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Resource Management Act

Sweeping reforms to the Resource Management Act will assume owners have the right to develop property and erase the need to consent routine construction work
24th Mar 25, 5:23pm
Sweeping reforms to the Resource Management Act will assume owners have the right to develop property and erase the need to consent routine construction work
Coalition Government rounds out 100 day plan with fast-track consenting law giving Ministers the power to approve significant projects
7th Mar 24, 11:42am
Coalition Government rounds out 100 day plan with fast-track consenting law giving Ministers the power to approve significant projects
Brendon Harre circles back and expands on his analysis of why central and local governments find it so hard to accomplish change, and large infrastructure projects. The inability of governments to move the dial brings a rapid undoing of their power & cred
20th Jan 24, 1:24pm
by Guest
Brendon Harre circles back and expands on his analysis of why central and local governments find it so hard to accomplish change, and large infrastructure projects. The inability of governments to move the dial brings a rapid undoing of their power & cred
To make meaningful reform to improve our cities, Brendon Harre calls for developing a 'growth coalition' so that community infrastructure can be funded in a more coherent way
30th Sep 23, 11:38am
by Guest
To make meaningful reform to improve our cities, Brendon Harre calls for developing a 'growth coalition' so that community infrastructure can be funded in a more coherent way
The National Party says it will repeal a reform of the Resource Management Act which is going through parliament
27th Jun 23, 2:31pm
The National Party says it will repeal a reform of the Resource Management Act which is going through parliament
Brendon Harre says great networks are how cities become Great. Cities should ensure there is affordable access to as many beneficial network opportunities as possible
5th Jun 23, 2:00pm
by Guest
Brendon Harre says great networks are how cities become Great. Cities should ensure there is affordable access to as many beneficial network opportunities as possible
Brendon Harre says that deceit, speculation, and mistrust has long characterised New Zealand’s approach to land-use
25th Feb 23, 10:34am
by Guest
Brendon Harre says that deceit, speculation, and mistrust has long characterised New Zealand’s approach to land-use
Katharine Moody casts an eye over the Government's 'cumbersome' RMA reform bills saying they're a base worth sticking with
23rd Nov 22, 11:22am
by Guest
Katharine Moody casts an eye over the Government's 'cumbersome' RMA reform bills saying they're a base worth sticking with
Brendon Harre points out that planning restrictions that have higher costs than benefits to society not only restrain productivity, those excessive housing costs increase inequality. Without urbanism mistakes, housing costs would be markedly lower
19th Nov 22, 9:05am
by Guest
Brendon Harre points out that planning restrictions that have higher costs than benefits to society not only restrain productivity, those excessive housing costs increase inequality. Without urbanism mistakes, housing costs would be markedly lower
New regime to replace RMA to take 10 years to bed in, cost $3.891b and create benefits of $10.039b
15th Nov 22, 1:04pm
New regime to replace RMA to take 10 years to bed in, cost $3.891b and create benefits of $10.039b
Resource Management Act replacement to put numerical limits on pollution levels, while focussing on ensuring houses and infrastructure are built
29th Jun 21, 9:00am
Resource Management Act replacement to put numerical limits on pollution levels, while focussing on ensuring houses and infrastructure are built
When the RMA goes, it will be replaced by the NBE Act, the Strategic Planning Act, and the Climate Change Adaption Act. Diana Clement finds there are sceptics that this will actually improve on the bureaucratic RMA
4th Mar 21, 9:58am
When the RMA goes, it will be replaced by the NBE Act, the Strategic Planning Act, and the Climate Change Adaption Act. Diana Clement finds there are sceptics that this will actually improve on the bureaucratic RMA
Government outlines timetable for replacing the Resource Management Act in this term of Parliament - with three new pieces of legislation
10th Feb 21, 11:00am
Government outlines timetable for replacing the Resource Management Act in this term of Parliament - with three new pieces of legislation
Panel suggests RMA be scrapped and replaced by two new pieces of legislation, which both address planning and environmental issues
29th Jul 20, 10:02am
Panel suggests RMA be scrapped and replaced by two new pieces of legislation, which both address planning and environmental issues
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Environment/Housing - Resource Management Act
25th Jul 20, 5:55am
Election 2020 - Party Policies - Environment/Housing - Resource Management Act
National doesn't propose doing anything radically different to address NZ's housing shortage; RMA reform remains central to its policy 
16th Dec 19, 12:51pm
National doesn't propose doing anything radically different to address NZ's housing shortage; RMA reform remains central to its policy 
Peter Dunne argues the Government should make it clear the principles of the RMA are to remain unchanged, with the real focus of the review to make the RMA work the way it was originally intended
27th Jul 19, 9:47am
Peter Dunne argues the Government should make it clear the principles of the RMA are to remain unchanged, with the real focus of the review to make the RMA work the way it was originally intended
The trillion dollar reason Wednesday's RMA reform announcement saw David Parker puff his chest out, Winston Peters dismiss Maori rights, and Judith Collins talk up restoring property owners' rights 
25th Jul 19, 10:20am
The trillion dollar reason Wednesday's RMA reform announcement saw David Parker puff his chest out, Winston Peters dismiss Maori rights, and Judith Collins talk up restoring property owners' rights 
Government tasks working group with considering whether Resource Management Act should be broken up to separately deal with land use planning and environmental protection
24th Jul 19, 9:30am
Government tasks working group with considering whether Resource Management Act should be broken up to separately deal with land use planning and environmental protection
The first steps in the Government's plans to reform the RMA will be to reverse some of the reforms introduced by National last year
8th Nov 18, 4:49pm
The first steps in the Government's plans to reform the RMA will be to reverse some of the reforms introduced by National last year
Judith Collins, the Opposition’s RMA reform spokeswoman, wants the Government to consult with National before pushing ahead with any changes
8th May 18, 12:40pm
by Jason Walls
Judith Collins, the Opposition’s RMA reform spokeswoman, wants the Government to consult with National before pushing ahead with any changes
Environment Minister David Parker says RMA reforms are on the way, including the way environment policy is regulated
7th May 18, 12:01pm
by Jason Walls
Environment Minister David Parker says RMA reforms are on the way, including the way environment policy is regulated
National's new leader Simon Bridges has placed Judith Collins in his top 5 and given her the shadow housing portfolio, a role he says she asked for
12th Mar 18, 6:41am
by Jason Walls
National's new leader Simon Bridges has placed Judith Collins in his top 5 and given her the shadow housing portfolio, a role he says she asked for
Creditors struggle to sell house worth a mil, that's had up to $3 mil borrowed against it by associate of notorious slumlord
21st Dec 17, 7:39am
Creditors struggle to sell house worth a mil, that's had up to $3 mil borrowed against it by associate of notorious slumlord
Election 2017 - Party Policies - Environment/Housing - Resource Management Act
27th May 17, 9:30am
by Julia Wiener
Election 2017 - Party Policies - Environment/Housing - Resource Management Act