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The Prime Minister wants to 'end the culture of saying no' but won't say whether he now supports or still opposes construction in his own backyard

Economy / news
The Prime Minister wants to 'end the culture of saying no' but won't say whether he now supports or still opposes construction in his own backyard
Christopher Luxon outside an empty petrol station in Cockle Bay
Christopher Luxon outside an empty petrol station in Cockle Bay in 2020

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon won’t say whether he's now throwing his support behind an economic development opportunity he has previously opposed in his home electorate, after asking New Zealanders to say yes to growth.

The National Party leader and MP for Botany told Parliament on Tuesday that he wants to “end the culture of saying no” to economic growth.

“Because Kiwis want to build and they want to grow and they want to innovate, and all too often they're actually told no,” he said. 

“We must develop a mind-set that says yes to things that are going to make Kiwis better off, and you'll know that as part of that, last week I expressed my view on removing the limits around concerts at Eden Park”.

But while the Prime Minister wants communities in Mount Eden to say ‘yes’ to the economic opportunities that come with noisy concerts, he won't commit to supporting a development in his own backyard.

When running for the Botany seat in June 2020, Luxon helped stymie a project which would transform a closed petrol station into 54 housing units. He joined with a local residents and ratepayers association to say a definitive ‘no’ to this development and others in the future. 

In a video still available on Facebook, Luxon says the area around Howick should "always stay a single-dwelling zone” and that those blocking the development “deserve a medal”.

They were “fighting hard to make sure we don’t set a dangerous precedent, not just here in Howick, but out across all of Auckland as well,” he said. 

Luxon and his fellow nay-sayers won the debate. A fast-track panel blocked the development in July last year, after the newly-elected National-led government changed housing rules to allow councils to restrict development.

Opposition to the project means the Auckland suburb has had an empty petrol station for over five years, instead of construction jobs, new housing, and all the economic growth those things would’ve created.

BusinessDesk reported on Thursday morning that Box Property Investments was still pursuing the development and was challenging the panel's decision in court. But despite Luxon’s new push to say yes to economic development, he won’t come out in support of housing density in Botany. asked the Prime Minister several times whether he would now support that development or similar projects, given he wants a culture of yes. 

While Luxon made general comments about backing opportunities, he would not say anything specific about housing development in his own community. 

You can read the full transcript below. 

Q: You have made this a year of growth, you want to have a ‘yes’ economy. Can I get you to cast your mind back to when you were running for Botany, you opposed the housing development in that suburb. That developer is going to court and still wants to go ahead. In the new ‘yes’ economy, will you now embrace that development in Cockle Bay?

Luxon: What I'd say is, that's a matter before the courts. I understand it's under appeal, and it would be inappropriate for me to comment on a specific case, but you can be reassured we are going for growth, and you've seen that with our fast track legislation, with the projects that we have on the table, we think we can generate 55,000 new houses across New Zealand as a result of that, we can increase our renewable electricity by almost 30% we can build hundreds of kilometers of new roads. That's all good stuff.

Q: If I can take it back from that specific case and just ask, that kind of development which you opposed—now that we have this focus on growth and on saying yes—would you now support those kinds of developments, high-density housing in Botany? 

Luxon: What I’d say to you, is that conflating those two issues is, I don't think, [that's] the right way to look at it. We've got a massive agenda to unlock growth in this country. You've seen that with Fast Track. You've also seen us come back to councils and say, we want council to consent to 30 years of growth. You've seen us say that there's optionality now by making the MDRS [medium density residential standards] optional, within a given city for local government to work through. But you know, we are going to build houses and we are going to grow New Zealand. There are lots of different cases that will have lots of different component parts to them.

Q: If I can push you one more time on that. You want more concerts at Eden Park, some locals oppose that. You want seabed mining in Taranaki, some locals oppose that.  You took the initiative to say ‘no’ to a development in your electorate, but you are now asking people to say ‘yes’ to developments in their regions. Do you think you're showing leadership…

Luxon: I can't comment on an individual project when it's before the courts. That's inappropriate for me to do so, but I don't think you can look at what we are doing as a government and [not] say, this is a government that is unlocking and removing the impediments and the obstacles and the culture of no, because we have no choice. It's not up for negotiation anymore. We are here to grow the joint. So, that is what's needed. Why? Because that's actually how New Zealanders get ahead and how we get a better quality of living for everybody.

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Excellent reporting Dan.





Not In My Back Yard.

It's a of way of saying, "I want to protect what I have - do this in someone else's backyard".

A planner's nightmare. And a reason why homes are so expensive when all things - including commuting costs and access to public services & amenities - are considered.


"he wants to “end the culture of saying no” to economic growth."

So what? I want to end the growth yeast culture that's wrecking the NZ environment and way of life. 


Luxon says the area around Howick should "always stay a single-dwelling zone” and that those blocking the development “deserve a medal”.

The staggering level of entitlement mentality on display!

If they want to rule over the land, let them buy it. If not, they're free to rule over the land they do own. But the entitlement on display for them to insist they should rule over land they do not own is ridiculous.

