The Ministry of Health is reporting another 62 community Covid cases.
This takes the total for this outbreak to 210, with 12 of these in Wellington and the rest Auckland.
Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins and Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield gave the latest update.
Bloomfield said there were now 12 Covid cases in hospital - 11 of those relating to the latest outbreak, which was an increase of three from Tuesday.
No patients were in ICU.
Bloomfield said while the number of cases was growing (up from 41 on Tuesday) "it is not exponential" due to the level 4 lockdown and he believed we would see the case numbers slowing.
He reported that one of the new cases was in Warkworth, which would explain the Covid-positive recent wastewater tests in the area.
Hipkins said that 80,000 people around the country were vaccinated on Tuesday - which is a new daily record.
He said that there were 50,000 Covid tests process in New Zealand on Tuesday.
He noted that Wednesday was the first day that the over 30-year-olds could book for vaccination.
He said there were about 700,000 people in the 30-39 cohort.
He stressed that a strongly supported vaccination programme was important in getting back the kind of freedoms we have enjoyed in New Zealand.
This is the Ministry of Health's daily update:
There are 62 new cases of COVID-19 in the New Zealand community to confirm today. This brings the total number of cases in the community outbreak to 210.
Of these 62 new cases, 36 are female and 26 are male. 40 of these are Pacific peoples, three are Māori, seven are Asian, five are European, and as yet, the ethnicity is unknown of seven.
The total number of community cases in Auckland is now 198 and 12 in Wellington.
All of the cases have or are being transferred safely to a managed isolation facility, under strict infection prevention and control procedures, including the use of full PPE.
As previously indicated, it’s not unexpected to see a rise in daily case numbers at this stage. At its peak last year, New Zealand had a daily total of 89 new cases.
There are currently six epidemiologically-linked subclusters identified within this outbreak. The 2 largest clusters are the Birkdale Social Network cluster associated with Case A (approximately 36 confirmed cases), and a cluster associated with the AOG church in Mangere (approximately 105 confirmed cases).
There is one new case in a recent returnee in a managed isolation facility.
New cases identified at the border
Arrival date From Via Positive test day/reason Managed isolation/quarantine location 11 August India United Arab Emirates Day 12/routine Auckland A case previously reported on 2 July 2021 has now been deemed historical.
The total number of active cases being managed in New Zealand is currently 246.
Since 1 January 2021, there have been 124 historical cases, out of a total of 985 cases.
Our total number of confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic is 2803.
Middlemore healthcare worker
As reported yesterday, a positive test result for a Middlemore Emergency Department staff member has been returned. The case is currently classified as under investigation and is not included in today’s tally.
As a precaution the staff member has been stood down and Public Health staff are currently investigating.
Currently, Middlemore’s assessment is that the public health risk is low as the staff member was asymptomatic, fully vaccinated, was detected through routine testing, wore appropriate PPE while at work, and the individual is reported to have taken all the appropriate precautions once notified.
Yesterday, 49,745 tests were processed across New Zealand.
Testing nationwide remains a priority in our assessment of spread and in determining the edges of the outbreak.
Testing centres in Auckland had another busy day yesterday with 22,735 swabs taken across Auckland, including 8,800 at community testing centres and around 13,800 at general practice and urgent care clinics.
There are 22 community testing centres available across Auckland today, including four restricted access testing centres that are by invitation-only for high-risk groups and to prioritise essential health care workers, six regular community testing centres and 12 pop-up testing centres.
A new pop-up community testing centre has opened at Mountfort Park in Manurewa today and the pop-up testing centre at Pukekohe showgrounds has been extended until 31 August.
All DHBs are ensuring there is good access to testing across the regions.
For up-to-date information on all testing locations, please visit Healthpoint.co.nz.
The total number of COVID-19 tests processed by laboratories to date is 2,812,976.
The seven-day rolling average is 34,504.
New MIQ testing requirement
An additional testing requirement is being introduced to Managed Isolation Facilities.
From Wednesday 25 August, returnees whose room is on the same floor, and in the vicinity of a confirmed Day 0/1 or Day 3 case of COVID-19, will now also be tested at Day 6 or 7, in addition to their existing day 0/1, 3 and 12 tests.
This is a recommendation following the review of the Crowne Plaza case.
Wastewater testing
COVID-19 was detected in a sample collected on Sunday 22 August from Warkworth. This follows a non-detection on 21 August and a previous positive result on 17 August 2021. The genome sequencing result has confirmed that the RNA detected is associated with this August Delta outbreak (reported earlier). This supports there being a case connected to this outbreak in the Warkworth catchment.
