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Brendon Harre

Brendon Harre makes the case that taking a minimum viable design approach could have enabled the mega-ferries project to be progressed, to everyone's benefit
6th Jul 24, 12:59pm
by Guest
Brendon Harre makes the case that taking a minimum viable design approach could have enabled the mega-ferries project to be progressed, to everyone's benefit
Brendon Harre circles back and expands on his analysis of why central and local governments find it so hard to accomplish change, and large infrastructure projects. The inability of governments to move the dial brings a rapid undoing of their power & cred
20th Jan 24, 1:24pm
by Guest
Brendon Harre circles back and expands on his analysis of why central and local governments find it so hard to accomplish change, and large infrastructure projects. The inability of governments to move the dial brings a rapid undoing of their power & cred
To make meaningful reform to improve our cities, Brendon Harre calls for developing a 'growth coalition' so that community infrastructure can be funded in a more coherent way
30th Sep 23, 11:38am
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To make meaningful reform to improve our cities, Brendon Harre calls for developing a 'growth coalition' so that community infrastructure can be funded in a more coherent way
Brendon Harre says great networks are how cities become Great. Cities should ensure there is affordable access to as many beneficial network opportunities as possible
5th Jun 23, 2:00pm
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Brendon Harre says great networks are how cities become Great. Cities should ensure there is affordable access to as many beneficial network opportunities as possible
Brendon Harre says that deceit, speculation, and mistrust has long characterised New Zealand’s approach to land-use
25th Feb 23, 10:34am
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Brendon Harre says that deceit, speculation, and mistrust has long characterised New Zealand’s approach to land-use
Brendon Harre points out that planning restrictions that have higher costs than benefits to society not only restrain productivity, those excessive housing costs increase inequality. Without urbanism mistakes, housing costs would be markedly lower
19th Nov 22, 9:05am
by Guest
Brendon Harre points out that planning restrictions that have higher costs than benefits to society not only restrain productivity, those excessive housing costs increase inequality. Without urbanism mistakes, housing costs would be markedly lower
Brendon Harre assesses the work and thinking of Henry George, a 19th century 'progressive' political economist whose ideas sparked many reform movements, and suggests New Zealand could benefit from his insights
23rd Jul 22, 9:30am
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Brendon Harre assesses the work and thinking of Henry George, a 19th century 'progressive' political economist whose ideas sparked many reform movements, and suggests New Zealand could benefit from his insights
Brendon Harre connects the lessons from Henry George to the outrageous housing price problems of today. "Rocket scientists do not forget about gravity so why do planners forget about economic rent?"
22nd Jan 22, 10:15am
by Guest
Brendon Harre connects the lessons from Henry George to the outrageous housing price problems of today. "Rocket scientists do not forget about gravity so why do planners forget about economic rent?"
Brendon Harre celebrates the latest revolution in how we will develop our urban built environment with local planning systems to become more permissive and less segregating
16th Dec 21, 1:03pm
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Brendon Harre celebrates the latest revolution in how we will develop our urban built environment with local planning systems to become more permissive and less segregating
Brendon Harré looks at the Three Waters reforms through a Christchurch lens and finds a focus on just two waters, with much to be concerned about over the direction of stormwater management
6th Nov 21, 11:46am
by Guest
Brendon Harré looks at the Three Waters reforms through a Christchurch lens and finds a focus on just two waters, with much to be concerned about over the direction of stormwater management
Brendon Harré says we need to transition from concrete and steel to wood for construction, and not only is that starting, the engineering basis for building commercial structures is already developed
18th Jul 21, 11:02am
by Guest
Brendon Harré says we need to transition from concrete and steel to wood for construction, and not only is that starting, the engineering basis for building commercial structures is already developed
Brendon Harre traces the endless failures of housing public policy, and sees a need for a more radical approaches, because incremental approaches keeps getting trumped by quick market adjustments that game those efforts
2nd Jul 21, 1:22pm
by Guest
