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Brian Easton presents a definitely not verified transcript of a recent conversation between the Prime Minister and his chief economic adviser
10th Feb 25, 8:54am
Brian Easton presents a definitely not verified transcript of a recent conversation between the Prime Minister and his chief economic adviser
Brian Easton questions whether the property rights provisions in the proposed Regulatory Standards Bill make sense
3rd Feb 25, 8:49am
Brian Easton questions whether the property rights provisions in the proposed Regulatory Standards Bill make sense
José Antonio Ocampo identifies two key reforms that would boost the impact of the International Monetary Fund's reserve asset
6th Mar 21, 10:18am
by Guest
José Antonio Ocampo identifies two key reforms that would boost the impact of the International Monetary Fund's reserve asset
Devesh Kapur thinks China's recent aggression will force Narendra Modi's Indian government to launch long-overdue reforms
7th Jul 20, 10:19am
by Guest
Devesh Kapur thinks China's recent aggression will force Narendra Modi's Indian government to launch long-overdue reforms
Christine Lagarde’s departure from the International Monetary Fund represents a golden opportunity to reconsider its global role. What should her successor's priorities be?
20th Jul 19, 11:42am
by Guest
Christine Lagarde’s departure from the International Monetary Fund represents a golden opportunity to reconsider its global role. What should her successor's priorities be?
Government reforms set to change the Local Government Commission's role after its first review since 1947
4th Apr 19, 4:43pm
Government reforms set to change the Local Government Commission's role after its first review since 1947
Denise Ho assesses the new dominant authoritarian strand in Chinese society compared to other phases China has gone through, and points out that 'reform' has often accompanied authoritarianism
17th Mar 18, 9:41am
by Guest
Denise Ho assesses the new dominant authoritarian strand in Chinese society compared to other phases China has gone through, and points out that 'reform' has often accompanied authoritarianism
Chinese academic sees China on the right path, with a clear development blueprint and a powerful leader whose political clout all but guarantees continued reform. But major demographic issues loom
16th Nov 17, 8:50am
by Guest
Chinese academic sees China on the right path, with a clear development blueprint and a powerful leader whose political clout all but guarantees continued reform. But major demographic issues loom
A global perspective on how far off crisis point New Zealand is when it comes to making superannuation sustainable
14th Oct 16, 5:02am
A global perspective on how far off crisis point New Zealand is when it comes to making superannuation sustainable
China faces large restructuring challenges but it also has a big advantage. And the productivity gains from this transformation will be huge
20th Apr 16, 10:40am
by Guest
China faces large restructuring challenges but it also has a big advantage. And the productivity gains from this transformation will be huge