older rentals and the investors will move to newer housing stock.


Still extremely low.

No surprise property market will reach new highs this summer.



Rates heading back towards the long term average. Was going to happen sooner or later.

The cheap rates of recent time were an aberration. Bank stress tests are at 6% and DTI test now between 6 -7x your income, or the income generated. This will take the next 2-3 years to unfold as loans come off their fixed position (most loans). Anyone that leveraged up thinking the low interest propelled specuator train would go on for ever is, and was, wrong.

Are you not entertained?


Tell me, what is the long term average?  Charts show the long term trend is down.


Woah - the one year rate is now back to Dec 2019 levels. Meaning everybody who fixed in the last 2 years will  now be paying a higher rate  and for all major banks excluding westpac the 4 and 5 year rates are higher than the current variable (floating ) rate.


Most banks assess a borrowers ability to afford a mortgage on the basis that the interest rate is 6%. And most of them have done this for some time now (past two years+ or so). So even these new higher rates are within that initial stress test. Forced sales or mortgage stress will only happen to borrowers who subsequently ran their affairs irresponsibly (like used their house as an ATM). The number of such borrowers will actually be very small. The main risk is economic. More paid on higher mortgage payments means less available for other spending in the economy.


Yes, whacks discretionary spending, more pain for hospo and retail. Especially combined with fuel and grocery bills rising a lot.

It will also whack housing construction - see demand shrivel, especially for FHBs, when mortgage rates are 6% rather than 3%, and the price of a 2 bed townhouse is 850-900k rather than 600- 650k (possible even 1 or 2 years ago)

Try stress testing at 8 or 9% that's a completely different story to 6%!


How about those who bought the house to sell with capital gains in couple of years so they can spend money on traveling. What will happen to those ones of the house prices don't go up to cover their costs and then cost if their travel they wanted to do. 


There will also be those who can in principle afford the mortgage, even at these higher rates, but don't like the lifestyle changes this entails. Such people might look to downsize or offload investment properties, especially if capital gains aren't as attractive as they once were.


Interesting.  I just had a pre-approval through, our broker used an assessment rate of 5.5% on $600k.  


I think less available is an understatement.  Wouldn't want to be a small retail business at the moment.


David has there been any word of the 6% being reviewed? Surely if it was 6% before it should be around 8% now to maintain a similar buffer.


I thought i was being disadvantaged going with a non-bank lender but with 20% equity, most of their rates are now cheaper than ANZ. *scratches head*


just a bit slower to act, i'd guess. 


It seems BNZ has already upped their rates.

Classic (20% or more equity) rates for owner/occupiers are now:

  • 6 months, 3.89%
  • 12 months, 3.49%
  • 18 months, 3.89%
  • 2 years, 4.15%
  • 3 years, 4.39%
  • 5 years, 4.79%

I know when I renew our mortgage in January, that I'll be pushing them to keep the interest payments to no more than double what I'm paying now, but with as long a fixed term as possible, as they are only going to keep going up.
