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asset bubbles

Dambisa Moyo offers a basic framework for assessing the risk of new bubbles and their potential spillover effects
27th Jul 24, 9:36am
by Guest
Dambisa Moyo offers a basic framework for assessing the risk of new bubbles and their potential spillover effects
Sheryl Sutherland makes the case for level-headed financial planning, based on well-understood concepts of value
18th Aug 23, 10:15am
Sheryl Sutherland makes the case for level-headed financial planning, based on well-understood concepts of value
Ross Stitt examines a renewed Sydney/Melbourne housing bubble, perhaps making today’s dizzying prices soon look like a bargain
1st Jul 23, 9:30am
Ross Stitt examines a renewed Sydney/Melbourne housing bubble, perhaps making today’s dizzying prices soon look like a bargain
Salt Fund's Greg Fleming looks at how to invest in a bursting financial markets bubble
19th Mar 23, 6:00am
Salt Fund's Greg Fleming looks at how to invest in a bursting financial markets bubble
Grant Halverson on the rise and fall of the buy now pay later sector and what the future may hold for it
5th Mar 23, 6:30am
Grant Halverson on the rise and fall of the buy now pay later sector and what the future may hold for it
Economist Brian Easton examines how speculative bubbles have occurred in the New Zealand housing market
27th Feb 23, 8:02am
Economist Brian Easton examines how speculative bubbles have occurred in the New Zealand housing market
UBS chief economist Paul Donovan probes whether giving up on the homeownership dream is why many young people have speculated on cryptocurrencies
19th Dec 22, 11:19am
UBS chief economist Paul Donovan probes whether giving up on the homeownership dream is why many young people have speculated on cryptocurrencies
Mortgage broker John Bolton explains why he thinks mortgage rates are peaking, what's going on in the housing market, and what this means for the broader economy
2nd Jul 22, 9:40am
Mortgage broker John Bolton explains why he thinks mortgage rates are peaking, what's going on in the housing market, and what this means for the broader economy
If banks’ lending behaviour is found to have contributed to NZ’s housing quagmire, banks must be held accountable and share the pain when the bubble inevitably bursts, writes Michael Rehm
3rd Feb 22, 9:28am
If banks’ lending behaviour is found to have contributed to NZ’s housing quagmire, banks must be held accountable and share the pain when the bubble inevitably bursts, writes Michael Rehm
David Hargreaves suggests a coherent global strategy is needed to deal with the systemic threat the cryptocurrency behemoth Bitcoin is now posing
21st Oct 21, 11:44am
David Hargreaves suggests a coherent global strategy is needed to deal with the systemic threat the cryptocurrency behemoth Bitcoin is now posing
Dipping our toes into the podcasting world, probes whether it would be possible and desirable for the government and Reserve Bank to deliberately reduce house prices
10th Oct 21, 6:00am
Dipping our toes into the podcasting world, probes whether it would be possible and desirable for the government and Reserve Bank to deliberately reduce house prices
Susan St John argues the Fair Economic Return (FER) could be a way of tackling New Zealand's housing woes
30th Jul 21, 10:15am
Susan St John argues the Fair Economic Return (FER) could be a way of tackling New Zealand's housing woes
It was created as a joke but now has a market capitalisation above US$70 billion. What is it? Dogecoin of course
8th May 21, 6:30am
It was created as a joke but now has a market capitalisation above US$70 billion. What is it? Dogecoin of course
Gareth Vaughan wonders whether the only way New Zealand will get a circuit breaker to our housing affordability woes will be if there's a severe housing market downturn
21st Feb 21, 6:02am
Gareth Vaughan wonders whether the only way New Zealand will get a circuit breaker to our housing affordability woes will be if there's a severe housing market downturn
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics says Bitcoin isn't money, rather it's another risk asset like gold, shares, or pork bellies
19th Feb 21, 10:22am
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics says Bitcoin isn't money, rather it's another risk asset like gold, shares, or pork bellies
Gareth Vaughan on fearless investors, an Irish housing solution, moving beyond COVID elimination, the unattainability of herd immunity & the biggest bribe in the history of bribing
17th Feb 21, 9:00am
Gareth Vaughan on fearless investors, an Irish housing solution, moving beyond COVID elimination, the unattainability of herd immunity & the biggest bribe in the history of bribing
Gareth Vaughan on whether COVID corporate winners should share their profits with COVID corporate losers, Dr Doom vs crypto-currency spruikers, central bank cryptos & Fed boss gets serious about unemployment
13th Feb 21, 9:31am
Gareth Vaughan on whether COVID corporate winners should share their profits with COVID corporate losers, Dr Doom vs crypto-currency spruikers, central bank cryptos & Fed boss gets serious about unemployment
Average New Zealand housing values rose by $554 a day during January, topping $800,000 for the first time
2nd Feb 21, 6:00pm
Average New Zealand housing values rose by $554 a day during January, topping $800,000 for the first time
Real estate industry's estimated residential commission revenue up 24% in 2020 year-on-year to $1.92 billion
29th Jan 21, 10:00am
Real estate industry's estimated residential commission revenue up 24% in 2020 year-on-year to $1.92 billion
UK think-tank delves into whether quantitative easing, such as the RBNZ's COVID-era large scale asset purchase programme, worsens wealth and income inequality
22nd Jan 21, 5:00am
UK think-tank delves into whether quantitative easing, such as the RBNZ's COVID-era large scale asset purchase programme, worsens wealth and income inequality
British evaluation of central bank quantitative easing says it's now a core part of monetary policy, meaning public trust in and understanding of QE is important
21st Jan 21, 5:00am
British evaluation of central bank quantitative easing says it's now a core part of monetary policy, meaning public trust in and understanding of QE is important
University of Auckland postgraduate student Connor Sharp explains why he has launched a petition calling on Parliament to implement a capital gains tax on residential property
2nd Dec 20, 10:08am
by Guest
University of Auckland postgraduate student Connor Sharp explains why he has launched a petition calling on Parliament to implement a capital gains tax on residential property
Reserve Bank provides details of its Funding for Lending Programme, which will launch next Monday, December 7 offering banks cheap, three-year funding
1st Dec 20, 2:50pm
Reserve Bank provides details of its Funding for Lending Programme, which will launch next Monday, December 7 offering banks cheap, three-year funding
Jude Murdoch and Steven Hail argue modern monetary theory offers desperately needed clear thinking and fresh ideas for our society and our democracy
27th Nov 20, 10:04am
by Guest
Jude Murdoch and Steven Hail argue modern monetary theory offers desperately needed clear thinking and fresh ideas for our society and our democracy
Gareth Vaughan delves into the Reserve Bank's mandate, economic policy settings, the housing market and the type of society New Zealanders want
15th Nov 20, 6:02am
Gareth Vaughan delves into the Reserve Bank's mandate, economic policy settings, the housing market and the type of society New Zealanders want