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Sign up for one of our emails and be in the draw to win a one of ten 1 ounce Silver coins

Sign up for one of our emails and be in the draw to win a one of ten 1 ounce Silver coins

(Update: The draw has been made and the ten winners have been notified.)

Each week day, more than 10,000 people get an email update from us.

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Most of our emails are different because they include up-to-date key data, along with the stories that explain the trends.

We send these updates to readers who want to stay on top of the news and data changes in a range of areas: 

- mortgages and home loans

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- precious metals (gold and silver)

Every subscriber signed up to one of these email updates before Friday, November 30 (which includes everyone already subscribed) will be in the draw to win a one ounce Silver coin (purity .999) from New Zealand Mint.


Ten separate winners will be drawn.

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(Unsubscribing is easy, and can be done at any time using the link at the bottom of every email.)

Prizes unclaimed within 14 days will be allocated in additional draws.

(Update: The draw has been made and the ten winners have been notified.)

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I want my long service medal David...!!...if Walter doesn't show up for, a while, can I have his too...?

 Silver eh...? it'll have to do I guess.


Oh....long service.....hmmm that usually contains a good bahaviour element to it so that might count our Walter out with his bans and terrorist activities.




....... me too ... although Bernard knows I don't mean any harm ..... well , not much .... less harm than Al Qaeda ...... probably ...


What flavour are these silver medals ..... do they come in mango ?


GBH, he can't help you with the flavour but you can choose your colour


Southampton scientists change the colour of gold

Prof Nikolay Zheludev, who leads the nanophotonics and metamaterials team at Southampton University, said it means gold can be made red or green or a multitude of other hues.

It can also be applied to other metals such as silver and aluminium.

Please let David know your prefared colour ASAP


The cry in some circles is that applying it to Tungsten is old hat.


" Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labour in freedom " ...... Albert Einstein ....


..... or was it Winston Peters ? ..... so easy to get those two muddled up , isn't it ....


Nah...Ivan he's earmarked that for Bernard as an update to the old goldwatch routine...hope it's a Bollard Commemorative Classic........................ ' Asleep at the Wheel ' pose.


Ivan, see above

You can have a gold coloured silver one



Like GMK the final bonus, following on from the golden parachute payout will be based on milestones, given the above bribe, sorry marketing hype, it may be linked to subscibers ;-)