In Auckland, COVID-19 was detected in samples collected on Sunday 22 August and Monday 23 August from all eight sites tested in Auckland, except for the Monday sample from North Shore (Rosedale, Albany) which was not available for analysis.
In the Wellington region, the virus has only been detected in samples collected from Moa Point, Wellington (20, 21, 22 and 23 August) and may reflect known cases shedding in the catchment.
There are no positive wastewater testing results in the most recent samples collected outside the Warkworth, Auckland, and Wellington regions.
Contact tracing
As of 9am today, 20,383 individual contacts have been identified and 62% have had a test. The majority of these contacts are close contacts.
Locations of interest
There are now over 480 locations of interest listed on the Ministry’s website. We are continuing to update this information regularly every 2 hours between 8am and 8pm.
The Ministry’s website also includes advice on what to do if you were at any of these locations at the time when you could potentially have been exposed. Alerts are being sent to people who scanned in using the COVID-19 Tracer App at locations during the relevant times.
If you were at a location of interest at the specified time, please self-isolate and call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice on testing.
COVID-19 vaccine update
Yesterday 56,872 first doses were given, and 23,161 second doses were given, bringing yesterday’s total doses administered to 80,033. This is the biggest daily total to date by more than 16,000 doses.
More than 2.93 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered to date. Of these, 1.88 million are first doses and more than 1.05 million are second doses.
More than 167,000 Māori have received their first vaccination. Of these, more than 96,000 have also had their second vaccinations.
More than 109,000 doses have been administered to Pacific peoples. Of these, more than 65,000 have also received their second doses.
NZ COVID Tracer now has 3,065,491 registered users.
Poster scans have reached 329,428,701and users have created 14,194,933 manual diary entries.
There have been 703,870 scans in the 24 hours to midday yesterday.
Erm... spring is coming?
Labour Government: Our vaccine roll out is on target, nothing to worry about.
Delta Variant: Hold my beer.
Daily vaccination rate is now increasing certainly. Better late than never. Or is it. How long exactly does it take for the first dose to provide sufficient protection, taking it of course that a first vaccine on its own can be considered as being sufficiently effective anyway. Just asking.
The effect of the first dose is minimal. I have seen figures going form 10 - 30 %. The governments vaccination drive is combination of not wanting to let a good crisis go to waste and planning for failure to stop the outbreak.
I think the effectiveness kicks in 2 weeks after the dose.
i read its about 8 weeks for full antibody strength, the good news we can watch NSW and watch them open to early and work out our time frame from that
8 weeks is for AZ based on UK stats ; same stats show full strength about 10 days after second Pfizer dose.
So therefore the big numbers being touted of first doses this week won’t actually be doing any good in terms of protection until say 8 Sept and even then of limited power. And if the second dose is 8 weeks later plus another 2 that means covid can mount a reasonable attack still for about another 10 weeks. Blimey. I wonder why that warning is not all that apparent.
We'll all be home by Christmas
For Delta after one dose of Pfizer effectiveness is 36% against symptomatic disease BUT importantly 94% against hospitalisation. These rise to 88% and 96% respectively after the second dose.
interesting 6 weeks after first dose and you have the best protection from that point on, so we still have at least another two months before we have enough people vaccinated
OK, but the time to effectiveness is at least 28 days before that it averages 18%. If you really want to know when it kicks in there might be an anti body titre plot out their because a single split before and after might be misleading and is definitely vague.
Everyone can make up their own mind if data on hospitalisation from the very beginning of the delta outbreak is valid, was it normalised?
Does anyone know if we will be able to access vaccines other than Pfizer at some point in the future?
Looking at the Ministry of Health site, it states that NZ has secured enough Novavax doses for about 5 million people, due to arrive later in 2021.
Surely having more than one option might assist in reducing vaccine hesitancy; the Novavax option is a more "conventional" vaccine so should potentially allay the concerns of many who worry about mRNA, and appears to have a lower rate of side effects - The Atlantic magazine has a good piece on it if you search 'Novavax Vaccine'.
Furthermore, it doesn't seem to necessitate boosters (to be honest I am not that keen on signing up to "Pfizer+" for a what appears to be a potential never-ending treadmill of booster shots).
I'd happily pay out of pocket for an alternative like this. I'd chuck in my credit card details right here, right now and pay in advance if this were an option.
I wonder how many are in a similar boat, and would be happy to receive an alternative vaccination but are not too keen on the Pfizer option? I know a few others in my personal and professional circles who have expressed the same - they would rather wait until a more "conventional" vaccine is available.
