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land use

NZ Super Funds' purchase of Canterbury dairy farms for conversion to horticulture signals a new wave of horticultural growth for a sector pushing to be our third largest export earner
23rd Feb 25, 10:50am
NZ Super Funds' purchase of Canterbury dairy farms for conversion to horticulture signals a new wave of horticultural growth for a sector pushing to be our third largest export earner
Methane emissions targets may be lowered after panel scientists delivered a report looking at an alternative approach
4th Dec 24, 7:29pm
Methane emissions targets may be lowered after panel scientists delivered a report looking at an alternative approach
Rob Reynish says a transition to horticultural land-use away from livestock or forestry will be no easy and quick thing, but there are major commercial and export-boosting incentives to do it
14th Nov 24, 9:20am
Rob Reynish says a transition to horticultural land-use away from livestock or forestry will be no easy and quick thing, but there are major commercial and export-boosting incentives to do it
Rob Reynish sees a long-term realignment underway in the beef sector that should result in herd numbers settle to a sustainable level - and just when prices are on the rise
19th Aug 24, 11:09am
Rob Reynish sees a long-term realignment underway in the beef sector that should result in herd numbers settle to a sustainable level - and just when prices are on the rise
Solar farms can eat up farmland – but ‘agrivoltaics’ could mean the best of both worlds for NZ farmers
6th Jun 24, 2:29pm
by Guest
Solar farms can eat up farmland – but ‘agrivoltaics’ could mean the best of both worlds for NZ farmers
Brendon Harre circles back and expands on his analysis of why central and local governments find it so hard to accomplish change, and large infrastructure projects. The inability of governments to move the dial brings a rapid undoing of their power & cred
20th Jan 24, 1:24pm
by Guest
Brendon Harre circles back and expands on his analysis of why central and local governments find it so hard to accomplish change, and large infrastructure projects. The inability of governments to move the dial brings a rapid undoing of their power & cred
Growing NZ cities eat up fertile land – but housing and food production can co-exist, Shannon Davis says
14th Nov 23, 10:39am
by Guest
Growing NZ cities eat up fertile land – but housing and food production can co-exist, Shannon Davis says
To make meaningful reform to improve our cities, Brendon Harre calls for developing a 'growth coalition' so that community infrastructure can be funded in a more coherent way
30th Sep 23, 11:38am
by Guest
To make meaningful reform to improve our cities, Brendon Harre calls for developing a 'growth coalition' so that community infrastructure can be funded in a more coherent way
Brendon Harre says great networks are how cities become Great. Cities should ensure there is affordable access to as many beneficial network opportunities as possible
5th Jun 23, 2:00pm
by Guest
Brendon Harre says great networks are how cities become Great. Cities should ensure there is affordable access to as many beneficial network opportunities as possible
Guy Trafford is watching the change from La Niña to El Niño looking for risks, and pondering the opportunities that will come from longer term changes
24th May 23, 5:01pm
Guy Trafford is watching the change from La Niña to El Niño looking for risks, and pondering the opportunities that will come from longer term changes
Guy Trafford delves into the issues raised by Susan Harris on land use, and her assertion that forestry is a good solution for 'marginal land'
28th Mar 23, 11:22am
Guy Trafford delves into the issues raised by Susan Harris on land use, and her assertion that forestry is a good solution for 'marginal land'
Guy Trafford says farmers, and especially foresters, need to speed up their transition to a systems approach to their custodianship of the land, taking responsibility for the impacts their decisions have on the wider community
24th Mar 23, 11:34am
Guy Trafford says farmers, and especially foresters, need to speed up their transition to a systems approach to their custodianship of the land, taking responsibility for the impacts their decisions have on the wider community
Susan Harris says owners of marginal hill country are now in the happy position of having multiple industries competing for their land
20th Mar 23, 3:51pm
by Guest
Susan Harris says owners of marginal hill country are now in the happy position of having multiple industries competing for their land
Brendon Harre says that deceit, speculation, and mistrust has long characterised New Zealand’s approach to land-use
25th Feb 23, 10:34am
by Guest
Brendon Harre says that deceit, speculation, and mistrust has long characterised New Zealand’s approach to land-use
Productivity Commission Chairman Ganesh Nana argues that New Zealand needs a major reset of immigration policy
14th Nov 22, 10:05am
Productivity Commission Chairman Ganesh Nana argues that New Zealand needs a major reset of immigration policy
Auckland University's Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy on where Auckland's housing densification push is at
7th Oct 22, 9:27am
Auckland University's Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy on where Auckland's housing densification push is at
Guy Trafford points out that land use has always changed to respond to market signals, so it will continue to evolve as future signals bite. Adapting to a more 'sustainable' use requires you to read the signals well in advance
13th Apr 22, 9:23am
Guy Trafford points out that land use has always changed to respond to market signals, so it will continue to evolve as future signals bite. Adapting to a more 'sustainable' use requires you to read the signals well in advance
Guy Trafford finds there is something-for-everyone in the UN and IPCC documentation, enabling policy makers and those affected to talk past each other and still claim they are respecting these agreements
9th Apr 22, 9:10am
Guy Trafford finds there is something-for-everyone in the UN and IPCC documentation, enabling policy makers and those affected to talk past each other and still claim they are respecting these agreements
New Emissions Trading Scheme targets plus foreshadowed changes to forestry rules add new uncertainties to carbon investment decisions
17th Nov 21, 9:33am
New Emissions Trading Scheme targets plus foreshadowed changes to forestry rules add new uncertainties to carbon investment decisions
Carbon and forestry, increasingly linked to overseas investors, continue to outmuscle sheep and beef but nothing about carbon is simple
20th Oct 21, 1:52pm
Carbon and forestry, increasingly linked to overseas investors, continue to outmuscle sheep and beef but nothing about carbon is simple
Guy Trafford sees new questions about changing land use to monocultures such as pine with no foreseeable plans for harvesting, and their GHG emissions, and with very limited contribution to ecological ecosystems
16th Sep 21, 10:44am
Guy Trafford sees new questions about changing land use to monocultures such as pine with no foreseeable plans for harvesting, and their GHG emissions, and with very limited contribution to ecological ecosystems
Guy Trafford finds that the good work the MoE/StatsNZ does on land use is being used by others to bolster unsubstantiated biases, especially around the impact of lifestyle blocks
21st Apr 21, 9:50am
Guy Trafford finds that the good work the MoE/StatsNZ does on land use is being used by others to bolster unsubstantiated biases, especially around the impact of lifestyle blocks
Land-use decisions between farm and forest need unbiased information from within New Zealand, without Government screwing the scrum towards foreign investors
13th Mar 21, 9:46am
Land-use decisions between farm and forest need unbiased information from within New Zealand, without Government screwing the scrum towards foreign investors
Making long term improvements to farm soils in sympathy with nature's challenges is tough enough. But doing it in the face of misguided Wellington bureaucrats rules and politics is even tougher. The pressure is now intense
20th Sep 20, 11:44am
Making long term improvements to farm soils in sympathy with nature's challenges is tough enough. But doing it in the face of misguided Wellington bureaucrats rules and politics is even tougher. The pressure is now intense
Climate change will probably have the greatest impact on agriculture here through changes in climate variability and climate extremes
12th Sep 20, 10:16am
Climate change will probably have the greatest impact on agriculture here through changes in climate variability and climate extremes