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house building

Brian Easton says if the Housing Minister's strategy works it would transform the housing market
22nd Jul 24, 9:28am
Brian Easton says if the Housing Minister's strategy works it would transform the housing market
ASB's latest housing confidence survey shows that for the first time in 18 months more Kiwis are expecting house prices to rise than fall; ASB economists say 'it's an important watershed'
19th Dec 23, 11:14am
ASB's latest housing confidence survey shows that for the first time in 18 months more Kiwis are expecting house prices to rise than fall; ASB economists say 'it's an important watershed'
Kiwibank's chief economist Jarrod Kerr fires up the summer BBQ chat by saying everything wrong with the kiwi property market can be put down to supply and a lack of it - but most policy makers focus on demand because it's what they can influence
11th Dec 23, 2:07pm
Kiwibank's chief economist Jarrod Kerr fires up the summer BBQ chat by saying everything wrong with the kiwi property market can be put down to supply and a lack of it - but most policy makers focus on demand because it's what they can influence
BNZ chief economist Mike Jones says the currently wide cost gap between building and buying a house should reduce, but much of this is expected to come via higher house prices
30th Oct 23, 1:50pm
BNZ chief economist Mike Jones says the currently wide cost gap between building and buying a house should reduce, but much of this is expected to come via higher house prices
RBNZ says the risks to financial stability posed by high-LVR lending have reduced to a level where the current restrictions may be unnecessarily reducing efficiency
26th Apr 23, 9:20am
RBNZ says the risks to financial stability posed by high-LVR lending have reduced to a level where the current restrictions may be unnecessarily reducing efficiency
Kiwibank economists say exit of people from NZ could be similar to the Aussie mining-fuelled outflow back in 2011
28th Mar 22, 12:45pm
Kiwibank economists say exit of people from NZ could be similar to the Aussie mining-fuelled outflow back in 2011
Whether this country sees a return to large numbers of inbound migrants or whether there will be an exodus of young Kiwis will be of vital economic importance
4th Mar 22, 9:20am
Whether this country sees a return to large numbers of inbound migrants or whether there will be an exodus of young Kiwis will be of vital economic importance
ANZ economists say a significant drain of people out of the country could put pressure on the housing market and have ramifications for RBNZ monetary policy
1st Mar 22, 2:41pm
ANZ economists say a significant drain of people out of the country could put pressure on the housing market and have ramifications for RBNZ monetary policy
NZ's extremely high current levels of housing construction cannot be sustained without a large and sharp recovery in net migration over 2022 and 2023, ASB economists say
11th Nov 21, 1:37pm
NZ's extremely high current levels of housing construction cannot be sustained without a large and sharp recovery in net migration over 2022 and 2023, ASB economists say
The Government is putting $136 mln into a scheme that it says will create capacity for 2000 new houses in Porirua and create up to 250 jobs
13th Jul 21, 8:30am
The Government is putting $136 mln into a scheme that it says will create capacity for 2000 new houses in Porirua and create up to 250 jobs
Government ringfences $1 billion of $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration Fund for councils, iwi and developers investing in infrastructure to support the building of new houses
22nd Jun 21, 10:04am
Government ringfences $1 billion of $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration Fund for councils, iwi and developers investing in infrastructure to support the building of new houses
David Hargreaves says the country should never again be allowed to fall as far behind with its housing supply as it did in the wake of the global financial crisis
7th Sep 20, 3:11pm
David Hargreaves says the country should never again be allowed to fall as far behind with its housing supply as it did in the wake of the global financial crisis
This election more than any others in recent memory looks set to have a huge impact on the direction of the housing market - and prices - next year and possibly beyond
27th Jun 17, 9:46am
This election more than any others in recent memory looks set to have a huge impact on the direction of the housing market - and prices - next year and possibly beyond
David Hargreaves sees few credible answers being offered up by politicians to the housing issue
18th May 17, 2:31pm
David Hargreaves sees few credible answers being offered up by politicians to the housing issue
Govt building boom claim fueled by 137% rise in building costs since 2004, Labour says; Twyford vs Smith in Parliament take-two
15th Feb 17, 3:55pm
Govt building boom claim fueled by 137% rise in building costs since 2004, Labour says; Twyford vs Smith in Parliament take-two
Rules around body corporates need tightening before a whole new generation of Auckland apartment buyers are burnt by poor disclosure, inadequate maintenance and dodgy building quality
18th Sep 16, 5:02am
Rules around body corporates need tightening before a whole new generation of Auckland apartment buyers are burnt by poor disclosure, inadequate maintenance and dodgy building quality
Bernard Hickey argues the Government should help break the lending drought threatening the Auckland housing building boom by focusing KiwiSaver HomeStart on funding new builds
11th Sep 16, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey argues the Government should help break the lending drought threatening the Auckland housing building boom by focusing KiwiSaver HomeStart on funding new builds
John Tookey reviews the impact of productivity and design in housing affordability, argues cost is not price
10th Sep 16, 9:18am
by Guest
John Tookey reviews the impact of productivity and design in housing affordability, argues cost is not price
Bernard Hickey argues New Zealand needs to rediscover its 1974 house building mojo, which means building a lot more smaller, simpler homes with Government backing
4th Sep 16, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey argues New Zealand needs to rediscover its 1974 house building mojo, which means building a lot more smaller, simpler homes with Government backing
Chris Parker points out even with consents issued and SHAs designated, other challenges may intervene to limit how many new houses Auckland actually gets
16th Sep 15, 5:00am
by Guest
Chris Parker points out even with consents issued and SHAs designated, other challenges may intervene to limit how many new houses Auckland actually gets
Auckland and Christchurch lead 22% jump in building consents in September from year ago; Consents up 7.8% from August
31st Oct 12, 11:13am
Auckland and Christchurch lead 22% jump in building consents in September from year ago; Consents up 7.8% from August
Earthquake-related building consents hit new high in Canterbury; Auckland consents up 19% in July from year ago; But national trend flattening
30th Aug 12, 11:30am
Earthquake-related building consents hit new high in Canterbury; Auckland consents up 19% in July from year ago; But national trend flattening
Treasury says NZ housing market pickup due to Canty, Auckland markets as demand rises, but supply doesn't respond; Raises house price rise pick
6th Aug 12, 3:18pm
Treasury says NZ housing market pickup due to Canty, Auckland markets as demand rises, but supply doesn't respond; Raises house price rise pick
South Island leads 28% jump in building consents in June 2012 from year ago; Canterbury up off last year's low, Stats NZ says; But trend slows in recent months
30th Jul 12, 11:33am
South Island leads 28% jump in building consents in June 2012 from year ago; Canterbury up off last year's low, Stats NZ says; But trend slows in recent months
Record Auckland house prices mean more land needs to be released to help younger generations buy homes, ACT leader John Banks says
4th Jul 12, 7:26pm
Record Auckland house prices mean more land needs to be released to help younger generations buy homes, ACT leader John Banks says