Before anyone jumps on me and says "you'll get what you're given, you ungrateful turd", surely if the goal is to maxmise vaccine uptake then giving hesitant people an option that they feel more comfortable with is the right thing to do ... and as I said earlier I'd be happy to pay for the privilege. I'd even be happy to pay the government back for my wasted Pfizer dose.
i also read a study that combination of pfizer and astra zenica or moderna gave a slighter better result, so i also wonder if for the booster shot at a later date we will be given a choice at our local GP
looking at what happened in NSW it is a better choice to go with one option, people over there were not taking up astra zenica because of rumours etc and were waiting on another option as they had three to choose from
Ditto. I and many others that I know are mrna hesitant, certainly not antivax.
Yep I know plenty in that boat too. This seems like a bit of a "no brainer" to improve vaccine uptake.
If you truly believe in promoting the highest possible level of vaccine uptake, then giving people an option they feel comfortable taking has got to be a good thing.
Does anyone know how many of todays positive results are from the church group?
they have not split out but looks like top cluster detail on the website so far 122, 53 new ones today,
Look a bit further. The govt says that there are currently only about 1million dose for a booster shot, which is about 4 million short.
I strongly recommend the govt to increase the vaccine diversity by including the well tested and widely used inactive virus based vaccine from Sinovac and Sinopharm.
Comrade X, with all due respect, I wager there would be more of a chance of any New Zealander sitting down to a can of Chinese bat soup!
The Chinese vaccines are garbage.
They may have been tested well, but did the tests find them to be effective?
very effective and safe, free of side effects.
Look how well China has been managing Covid.
If you look those countries with high pfizer vaccination rate, i.e., Israel, and its current Covid delta infection rate.
I think you can draw some conclusion yourself.
have a look yourself.
China has been having mass lockdowns and welding people into their homes, because their vaccine doesn't work.
Free of side effects. Except that you might find that you have acquired a tendency to hang around upside down.
Not much more effective than ground rhino horn and tiger paw.
No Mr X has a point. Israel hospitals are full of double vaxed Phizer with Covid. That's why they are going for the 3rd booster. And probably in 3 months the 4th, then the 5th. All unknown as these vaccine's haven't been trialled for long enough.
I wouldn’t write off xingmowang's comment so quickly. Sinovac is a traditional attenuated virus vaccine. If people were vaccine hesitant because they didn't want an experimental mrna transfection agent then this should help. Sinovac should also elicit an immune response to all the covid19 proteins rather than just one - maybe? On the downside it uses aluminum adjuvants, but maybe people would weigh the benefits as being greater than the risks. I'd be happy taking sinovac.
Maybe so, however the history of poorly made and fake vaccines in China is as long as the Long March.
Daily new cases so far: 1, 4, 11, 11, 21, 21, 35, 41, 62
Any guesses for tomorrow?
I think we could hit 100+ new cases a day before the end of the week.
On a per-capita basis that puts us in the same ballpark as Sydney.
Ardern is still gonna be chasing those elimination rainbows to puff up her ego.
people from sydney are nothing like kiwis, they are brought up to bend the rules (to put it politely) thats why they can not stay home or do a lockdown, i deal with them every day and stories of bubble mixing or wandering around with no mask is normal, they had no chance to get it under control. their weak premier and PM whom protects her Fd it up big time and now the whole of australia will pay the price, ironic that she only fights with queensland whom have kept it out and victoria, but not SA whom also is a liberal and has also kept it out by quick lockdowns. she is gone burger next election when they realize that even with the vaccine for delta it still means mask wearing and quick testing to prove covid free to attend large events or closed room events in the future, not to mention there hospital system is already under pressure and that is before opening back up
Can't hide in a cave forever.
Hey Brock as an aside do you remember utterances from this government, I recall in excusing Hipkins first in the queue etc quote, that this became unnecessary because NZ didn’t have any active cases, ie the celebrated “zero.”Have a strong example of denial of this being bandied around.
"On a per-capita basis that puts us in the same ballpark as Sydney." Sydney is a clear 'winner'..... NZ would need 500 cases per day at the moment to be in the same ballpark. Likewise our 12 in hospital is lagging well behind their 645 in hospital - and our 0 in ICU is lagging behind the NSW's 113 in ICU today. Not sure what our PM's ego has to do with that.
there was 500 people at the church so on that basis yes we will go over 100 a day for at least 5 days as this version has a R of 6, then hopefully lockdown prevails, that and moving those that caught it to a controlled environment hopefully works and numbers will drop away .
the problem i see is finding and testing all contacts which this version is to fast for, on that basis i can not see auckland coming out of level 4 for two full cycles.