Saying NO to economic growth, saying YES to entitlement mentality.

All while pretending to be about small government and productivity. Farcical.


But think of their children !!!


Productivity is great when it only negatively impacts someone else. 


What a bizarre way of looking at things. Too much time on "X"? Try this: "Productivity is great when it help everyone up, equality."


We all should get 54 units built next door equally? 


bet he supports lower speed limits in his neighbourhood too


Man he's squirmy. I did wonder at what point someone would raise the MDRS with him in this context of "yes to everything".

Of course we're all being a bit silly, not everything should be "yes" even if it creates jobs and grows the economy. We don't want a casino in every city, we don't (necessarily?) want brothels popping up in every block of shops.

It would be worth finding the limits to what Luxon thinks should be "yes" though, especially where it departs from National's previous positions, because they are in actuality a conservative party that operates on the basis of a default "no" to change.


Not only squirmy, but embarrassingly simple as well.  When he couldn't evade the question anymore due to the excellent follow up by the reporter.... he comes up with this gem;

We are here to grow the joint.

So, he sees New Zealand as a "joint" - kind of like the local Workingman's Club.

Don't know that I'd want him running that either.


I thought growing joints was green policy? To be fair it would probably help the economy more than “cutting red tape” 


That's true!


Well Kate… “thats how he rolls.”

Guys an absolute embarrassment.


He is.  Bit scary really that he and Nicola are the best they've got to offer.

And looking down the ranks, Luxon is throwing the promising, relatively new MPs, like Tama Potaka and Shane Reti under the bus.  Those two ought to declare themselves independents now - leave the National Party if they want a future in Parliament..  


Caught for the greedy NIMBY he is, ay

I guess NIMBY's voted for this. They pretend to hate the high costs of living but delude themselves they have no role in this?

"Greed is good". But let's pretend we're not greedy, right Luxy?
And let's pretend everyone had the same opportunities they had, right Luxy?
And let's pretend those who bought property 20-30 years ago thought they were helping NZ grow, right Luxy?

Look. I'll be honest. I am "sorted". But this NIMBY greediness makes me sick. And extremely angry.


I didn't take you for the sorted type!

I struggle along on my own pathway to sortedness, as a property investor that feels a lot of guilt about it, and cheered when the previous government stuck a nail into my heart (deductibility). But then my heart hurt and started bleeding and I realised I had to eat. Since then it's been difficult to figure out what the ethical and practical way to end NZ's obsession with property investment is without creating some other kind of bubble and a lot of pain. Of course most other people don't really care about ethically euthanising the property rort.

Partly I think just the simple flat-rent, flat-house-prices status quo, if it persists for a few more years, might just be the ticket.


Yep, great comment.


Reminds me why I didn't vote National 


Luxon: What I'd say is, ...
Luxon: What I’d say to you, is that ...
Luxon: I can't comment on ...

Can we get a new one? This one seems stuck on a single track.


Typical politician. Only real skill is in avoiding answering questions 


What else was anyone expecting?


Botany? Where, there is no space. Flat Bush used to be a lovely reserve and great for riding through to Whitford . Now it’s a mix between medium density housing with no parking and $2M homes. Much of the former is split between first home owners and social housing, and the latter by Asian immigrants. It’s a hotbed for crime and antisocial activity. 

No thank you. Once bitten twice shy. Epic failure in community planning.


We don't plan anymore though. That ended when the USSR collapsed and everyone attributed thinking before you leap to outdated Soviet thought.

It is actually an interesting problem in the modern era. Many have pointed out that even "properly designed" new neighbourhoods often based on cul-de-sacs and hubs of shops are really antisocial places that are heavily car-centric and difficult to service with public transport. And they'll stick around for 100 years. Maybe by then flying cars will make it all OK, but we continually make braindead planning decisions and previous generations didn't.

That guy from somewhere else that pointed out that the entire Orakei and Pt Chev coastline should be dense apartment buildings by now highlighted something askew in the kiwi thought process perhaps.


Feel a bit sorry for him in a way, rock and a hard place.

The irony is that if they just allowed density near the city, we wouldn’t need it in Howick. 


You feel sorry for him? Why would you feel sorry for a politician - way out of their depth - lining up equally hopeless politicians to take the fall before he does  - who can't keep his foot out of mouth - who will likewise takes a fall? 

Maybe an animal shelter would be a better outlet for your sorrow?


The NIMBY situation is pretty crap for politicians and councillors. At the end of the day you need to somehow keep everyone happy to get elected. And let’s face it, who isn’t a NIMBY? I like the idea of more density, until someone decides to build 50 units next door to me, then it doesn’t sound so great. 
It’s why I’ve always said planning should be done with a compass - draw a 5km circle around the city centre and a 1km circle around each train station and make that high density without all these exceptions. Auckland council have almost done the opposite. 


Great politicians explain why an individual, or a localised group, or privileged group, can't have everything they want when it effects the great good.


When you are starting out as a politician and you need to win your electorate, telling them to suck it up for the greater good is a very hard sell. 


