International Monetary Fund says given the 'propensity' in New Zealand for rapid housing credit growth, the RBNZ should monitor the effect of its OCR easing and 'make full use' of its macroprudential toolbox to control the emergence of risks
12th Mar 25, 2:30pm
International Monetary Fund says given the 'propensity' in New Zealand for rapid housing credit growth, the RBNZ should monitor the effect of its OCR easing and 'make full use' of its macroprudential toolbox to control the emergence of risks
John Tookey says New Zealand will need to offer projects with serious scale to attract serious investment
12th Mar 25, 8:32am
John Tookey says New Zealand will need to offer projects with serious scale to attract serious investment
Brian Easton says if the Housing Minister's strategy works it would transform the housing market
22nd Jul 24, 9:28am
Brian Easton says if the Housing Minister's strategy works it would transform the housing market
Katharine Moody argues the Fast Track Approvals Bill is a governance arrangement as bad as the partisan means through which US Supreme Court judges are selected
4th May 24, 9:45am
Katharine Moody argues the Fast Track Approvals Bill is a governance arrangement as bad as the partisan means through which US Supreme Court judges are selected
John Tookey says one year on from Cyclone Gabrielle, NZ still needs a plan to fix its failing infrastructure
7th Feb 24, 8:41am
John Tookey says one year on from Cyclone Gabrielle, NZ still needs a plan to fix its failing infrastructure
The NZ Infrastructure Commission's Geoff Cooper outlines how thinking slowly and acting fast could improve NZ's infrastructure
3rd Feb 24, 9:31am
The NZ Infrastructure Commission's Geoff Cooper outlines how thinking slowly and acting fast could improve NZ's infrastructure
Brendon Harre circles back and expands on his analysis of why central and local governments find it so hard to accomplish change, and large infrastructure projects. The inability of governments to move the dial brings a rapid undoing of their power & cred
20th Jan 24, 1:24pm
Brendon Harre circles back and expands on his analysis of why central and local governments find it so hard to accomplish change, and large infrastructure projects. The inability of governments to move the dial brings a rapid undoing of their power & cred
To make meaningful reform to improve our cities, Brendon Harre calls for developing a 'growth coalition' so that community infrastructure can be funded in a more coherent way
30th Sep 23, 11:38am
To make meaningful reform to improve our cities, Brendon Harre calls for developing a 'growth coalition' so that community infrastructure can be funded in a more coherent way
Economist Brian Easton says it is too easy to react to a problem rather than to tackle it thoughtfully
8th Aug 23, 9:12am
Economist Brian Easton says it is too easy to react to a problem rather than to tackle it thoughtfully
The Government says new bills to replace the Resource Management Act will streamline environmental oversight, counter to National Party arguments it will do the opposite
28th Jun 23, 2:43pm
The Government says new bills to replace the Resource Management Act will streamline environmental oversight, counter to National Party arguments it will do the opposite
Brendon Harre says great networks are how cities become Great. Cities should ensure there is affordable access to as many beneficial network opportunities as possible
5th Jun 23, 2:00pm
Brendon Harre says great networks are how cities become Great. Cities should ensure there is affordable access to as many beneficial network opportunities as possible
Sean Rush & Katharine Moody say NZ needs to be more realistic when it comes to policy development regarding sea-level rise projections & managed retreat
26th May 23, 10:33am
Sean Rush & Katharine Moody say NZ needs to be more realistic when it comes to policy development regarding sea-level rise projections & managed retreat
Brendon Harre says that deceit, speculation, and mistrust has long characterised New Zealand’s approach to land-use
25th Feb 23, 10:34am
Brendon Harre says that deceit, speculation, and mistrust has long characterised New Zealand’s approach to land-use
Landslides and law: Cyclone Gabrielle raises serious questions about where we’ve been allowed to build
22nd Feb 23, 10:58am
Landslides and law: Cyclone Gabrielle raises serious questions about where we’ve been allowed to build
Brendon Harre points out that planning restrictions that have higher costs than benefits to society not only restrain productivity, those excessive housing costs increase inequality. Without urbanism mistakes, housing costs would be markedly lower
19th Nov 22, 9:05am
Brendon Harre points out that planning restrictions that have higher costs than benefits to society not only restrain productivity, those excessive housing costs increase inequality. Without urbanism mistakes, housing costs would be markedly lower
NZ Super Fund sees potential investment opportunity 'to be significant' with over $1 bln of land and vertical development opportunities over the next decade
13th Jun 22, 11:09am
NZ Super Fund sees potential investment opportunity 'to be significant' with over $1 bln of land and vertical development opportunities over the next decade
Government officials warn well-resourced property owners, resident associations and developers may use covenants to limit intensification; Say 'further intervention' could be considered
1st Nov 21, 4:06pm
Government officials warn well-resourced property owners, resident associations and developers may use covenants to limit intensification; Say 'further intervention' could be considered
Resource Management Act replacement to put numerical limits on pollution levels, while focussing on ensuring houses and infrastructure are built
29th Jun 21, 9:00am
Resource Management Act replacement to put numerical limits on pollution levels, while focussing on ensuring houses and infrastructure are built
National proposes giving councils $50,000 to spend on infrastructure for every building consent issued above historic averages
14th Apr 21, 6:56am
National proposes giving councils $50,000 to spend on infrastructure for every building consent issued above historic averages
ANZ senior economist Miles Workman says despite the fact land costs make a significant contribution to house price inflation, the downsides to simply freeing up more for urban use suggest a careful and considered approach is needed
24th Sep 19, 8:25am
ANZ senior economist Miles Workman says despite the fact land costs make a significant contribution to house price inflation, the downsides to simply freeing up more for urban use suggest a careful and considered approach is needed
Minister of Urban Development Phil Twyford hails establishment of new Crown agency Kainga Ora in October, which he says will transform housing and urban development throughout New Zealand
20th Sep 19, 11:59am
Minister of Urban Development Phil Twyford hails establishment of new Crown agency Kainga Ora in October, which he says will transform housing and urban development throughout New Zealand
David Hargreaves ponders why a housing obsessed nation like New Zealand keeps electing governments that don't know how to handle housing issues
8th Sep 19, 6:31am
David Hargreaves ponders why a housing obsessed nation like New Zealand keeps electing governments that don't know how to handle housing issues
David Hargreaves argues that the current push to devolve central government powers to local authorities should not be countenanced - but there's a danger it will be with an election looming
9th Jul 19, 1:09pm
David Hargreaves argues that the current push to devolve central government powers to local authorities should not be countenanced - but there's a danger it will be with an election looming
Auckland Council worried government's planned housing and urban development authority could see council paying for increased infrastructure costs, with its planning overridden
29th Jun 19, 9:46am
Auckland Council worried government's planned housing and urban development authority could see council paying for increased infrastructure costs, with its planning overridden
Our compilation of some of the key comments made in response to the 2019 Budget
30th May 19, 4:33pm
Our compilation of some of the key comments made in response to the 2019 Budget