84. The numbers are surprisingly similar to last year's outbreak. Almost if they were being predetermined. ;)
looks polynomial; cases = 0.8084*days^2 - 1.2011*days + 3.4048. data is over under over under the trendline, so I guess 71. :)
Result was 68 - Booyah!
So the Covid Postive family have been confirmed to have used the Crowne Plaza exercise area adjacent to the public walkway at least once while infectious. During CBD lunch hour. Minister Hipkins stated that Crowne Plaza had passed all audits to do with fencing/seperation regulations for MIQ. Then he detailed those regulations. So all of the audits at Crowne Plaza must have been done prior to the fencing/walkway changes for the CRL in July. Because they clearly didn't comply with those rules based on photos shown in media.
And the standard response to such questions “oh it’s all very easy to look at things in hindsight.” Actually that’s relatively easy to understand because this government really only ever thinks about anything until after it has happened.
They have media trainers that groom them in spitting out platitudes.
Indeed they are reactive rather than pro-active.
... oh come on , Brock .... remember to be kind ... you too are a part of the team of 5 million ...
And ... you must wash your hands thoroughly ... lots of soap & water ... theres a good chap , we can't be too careful , now can we ..
it still gets me that we use hotels in the middle of the city, even the last infection was a armed forces that got infected having lunch infected a nearby person that did not come within meters of them, why put the risk in a place that has the most people around.
the airport hotels they use are set back from the road except one, have no passing foot traffic, surely they can find other places that have the same design. or is it because if they use barracks or ex prison farms etc people will line up to ring the newspapers and we will be flooded with wo is me stories.
Too simple..
the only good news from today is it has not spread from auckland bar the few cases in wellington which hopefully are contained, now if only trump was here to build a wall around auckland the rest of the country could get on with level two
You know I used to give our PM the benefit of the doubt but now I doubt there was much benefit in that. Maybe Trumpy is going to come in, buy New Zealand, and be the white knight, and save us all from a fate worse than ?
Tried to book a vaccine this morning. Nothing close to me between now and the end of October. Hoping that retail pharmacies start to offer it locally like they are doing in regional NZ.
Where in NZ are you. Some of them you can just rock up to. You can do this at 42 verissimo drive Mangere
Yep. I just walked-up to one in West Auckland mid-afternoon and they gave me a dose.
Blimey I hope that wasn’t that place above the motor engineers garage, all decked out in purple satin and salmon and gold trim?
I called today and they wanted to book me in tomorrow. In northland
Denmark has now lifted all Covid controls, joining Sweden and the UK. New Zealand is now the only country pursuing the fantasy of elimination.
Our cases in the last 9 days are; 1, 4, 11, 11, 21, 21, 35, 41, 62 which is close to geometric growth - which is why the entire world has given up elimination. Our leader/destroyer has to resign as she is, "out of touch and out of time". RIP Charlie Watts.
Denmark: 2,568 Covid deaths
Sweden: 14,631 Covid deaths
UK: 131,854 Covid deaths
NZ: 26 Covid deaths
I don't mind us sticking with elimination a little longer.
This McKinsey article is a solid read. Basically says alpha version of Covid could be handled by herd immunity but delta means it will be an endemic disease and will need to be managed by vaccines and other health controls.
Why get a vaccine for the (less dangerous) Delta virus which has a global 99.98% survival rate ie the same as the flu? In addition our vaccines are almost useless after six months (which even Pfizer admits). Immunity gained from Covid infection, however actually increases mucosal immunity in the nose and throat and thus decreases the chance of spread as well as lasting longer. The naturally infected will thus protect those who have taken the waning vaccines and vaccines should thus only be used by the elderly in my opinion.
We have a low death rate as we are an island nation and have hidden in our cave for 18 months. We have (unnecessarily) borrowed $30 billion which will have to be paid back by our children some day. Covid is a fear scam perpetrated by a money making media and another year of pointless lock downs may bankrupt us.
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
antidepressant SSRIs are an interesting story too (here). The NIH even wrote something positive about the fluvoxamine clinical trial (here). The trial meta analysis website shows it's a little less effective than ivermectin (https://c19early.com/)
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
Stop nibbling on the SAVE button mouse!
Snot a mouse, it's a rat!
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
Interesting study on how somr antidepressants might prevent covid infection:
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