He can just say he's changed his mind lol.

Give some spheal about now how serious the country's position is, blame labour. Say that yes growth is critically needed now, and that sometimes it means houses get built near where other people already have a house. 


Yes he should have done that. Doesn’t seem to perform well unrehearsed or under pressure. 


At the last election I unfortunately voted for him and his party. He was the best of a bad bunch.  Since then he has been a compete and utter disappointment. Out of touch with the ordinary person, arrogant and unable to lead his coalition government. Peters and Seymour are running the show. If National are to win another term they will need a new leader. As a nation we have not had a strong leader for some time.


Give Helen Clark another shot? That was probably the last time NZ was really transforming itself.


Isn’t she the ultimate NIMBY?


Yeah nah. You'd probably have to go as far back as Savage for real transformation.

Clarke and Cullen fuelled much of the tax distortions and property "Ponzi".

Roger Douglas bought in "transformation" and 40 years later the jury appears to be still hung on net positive or negative benefits.

Problem is a lack of foresight, siloed thinking and a general lack of knowledge of human behaviour and values. Economics originally believed it was a social science based in human behaviour. It's transformed into a controlling operating system, reducing everything to a mathematical formula, and tries to control and manipulate human behaviour. 

Second problem is the lack of hindsight or the ability to apply it. Case in point is political parties (and central banks) unable to see cause and effect of either their own policies or those of their predecessors, no matter what evidence is thrown at them.


Maybe not so much nibyism but certainly a member of the rentier class. At least 3 investment properties and could be as high as 6 back when she was PM.


Glad you've finally seen the emperor has no clothes. It seemed pretty obvious to me before the election the man is a fraud and charlatan.


I do not fancy Chris in a knife fight.

But no one in national will be able to sell policies to disadvantage Nat supporters, and Hippy and crowd are lost in the wilderness, since that bonfire thing.

National won because they where not Labour.


Good chance Labour will win because they are not National. PDK has it right, incumbents are getting booted out left, right and centre. All they can offer is a slightly smaller take of the ever decreasing pie, except the liars like Trump who promise the world and pick on the helpless. 


Is the pie decreasing, or are most the slices going to less/different people? In a world where technology does everything, what is left for people or countries that don’t own technology? 


The pie is decreasing.


Evidence? Worldwide GDP is declining?


Is GDP the pie? We all contribute to the making of this pie, and we all get different sized slices depending on our needs, wants and money.

The "money" pie is increasing. 

The "wealth" pie is increasing.

But wealth isn't money and nor is money wealth.

Maybe it's not the size of the pie, but the number and size of the slices left to share amongst a larger number.


GDP is a poor metric for the pie.

Try livable biosphere, biodiversity, oil, sand, glaciers, micro-plastic free seas, wilderness, properties not susceptible to extreme climate-change induced weather events, you know parts of the pie that are actually worth eating.


What I'd say to you is I'm sorted so f*** everyone else. 



God I detest the ‘What I’d say to you is…’ mumbo jumbo phrasing


Sorry mate but that's what everyone says when they are sorted. Get in the real world, everyone out there is killing themselves to try and get ahead, its a hell of a struggle. I have lost count of the number of dick heads I have had to work around that were trying to stop me along the way.


Sorry mate but that's what everyone says when they are sorted

No they don't. Selfish, self-entitled, dickheads do. There are loads and loads of 'sorted' people who try to make the world a better place for their kids and their community and work tirelessly to achieve that. I've personally worked with multi-millionaires in the public service, they don't need the job or the money, they do it because they have a sense of public service.

Don't tar everyone else with your own values and standards. God help your kids if you have any.


Couldn't agree more. To many with the 'fuck em I've got mine......' attitude out there. 


"To many with the 'fuck em I've got mine......' attitude out there."

Is there a typo? Should it be "Too many with the 'fuck em I've got mine......' attitude out there."?

Should these selfish & self centred people be in positions of leadership or positions of power? 

Are they genuinely acting in the best interest for the good of all residents of New Zealand or for their own selfish interests and the interests of their campaign donors and various special interest lobby groups?



When is anyone happy with their lot though? Technically I’m loaded (along with most commentators here): easily in the top 10% in the world, possibly in the top 1%. But I still have a mortgage to pay, a retirement to save for, kids to put through uni, an increasingly uncertain future, etc. The more you have, the more you think you need. 


I did wonder if he was a bit weak when he gave ACT so much power in the coalition agreement, compared to what Labour gave the greens in their threesome. I doubt he will be rolled while the coalition are still ahead in polling, but he’s cannon fodder otherwise. 


Also see this from Seymour .

I like the part where he proposes that access to Grammar will only be allowed for existing residents. 

Note, the land at Alexandra Park that was earmarked for a new school was sold as residents and some politicians weren't supportive.…



Yes he’s the worst of a bad bunch. 


What I'd say is.. ha!


The energizer dummy.

"What I say to you".

What does that mean, is it the truth? Does he say the opposite to other people?.



Good job.


Excellent work to be fair, Dan
