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Budget 2016 - Summary of all spending plans

Budget 2016 - Summary of all spending plans

This table outlines the New Zealand Government's planned spending for the 2016/17 budget year.

Actual spending for the previous four years is on the left.

The numbers are drawn together from data released by the Minister of Finance on May 26, 2016.

Links to the primary sources used, from Treasury's website, can be found at the bottom of the page.

Click on any heading to drill down to what makes up these numbers. Figures for each allocation are in millions of NZ$.

Actual 2014/15 Actual 2015/16  


NZ$m NZ$m NZ$m NZ$m NZ$m   NZ$m  
120.8         Industrial relations    
  158.5       Veterans Affairs - Defence    
1,019.7   131.8 131.0   Industry    
945.2 235.0 201.8 183.0   Energy    
208.1   217.3 239.2   Immigration    
  663.4 372.5 369.5   Economic Development    
179.7 343.5 328.0 282.1   Communications    
        193.6 State Services & Stats 192.5 0.2
1,019.9 1,085.3 1,052.8 406.0 0.0 Building & Housing 346.8 0.4
218.2 214.4 227.6 247.6 269.1 Special Interests 310.3 0.3
380.4 398.1 383.5 366.0 360.3 Arts & Culture 385.5 0.4
457.7 498.7 643.3 420.7 529.0 Treaty Negotiations 407.5 0.5
618.0 2,286.1 779.8 570.4 221.1 Cant. Earthquake Recovery 0.0 0.0
618.0 2,286.1 779.8 570.4 771.0 Primary Ind & Food Safety 893.0 1.0
1,013.7 940.0 997.3 1,050.2 1,022.0 Foreign Policy 1,181.7 1.3
1,275.5 1,070.9 1,063.5 1,053.5 924.3 Government 978.2 1.1
887.7 947.7 954.2 1,087.9 1,038.1 Environment 1,292.2 1.4
1,190.0 1,165.2 1,399.1 1,347.3 1,298.9 Justice 1,326.1 1.5
0.0 1,449.1 129.0 138.8 1,540.2 Labour Market 1,696.3 1.9
776.5 800.3 798.8 966.6 2,112.6 Business, Science & Innov. 2,208.6 2.5
2,882.2 2,983.0 3,169.7 3,073.7 3,274.9 Law & Order 3,465.9 3.9
3,039.0 2,825.4 3,269.7 3,825.4 3,310.1 Defence 3,897.0 4.3
3,911.4 3,726.9 3,613.4 4,518.7 4,096.1 Transport 4,265.0 4.7
10,841.7 11,559.5 11,727.1 11,524.6 13,547.3 Finance, Customs 11,948.7 13.3
12,028.1 12,406.6 12,800.4 13,182.6 13,855.6 Education 14,091.2 15.7
13,613.0 13,983.1 14,570.9 15,647.1 15,407.2 Health 16,141.8 17.9
22,872.6 21,522.8 23,268.9 24,288.4 24,146.3 Social Welfare 24,941.6 27.7
======  ====== ====== ====== ====== =================  ====== ======
$79,499.1 $82,163.9 $82,712.6 $85,548.6 $88,216.5 Total Expenditure $89,969.6 100.0%
$208,467 $213,844 $223,217 $229,020 $239,496 GDP (nominal, per RBNZ) $246,086  
38.1% 38.4% 37.1% 37.4% 36.8% Govt spending - % of GDP 36.6%  
and this compares with taxes collected as follows:    
$61,732.4 $66,248.2 $69,512.5 $73,597.4 $77,014.3 Total tax collected $80,052.6  
          (click on this link for details)  
Not all the difference between tax collected and expenditure needs to be borrowed. The Crown has other sources of revenue than tax. The biggest single reason is that significant portions of National Super payments are pre-funded in the Super Fund.

Sources: You can download the data behind these tables from the NZ Government website here »

Included within the various DHB budgets under the Health Vote is Pharmac's expenditure totalling $795 mln. In budget 2016 there is an allocation of $124 million for Pharmac.

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