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NZ Govt Bond Tender #917; Tender Date 29 Aug 2024

Bonds / news
NZ Govt Bond Tender #917; Tender Date 29 Aug 2024
NZ Treasury building

The New Zealand Debt Management Office has announced the results of NZ Govt Bond tender number 917 held on 29 Aug, 2024.

Tender Date: Thursday, 29 Aug, 2024.

Bids close: 2.30pm

Results: From 2.35pm

Settlement Date: Tuesday, 3 Sep 2024


(1) Nominal Bonds - Series Offered : 4.50% 15 May 2030

  Aug 29  #917 Aug 1  #914 Jun 27  #909 May 9  #903
Series Offered : 4.50% 15 May 2030        
Total Amount Offered ($million) 250 300 250 250
Total Amount Allocated ($million) 250 300 250 250
Total Number of Bids Received 40 46 24 30
Total Amount of Bids Received ($million) 591 715 318 465
Total Number of Successful Bids 23 19 19 12
Highest Yield Accepted (%) 3.9800 4.0225 4.5500 4.6000
Lowest Yield Accepted (%) 3.9550 4.0075 4.5250 4.5800
Highest Yield Rejected (%) 4.0575 4.0775 4.5750 4.6650
Lowest Yield Rejected (%) 3.9800 4.0225 4.5500 4.6050
Weighted Average Accepted Yield (%) 3.9693 4.0164 4.5365 4.5944
Weighted Average Rejected Yield (%) 3.9973 4.0423 4.5612 4.6264
Amount Allotted at Highest Accepted Yield as Percentage of Amount Bid at that Yield* 16.70 50.00 13.30 100.00
Coverage ratio 2.36 2.38 1.27 1.86



(2) Series Offered : 4.50% 15 May 2035

  Aug 29  #917 Aug 8  #915 25 Jul  #913
Series Offered : 4.50% 15 May 2035      
Total Amount Offered ($million) 200 175 200
Total Amount Allocated ($million) 200 175 200
Total Number of Bids Received 33 33 48
Total Amount of Bids Received ($million) 348 326 433
Total Number of Successful Bids 24 21 22
Highest Yield Accepted (%) 4.3675 4.3825 4.4925
Lowest Yield Accepted (%) 4.3375 4.3550 4.4675
Highest Yield Rejected (%) 4.4075 4.4375 4.6050
Lowest Yield Rejected (%) 4.3675 4.3825 4.4925
Weighted Average Accepted Yield (%) 4.3536 4.3705 4.4779
Weighted Average Rejected Yield (%) 4.3879 4.4063 4.5444
Amount Allotted at Highest Accepted Yield as Percentage of Amount Bid at that Yield* 40 46.70 42.90
Coverage ratio 1.74 1.86 2.16



(3) Series Offered : 2.75% 15 May 2051

  Aug 29  #917 Apr 18  #900 Apr 11  #899 Feb 15  #893
Series Offered : 2.75% 15 May 2051        
Total Amount Offered ($million) 50 50 50 75
Total Amount Allocated ($million) 50 50 50 75
Total Number of Bids Received 17 19 20 28
Total Amount of Bids Received ($million) 76 101 131 271
Total Number of Successful Bids 11 11 8 7
Highest Yield Accepted (%) 4.7475 5.1750 5.0475 5.0800
Lowest Yield Accepted (%) 4.7125 5.1500 5.0275 5.0675
Highest Yield Rejected (%) 4.8050 5.1950 5.0800 5.1600
Lowest Yield Rejected (%) 4.7450 5.1750 5.0475 5.0800
Weighted Average Accepted Yield (%) 4.7246 5.1598 5.0400 5.0750
Weighted Average Rejected Yield (%) 4.7577 5.1878 5.0576 5.1005
Amount Allotted at Highest Accepted Yield as Percentage of Amount Bid at that Yield* 33.30 56.0 66.7 25.0
Coverage ratio 1.52 2.02 2.62 3.61

*Individual allotments may vary due to rounding.

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