Brendon Harre traces the endless failures of housing public policy, and sees a need for a more radical approaches, because incremental approaches keeps getting trumped by quick market adjustments that game those efforts
With Auckland's Central Rail Link projects looking like a huge cost disaster and the first light rail project mired in inaction, Brendon Harre looks for alternatives in light rail to do more transit for less money
1st May 21, 11:56am
by Guest
With Auckland's Central Rail Link projects looking like a huge cost disaster and the first light rail project mired in inaction, Brendon Harre looks for alternatives in light rail to do more transit for less money
Brendon Harre explores how housing can be restored to its central place in a move back to recovering our Egalitarian Dream
14th Mar 21, 9:28am
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Brendon Harre explores how housing can be restored to its central place in a move back to recovering our Egalitarian Dream
Brendon Harre says the longer we ignore the growing social issues flowing from rising housing costs, the worse our productivity performance will be
13th Feb 21, 9:46am
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Brendon Harre says the longer we ignore the growing social issues flowing from rising housing costs, the worse our productivity performance will be
Brendon Harre sees the property owning ‘haves’ taking all the economic opportunity and leaving nothing for the ‘have-nots’. He wants a Housing Commissioner with the ability to level the field
27th Dec 20, 6:02am
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Brendon Harre sees the property owning ‘haves’ taking all the economic opportunity and leaving nothing for the ‘have-nots’. He wants a Housing Commissioner with the ability to level the field
Brendon Harre offers part two of his analysis of New Zealand’s rack-rent housing crisis focusing on the economic opportunities. He offers solutions in the fight against the evils of housing inflation
12th Dec 20, 11:55am
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Brendon Harre offers part two of his analysis of New Zealand’s rack-rent housing crisis focusing on the economic opportunities. He offers solutions in the fight against the evils of housing inflation
Brendon Harre wonders if housing is undersupplied and poor quality, but KiwiBuild shows that buyer demand isn't there, perhaps the Government just needs to build its social housing requirements aggressively - as a previous Labour Government did
4th Dec 20, 9:10am
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Brendon Harre wonders if housing is undersupplied and poor quality, but KiwiBuild shows that buyer demand isn't there, perhaps the Government just needs to build its social housing requirements aggressively - as a previous Labour Government did
Brendon Harre sees the Ministry of Works as a template for how we should develop our national infrastructure, updated to the SOE model, and led by professionals
19th May 20, 11:43am
by Guest
Brendon Harre sees the Ministry of Works as a template for how we should develop our national infrastructure, updated to the SOE model, and led by professionals
Brendon Harre asks if Wellington is perpetually stuck being a sleepy government town that is incapable of being entrepreneurial in its public policy making
19th Oct 19, 9:59am
by Guest
Brendon Harre asks if Wellington is perpetually stuck being a sleepy government town that is incapable of being entrepreneurial in its public policy making
Brendon Harre and Anthony Ireland propose encouraging a greater diversity of housing types, in particular new apartment buildings
20th Jun 19, 2:15pm
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Brendon Harre and Anthony Ireland propose encouraging a greater diversity of housing types, in particular new apartment buildings
Brendon Harre has a proposal to increase the quality of New Zealand’s housing with respect to energy efficiency and seismic risk
31st May 19, 9:30am
by Guest
Brendon Harre has a proposal to increase the quality of New Zealand’s housing with respect to energy efficiency and seismic risk
Brendon Harre says housing policy failure impacts heavily on the poor. He calls for a fix to the housing crisis from an inequality perspective targeting the RMA and infrastructure financing
25th Apr 19, 9:12am
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Brendon Harre says housing policy failure impacts heavily on the poor. He calls for a fix to the housing crisis from an inequality perspective targeting the RMA and infrastructure financing
Brendon Harre says finding someone to lead the building of 100,000 affordable homes is proving to be a big ask. He suggests the qualities required
26th Jan 19, 9:43am
by Guest
Brendon Harre says finding someone to lead the building of 100,000 affordable homes is proving to be a big ask. He suggests the qualities required
Brendon Harre sees a future for hydrogen trains and the end of the carbon era as hydrogen powers heavy transport
5th Jan 19, 10:20am
by Guest
Brendon Harre sees a future for hydrogen trains and the end of the carbon era as hydrogen powers heavy transport