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trade unions

Keith Locke died at the age of 80 without losing either his heart or his head. Indeed, there was about the man a joyous naiveté that one no longer finds on the New Zealand Left, writes Chris Trotter
24th Jun 24, 8:24am
Keith Locke died at the age of 80 without losing either his heart or his head. Indeed, there was about the man a joyous naiveté that one no longer finds on the New Zealand Left, writes Chris Trotter
Chris Trotter asks what would it be like to live in a country where real change was possible? And we could make it?
17th Jun 24, 9:37am
Chris Trotter asks what would it be like to live in a country where real change was possible? And we could make it?
Only Willie Jackson possesses the credentials to meld together a new Labour message that is, at one and the same moment, staunchly working-class, union-friendly, and which speaks to the hundreds-of-thousands of urban Māori untethered to the neo-tribal cap
20th May 24, 9:23am
Only Willie Jackson possesses the credentials to meld together a new Labour message that is, at one and the same moment, staunchly working-class, union-friendly, and which speaks to the hundreds-of-thousands of urban Māori untethered to the neo-tribal cap
Coalition Government will expand 90-day trials and get rid of Fair Pay Agreements to create flexibility for employers
11th Dec 23, 4:36pm
Coalition Government will expand 90-day trials and get rid of Fair Pay Agreements to create flexibility for employers
NZ’s workplace rules will change again with each new government – unless we do this
31st Oct 23, 10:16am
by Guest
NZ’s workplace rules will change again with each new government – unless we do this
Interest rates: Monetary policy is always political as central banks opt to back the financial sector
12th Oct 23, 10:38am
by Guest
Interest rates: Monetary policy is always political as central banks opt to back the financial sector
National accuses rival Labour of mean spirited attacks over union billboard showing a scowling picture of Christopher Luxon
4th Sep 23, 3:13pm
National accuses rival Labour of mean spirited attacks over union billboard showing a scowling picture of Christopher Luxon
Foodstuffs co-operative can afford living wage, professor says, as union wins right to bargain for Fair Pay Agreement
14th Jul 23, 8:33am
Foodstuffs co-operative can afford living wage, professor says, as union wins right to bargain for Fair Pay Agreement
Auckland University's Tim Hazledine offers a range of suggestions to help the Reserve Bank fight inflation
22nd Apr 23, 9:30am
Auckland University's Tim Hazledine offers a range of suggestions to help the Reserve Bank fight inflation
Patrick Watson looks at how a growing number of US workers have decided the system is aligned against them, with some realising cooperative action can force change
19th Nov 21, 9:41am
Patrick Watson looks at how a growing number of US workers have decided the system is aligned against them, with some realising cooperative action can force change
What makes the Labour Party’s decision to dilute the power of its Electoral College so puzzling is that Jacinda Ardern would undoubtedly be elected by Caucus and Party with near unanimous support
8th Nov 21, 9:05am
What makes the Labour Party’s decision to dilute the power of its Electoral College so puzzling is that Jacinda Ardern would undoubtedly be elected by Caucus and Party with near unanimous support
Gareth Vaughan looks at a rare occurrence of the National Party and the E tū union being on the same side against the Labour government, and why we should reframe the discussion on government spending
14th Mar 21, 6:01am
Gareth Vaughan looks at a rare occurrence of the National Party and the E tū union being on the same side against the Labour government, and why we should reframe the discussion on government spending
Andrea Black probes ways of making tax settings fairer and more sustainable, so that wage and salary earners can feel confident they aren’t the only ones paying ‘their fair share’
20th Sep 20, 6:02am
Andrea Black probes ways of making tax settings fairer and more sustainable, so that wage and salary earners can feel confident they aren’t the only ones paying ‘their fair share’
Chris Trotter looks back at the political career of Mike Moore, New Zealand's 34th Prime Minister
3rd Feb 20, 7:30am
Chris Trotter looks back at the political career of Mike Moore, New Zealand's 34th Prime Minister
Unionists pushing for fair pay agreements get another consultation document rather than the draft legislation they were hoping for; National says the Government needs to stop stalling and can the idea altogether
17th Oct 19, 2:07pm
Unionists pushing for fair pay agreements get another consultation document rather than the draft legislation they were hoping for; National says the Government needs to stop stalling and can the idea altogether
Winston Peters tells unionists wanting a fair pay agreement framework legislated that change can't happen overnight; Jacinda Ardern says the Government's still 'consensus building' and fair pay agreements are part of a 'longer-term solution'
15th Oct 19, 4:36pm
Winston Peters tells unionists wanting a fair pay agreement framework legislated that change can't happen overnight; Jacinda Ardern says the Government's still 'consensus building' and fair pay agreements are part of a 'longer-term solution'
ANZ's global chief economist sees technology contributing to the suppression of wage growth, but the relationship between technology and productivity as more complicated
14th Apr 19, 6:02am
ANZ's global chief economist sees technology contributing to the suppression of wage growth, but the relationship between technology and productivity as more complicated
Kiwibank senior economist Jeremy Couchman on the top 5 drivers of rising populism, including living in a material world, the robots taking over, the lingering GFC effects, the decline of labour's bargaining power, and inescapable rising inequality
5th Apr 19, 10:00am
Kiwibank senior economist Jeremy Couchman on the top 5 drivers of rising populism, including living in a material world, the robots taking over, the lingering GFC effects, the decline of labour's bargaining power, and inescapable rising inequality
Jim Bolger chaired group details a proposed fair pay agreements system in report to Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Iain Lees-Galloway
31st Jan 19, 10:08am
by admin
Jim Bolger chaired group details a proposed fair pay agreements system in report to Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Iain Lees-Galloway
Chris Trotter says employment law reform changes leave Labour’s ideological nakedness covered, business lobbyists quietly satisfied & Winston Peters claiming credit
3rd Dec 18, 9:48am
Chris Trotter says employment law reform changes leave Labour’s ideological nakedness covered, business lobbyists quietly satisfied & Winston Peters claiming credit
Ardern tries to calm business jitters around industrial reforms by saying no more than two fair pay agreements will be concluded before the next election
28th Aug 18, 1:39pm
Ardern tries to calm business jitters around industrial reforms by saying no more than two fair pay agreements will be concluded before the next election
Against a backdrop of industrial action and low business confidence levels, the CTU, BusinessNZ and Ministers met to talk about the future of work
2nd Aug 18, 1:56pm
by Jason Walls
Against a backdrop of industrial action and low business confidence levels, the CTU, BusinessNZ and Ministers met to talk about the future of work
MBIE & IRD staff to strike next month, with nurses also striking and primary teachers mulling possible industrial action in August
25th Jun 18, 3:31pm
by Jason Walls
MBIE & IRD staff to strike next month, with nurses also striking and primary teachers mulling possible industrial action in August
Government removing cap on public servant numbers put in place by previous National-led government, says this will reduce spending on contractors and consultants
22nd Jun 18, 11:50am
by Jason Walls
Government removing cap on public servant numbers put in place by previous National-led government, says this will reduce spending on contractors and consultants
Workplace Relations Minister Ian Lees-Galloway says he’s not concerned about the lobby group’s opposition to new workplace legislation
3rd Apr 18, 3:51pm
by Jason Walls
Workplace Relations Minister Ian Lees-Galloway says he’s not concerned about the lobby group’s opposition to new workplace legislation