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Apart from US, global central banks on 'prolonged hold'. Local swap rates very flat, take cues from AU

Apart from US, global central banks on 'prolonged hold'. Local swap rates very flat, take cues from AU

By Kymberly Martin

NZ swaps pushed higher across the curve yesterday in response to the ‘no move’ from the RBA the previous day.

US 10-year yields trade at 1.90% this morning.

NZ swaps pushed higher from the outset, following the previous afternoon’s moves in AU rates.

However, NZ swaps declined into the close from intra-day highs. The short to mid part of the swap curve remains very flat with 2-year at 3.49% and 5-year at 3.55%.

The upfront cost of mid-curve hedging remains close to its lowest level since late 2008 as 5-year now trades 8bps below the floating 90-day bank bill rate.

Yesterday’s LGFA tender saw mixed results. There was solid demand for the 2017, 2020 and 2023 maturities, with 3-4x bid to cover ratios. However, there was less enthusiasm for the 2027 maturity, with a 2.2x bid to cover ratio and a fairly wide, 8 bps, range of successful bids.

US 10-year yield rose steadily in the early hours of this morning to trade above 1.92%. However, the delivery of the Fed’s March Minutes then prompted a spurt of volatility, as the market tried to tease out any nuance.

Overall, we are left with the impression that any meeting after April will be ‘live’ for a rate hike and we will simply have to watch the data. Fed funds futures now price a 0.37% FFR by year-end. US 2-year bond yields sit a fraction higher post-Minutes, just above 0.53%.

The Bank of England meets tonight, and is widely expected to ‘do nothing’. It is one of a number of global central banks who are expected to be on prolonged hold. The market now prices less than a 50% chance that the BoE’s cash rate will be 25 bps higher by mid next year.

Daily swap rates

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Source: NZFMA
Source: NZFMA
Source: NZFMA
Source: NZFMA
Source: NZFMA
Source: NZFMA
Source: NZFMA

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