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Chris Trotter says if Christopher Luxon secured his promised New Zealand-India FTA by giving India what it most wants, NZ First would have all it needed to campaign against its former coalition partner with every prospect of increasing its tally of seats
24th Mar 25, 8:50am
Chris Trotter says if Christopher Luxon secured his promised New Zealand-India FTA by giving India what it most wants, NZ First would have all it needed to campaign against its former coalition partner with every prospect of increasing its tally of seats
Will institutions with billions of dollars at their disposal invest them in a country so obviously in a deep funk?
17th Mar 25, 8:14am
Will institutions with billions of dollars at their disposal invest them in a country so obviously in a deep funk?
International Monetary Fund says given the 'propensity' in New Zealand for rapid housing credit growth, the RBNZ should monitor the effect of its OCR easing and 'make full use' of its macroprudential toolbox to control the emergence of risks
12th Mar 25, 2:30pm
International Monetary Fund says given the 'propensity' in New Zealand for rapid housing credit growth, the RBNZ should monitor the effect of its OCR easing and 'make full use' of its macroprudential toolbox to control the emergence of risks
The next question after 'will Luxon really go?' is, of course, 'will that work?'
10th Mar 25, 7:26am
The next question after 'will Luxon really go?' is, of course, 'will that work?'
Dan Brunskill says much can be taken from Ngāi Tahu chairman Justin Tipa's Waitangi Day speech about not getting bogged down in unnecessary ideological battles
9th Feb 25, 6:00am
Dan Brunskill says much can be taken from Ngāi Tahu chairman Justin Tipa's Waitangi Day speech about not getting bogged down in unnecessary ideological battles
What ‘Jack and Jill’ can teach us about the (un)fairness of capital gains taxes
29th Sep 24, 6:01am
by Guest
What ‘Jack and Jill’ can teach us about the (un)fairness of capital gains taxes
International Monetary Fund says it will continue advocating for a capital gains tax in New Zealand even as the Prime Minister and Finance Minister dismiss its recommendations
20th Mar 24, 4:24pm
International Monetary Fund says it will continue advocating for a capital gains tax in New Zealand even as the Prime Minister and Finance Minister dismiss its recommendations
The New Zealand Tax Podcast: Treasury raises the issue of taxing capital gains, and warns about the fiscal risk of climate change. And when is the business income of a charity exempt?
11th Feb 24, 5:25pm
The New Zealand Tax Podcast: Treasury raises the issue of taxing capital gains, and warns about the fiscal risk of climate change. And when is the business income of a charity exempt?
The National Party says a chaotic Government is getting more divided all the time with the latest schism over tax policy
26th Jul 23, 6:57am
The National Party says a chaotic Government is getting more divided all the time with the latest schism over tax policy
The New Zealand Tax Podcast – the tax switch that never happened, and Inland Revenue comes under fire for its investigations policy
17th Jul 23, 10:08am
The New Zealand Tax Podcast – the tax switch that never happened, and Inland Revenue comes under fire for its investigations policy
Te wiki o te tāke – The New Zealand Tax Podcast – dissecting Inland Revenue’s report on high wealth individuals with Shamubeel Eaqub
30th Apr 23, 2:00pm
Te wiki o te tāke – The New Zealand Tax Podcast – dissecting Inland Revenue’s report on high wealth individuals with Shamubeel Eaqub
Terry Baucher assesses the IRD & Treasury tax tomes, suggesting the trust tax rate may be increased
26th Apr 23, 2:04pm
Terry Baucher assesses the IRD & Treasury tax tomes, suggesting the trust tax rate may be increased
New Zealand’s tax system is under the spotlight (again). Lisa Marriott asks what needs to change to make it fair
6th Feb 23, 6:00am
New Zealand’s tax system is under the spotlight (again). Lisa Marriott asks what needs to change to make it fair
Te wiki o te tāke; Insights from the latest OECD tax statistics, the Government's financial statements. And new rules about Provisional Tax when you haven't previously been a provisional taxpayer
4th Dec 22, 12:00pm
Te wiki o te tāke; Insights from the latest OECD tax statistics, the Government's financial statements. And new rules about Provisional Tax when you haven't previously been a provisional taxpayer
NZ has a long-running housing crisis, house prices have outstripped incomes since the early 2000s. But more than just housing supply and subsidies, we also need policies to make homes affordable and a long-term, apolitical programme for social housing
29th Nov 22, 2:07pm
NZ has a long-running housing crisis, house prices have outstripped incomes since the early 2000s. But more than just housing supply and subsidies, we also need policies to make homes affordable and a long-term, apolitical programme for social housing
Te wiki o te tāke: Inland Revenue wins an award but loses a case, tax advisers overwhelmingly support a CGT and how much tax do 16 and 17-year-olds pay?
27th Nov 22, 12:02pm
Te wiki o te tāke: Inland Revenue wins an award but loses a case, tax advisers overwhelmingly support a CGT and how much tax do 16 and 17-year-olds pay?
Buddle Findlay's Tony Wilkinson, Fiona Heiford & Maria Clezy highlight problems with NZ's ad hoc capital gains tax rules, and the unlevel playing field this causes
19th May 22, 7:46am
by Guest
Buddle Findlay's Tony Wilkinson, Fiona Heiford & Maria Clezy highlight problems with NZ's ad hoc capital gains tax rules, and the unlevel playing field this causes
Dipping our toes into the podcasting world, probes whether it would be possible and desirable for the government and Reserve Bank to deliberately reduce house prices
10th Oct 21, 6:00am
Dipping our toes into the podcasting world, probes whether it would be possible and desirable for the government and Reserve Bank to deliberately reduce house prices
David Hargreaves looks to the second half of the year and beyond with a mixture of hope and trepidation
15th Jun 21, 2:40pm
David Hargreaves looks to the second half of the year and beyond with a mixture of hope and trepidation
IMF suggests the Government targets investors with a stamp duty or more comprehensive capital gains tax
12th Mar 21, 1:28pm
IMF suggests the Government targets investors with a stamp duty or more comprehensive capital gains tax
Economist Brian Easton says building more houses will not reduce house prices by much; house prices will boom until speculation based on leveraged borrowing is addressed
15th Feb 21, 10:24am
Economist Brian Easton says building more houses will not reduce house prices by much; house prices will boom until speculation based on leveraged borrowing is addressed
Susan St John makes the case for taxing a deemed rate of return on excessive real estate holdings (after a family home exemption), to redirect scarce housing resources to where they are needed most
26th Dec 20, 9:31am
Susan St John makes the case for taxing a deemed rate of return on excessive real estate holdings (after a family home exemption), to redirect scarce housing resources to where they are needed most
Susan St John looks into the 'housing elephant rampaging across New Zealand society' and assesses potential solutions
7th Dec 20, 9:23am
Susan St John looks into the 'housing elephant rampaging across New Zealand society' and assesses potential solutions
University of Auckland postgraduate student Connor Sharp explains why he has launched a petition calling on Parliament to implement a capital gains tax on residential property
2nd Dec 20, 10:08am
by Guest
University of Auckland postgraduate student Connor Sharp explains why he has launched a petition calling on Parliament to implement a capital gains tax on residential property
Jenée Tibshraeny provides a reminder of how deep the economy's reliance on the property market goes as we ponder Labour's caution on tax
10th Sep 20, 1:31pm
Jenée Tibshraeny provides a reminder of how deep the economy's reliance on the property market goes as we ponder Labour's caution on tax