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Geof Mortlock

Reserve Bank consultation details possible changes for its open bank resolution policy
5th Sep 24, 9:17am
Reserve Bank consultation details possible changes for its open bank resolution policy
Deposit insurance expert Geof Mortlock details concerns about New Zealand's incoming depositor compensation scheme
24th May 24, 10:01am
Deposit insurance expert Geof Mortlock details concerns about New Zealand's incoming depositor compensation scheme
Geof Mortlock argues Minister of Finance Nicola Willis should commission an independent review of the RBNZ's DTI policy coordinated by Treasury
30th Jan 24, 9:19am
by Guest
Geof Mortlock argues Minister of Finance Nicola Willis should commission an independent review of the RBNZ's DTI policy coordinated by Treasury
Deposit insurance expert suggests $100k cap will need to be increased over time to maintain inflation-adjusted value
23rd Aug 23, 2:33pm
Deposit insurance expert suggests $100k cap will need to be increased over time to maintain inflation-adjusted value
RBNZ to review Open Bank Resolution policy settings once depositor compensation scheme is launched
17th Dec 22, 10:00am
RBNZ to review Open Bank Resolution policy settings once depositor compensation scheme is launched
NZ's planned deposit insurance scheme might not be used if a major bank fails, international financial regulatory consultant Geof Mortlock says
12th Aug 22, 4:50pm
NZ's planned deposit insurance scheme might not be used if a major bank fails, international financial regulatory consultant Geof Mortlock says
What NZ's deposit insurance regime will look like and what it'll mean for depositors, international financial regulatory consultant Geof Mortlock explains
11th Aug 22, 12:00pm
What NZ's deposit insurance regime will look like and what it'll mean for depositors, international financial regulatory consultant Geof Mortlock explains
Policymakers at numbers 1 and 2 The Terrace to work more closely together, as Treasury will from July officially start monitoring the Reserve Bank
28th Mar 22, 10:30am
Policymakers at numbers 1 and 2 The Terrace to work more closely together, as Treasury will from July officially start monitoring the Reserve Bank
Fairness issues raised over Reserve Bank's decision to close the door on first-home buyers who don't have deposits of at least 20%
27th Sep 21, 5:26pm
Fairness issues raised over Reserve Bank's decision to close the door on first-home buyers who don't have deposits of at least 20%
How National's call for $28 billion of newly-printed money to go into productive assets is cornering Labour politically, and sparking necessary debate over RBNZ independence
17th Nov 20, 6:19pm
How National's call for $28 billion of newly-printed money to go into productive assets is cornering Labour politically, and sparking necessary debate over RBNZ independence
Finance Minister Grant Robertson backs the RBNZ, as its latest critic labels it ‘obsessively autarkic, nationalistic and excessively defensive’ and calls for the Government to pull it in line 
24th Jul 19, 9:41am
Finance Minister Grant Robertson backs the RBNZ, as its latest critic labels it ‘obsessively autarkic, nationalistic and excessively defensive’ and calls for the Government to pull it in line 
The RBNZ's new Relationship Charter doesn't impress Geof Mortlock - he advises them to go back and start again to get something more meaningful and professional
8th Jan 19, 6:04am
The RBNZ's new Relationship Charter doesn't impress Geof Mortlock - he advises them to go back and start again to get something more meaningful and professional
Geof Mortlock says as financial sector regulator the RBNZ needs a Policy Objectives Statement, like its Policy Targets Agreement for monetary policy
14th Dec 18, 12:15pm
Geof Mortlock says as financial sector regulator the RBNZ needs a Policy Objectives Statement, like its Policy Targets Agreement for monetary policy
Financial consultant Geof Mortlock calls for deposit insurance to be introduced in NZ, and for a new regulator to takeover the RBNZ's financial regulation responsibilities
14th May 18, 10:09am
Financial consultant Geof Mortlock calls for deposit insurance to be introduced in NZ, and for a new regulator to takeover the RBNZ's financial regulation responsibilities
FMA and RBNZ's response to revelations from Australian financial services Royal Commission appear 'rather desperate' and 'driven by being seen to be doing something'
11th May 18, 1:47pm
FMA and RBNZ's response to revelations from Australian financial services Royal Commission appear 'rather desperate' and 'driven by being seen to be doing something'
Geof Mortlock argues the prudential regulation of banks, insurers and non-bank deposit-takers should be moved from the RBNZ to a new regulatory agency
4th May 18, 10:32am
by Guest
Geof Mortlock argues the prudential regulation of banks, insurers and non-bank deposit-takers should be moved from the RBNZ to a new regulatory agency
Ex-RBNZ and APRA official, Geof Mortlock, argues the RBNZ's regulation of the financial sector is so inadequate this responsibility should be passed on to a new agency
22nd Mar 18, 12:00pm
by Guest
Ex-RBNZ and APRA official, Geof Mortlock, argues the RBNZ's regulation of the financial sector is so inadequate this responsibility should be passed on to a new agency
The NZ Initiative calls for shareholders and policyholders, not taxpayers, to be made to take the hit if an insurer goes belly-up; Industry experts have their hesitations
25th Jan 18, 5:02am
The NZ Initiative calls for shareholders and policyholders, not taxpayers, to be made to take the hit if an insurer goes belly-up; Industry experts have their hesitations
Geof Mortlock calls for policyholder compensation to be introduced to prevent taxpayers covering the costs if an insurance company goes bust
17th Nov 16, 9:58am
Geof Mortlock calls for policyholder compensation to be introduced to prevent taxpayers covering the costs if an insurance company goes bust