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Shane Jones

NZ’s government wants to kick-start a mining boom – but they’re unlikely to hit paydirt, Glenn Banks says
27th Jun 24, 1:15pm
by Guest
NZ’s government wants to kick-start a mining boom – but they’re unlikely to hit paydirt, Glenn Banks says
Resource management is always political – the Fast-track Approvals Bill is just honest about it, Jeffrey McNeill argues
21st Jun 24, 11:54am
by Guest
Resource management is always political – the Fast-track Approvals Bill is just honest about it, Jeffrey McNeill argues
Global demand for oil could peak soon meaning NZ’s plan to revive offshore exploration doesn’t add up, Jen Purdie says
14th Jun 24, 9:48am
by Guest
Global demand for oil could peak soon meaning NZ’s plan to revive offshore exploration doesn’t add up, Jen Purdie says
Gas companies appear unlikely to rush in to open ocean exploration despite the Government's decision to lift a ban imposed by its predecessor
13th Jun 24, 10:14am
Gas companies appear unlikely to rush in to open ocean exploration despite the Government's decision to lift a ban imposed by its predecessor
There may well have been 50,000 pairs of feet 'Marching For Nature' down Auckland’s Queen Street on Saturday afternoon, writes Chris Trotter, but the figure that impresses the Coalition Government is the 1,450,000 pairs of feet that were somewhere else
10th Jun 24, 8:22am
There may well have been 50,000 pairs of feet 'Marching For Nature' down Auckland’s Queen Street on Saturday afternoon, writes Chris Trotter, but the figure that impresses the Coalition Government is the 1,450,000 pairs of feet that were somewhere else
Martin Brook says New Zealand needs to consider how it can meet the demands of a new economy, practically as well as morally and ethically
5th Jun 24, 9:25am
by Guest
Martin Brook says New Zealand needs to consider how it can meet the demands of a new economy, practically as well as morally and ethically
Forget the loud-hailers Minister, what you need is TikTok
27th May 24, 9:39am
Forget the loud-hailers Minister, what you need is TikTok
Resources Minister Shane Jones hopes to increase the value of mineral exports to $2 billion over the next decade, even if it means digging up some conservation land
23rd May 24, 6:28pm
Resources Minister Shane Jones hopes to increase the value of mineral exports to $2 billion over the next decade, even if it means digging up some conservation land
Jane Kelsey says the fast-track law could expose future NZ governments to expensive trade disputes
8th May 24, 1:35pm
Jane Kelsey says the fast-track law could expose future NZ governments to expensive trade disputes
Katharine Moody argues the Fast Track Approvals Bill is a governance arrangement as bad as the partisan means through which US Supreme Court judges are selected
4th May 24, 9:45am
by Guest
Katharine Moody argues the Fast Track Approvals Bill is a governance arrangement as bad as the partisan means through which US Supreme Court judges are selected
Gareth Vaughan on a big Beehive power grab, holding the country over a pork barrel, Angus Deaton rethinks economics, corruption on tape & RIP Rod Oram
20th Mar 24, 12:04pm
Gareth Vaughan on a big Beehive power grab, holding the country over a pork barrel, Angus Deaton rethinks economics, corruption on tape & RIP Rod Oram
Resources Minister Shane Jones has asked for advice on whether the Government could provide insurance for the regulatory risk-adverse oil & gas industry
11th Mar 24, 3:05pm
Resources Minister Shane Jones has asked for advice on whether the Government could provide insurance for the regulatory risk-adverse oil & gas industry
Coalition Government rounds out 100 day plan with fast-track consenting law giving Ministers the power to approve significant projects
7th Mar 24, 11:42am
Coalition Government rounds out 100 day plan with fast-track consenting law giving Ministers the power to approve significant projects
Shane Jones says weaponisation of Maori culture, unelected judges and irrational politicians are blocking essential development
15th Feb 24, 11:23am
Shane Jones says weaponisation of Maori culture, unelected judges and irrational politicians are blocking essential development
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon gives a speech about the Coalition Government's broad policy programme after being challenged to scrap Treaty Principles Bill at Waitangi
5th Feb 24, 5:28pm
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon gives a speech about the Coalition Government's broad policy programme after being challenged to scrap Treaty Principles Bill at Waitangi
National tries to stay focused, NZ First sounds off, and Act gets sidelined in the first full week of the new Parliament
16th Dec 23, 9:10am
National tries to stay focused, NZ First sounds off, and Act gets sidelined in the first full week of the new Parliament
Coalition agreement sees National's proposed foreign house buyer tax gone, 14 National Cabinet Ministers out of 20
24th Nov 23, 11:12am
Coalition agreement sees National's proposed foreign house buyer tax gone, 14 National Cabinet Ministers out of 20
Shane Jones says NZ First wants 'credible, fully independent inquiry into Covid-19 response' including consideration of compensation for people who lost jobs over vaccine mandate
11th Oct 23, 1:09pm
Shane Jones says NZ First wants 'credible, fully independent inquiry into Covid-19 response' including consideration of compensation for people who lost jobs over vaccine mandate
The New Zealand First deputy leader and finance spokesperson Shane Jones discusses financial and economic policy in the second of our series of interviews with finance spokespeople from the main parties
1st Oct 23, 5:00pm
The New Zealand First deputy leader and finance spokesperson Shane Jones discusses financial and economic policy in the second of our series of interviews with finance spokespeople from the main parties
Most new polls show National would need support from both the Act and New Zealand First parties to form a majority government
10th Sep 23, 6:00am
Most new polls show National would need support from both the Act and New Zealand First parties to form a majority government
Political parties' energy spokespeople speak at election forum on energy policies with red tape and the need to reduce fossil fuel consumption being major concerns
31st Jul 23, 11:39am
Political parties' energy spokespeople speak at election forum on energy policies with red tape and the need to reduce fossil fuel consumption being major concerns
Auditor-General lacks confidence that Provincial Growth Fund money is being well spent
12th Jun 23, 6:30pm
Auditor-General lacks confidence that Provincial Growth Fund money is being well spent
Chris Trotter looks at Labour's history with the Greens, and suggests in Auckland Central Jacinda Ardern should free her party’s supporters to shift their electorate vote to the Greens’ Chloe Swarbrick
12th Oct 20, 9:11am
Chris Trotter looks at Labour's history with the Greens, and suggests in Auckland Central Jacinda Ardern should free her party’s supporters to shift their electorate vote to the Greens’ Chloe Swarbrick
Chris Trotter looks at Winston Peters' handbrake pitch as the NZ First leader presents himself as the indispensable 'Wise Counsellor' to either 'Queen'
20th Jul 20, 8:00am
Chris Trotter looks at Winston Peters' handbrake pitch as the NZ First leader presents himself as the indispensable 'Wise Counsellor' to either 'Queen'
Guy Trafford is disappointed that the latest MPI aspirational document highlights yet more confusing signals for the rural sector, devoid of detail of what will be supported
8th Jul 20, 10:09am
Guy Trafford is disappointed that the latest MPI aspirational document highlights yet more confusing signals for the rural sector, devoid of detail of what will be supported