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NZ Govt Bond Tender #910; Tender Date 4 Jul 2024

Bonds / news
NZ Govt Bond Tender #910; Tender Date 4 Jul 2024
NZ Treasury building

The New Zealand Debt Management Office (NZDMO) has announced the results of NZ Govt Bond tender number 910 held on 4 Jul 2024.

Tender Date: Thursday, 4 Jul 2024.

Bids close: 2.30pm

Results: From 2.35pm

Settlement Date: Tuesday, 9 Jul  2024

*Note, the NZDMO sought $100 million for an issue of 17-year bonds, but secured only $94 million. See table 3 below. It's the first government bond tender to fail since February last year.

"The tender failed to complete, which hasn’t happened since Feb 2023. NZGBs have cheapened over the past few months relative to swaps, such that longer maturities now yield higher than swap rates. In part, that is due to increases in projected issuance, a feature not unique to NZ (e.g. US). Today’s tender result follows two weak tenders, so it’s not a complete surprise. Markets will cheapen NZGBs in response, but at some point, the spreads to swaps will attract investors, " Imre Speizer, Head of NZ Markets Strategy at Westpac Institutional Bank, says.

(1) Nominal Bonds - Series Offered : 1.50% 15 May 2031

  Jul 4  #910 Jun 20  #908 May 31  #906 May 16  #904
Series Offered : 1.50% 15 May 2031        
Total Amount Offered ($million) 225 250 275 250
Total Amount Allocated ($million) 225 250 275 250
Total Number of Bids Received 22 25 24 29
Total Amount of Bids Received ($million) 242 311 675 615
Total Number of Successful Bids 21 20 1 15
Highest Yield Accepted (%) 4.6000 4.4775 4.6725 4.4650
Lowest Yield Accepted (%) 4.5500 4.4375 4.6725 4.4450
Highest Yield Rejected (%) 4.6200 4.5350 4.7525 4.5000
Lowest Yield Rejected (%) 4.6000 4.4775 4.6875 4.4675
Weighted Average Accepted Yield (%) 4.5786 4.4576 4.6725 4.4559
Weighted Average Rejected Yield (%) 4.6118 4.4986 4.7099 4.4801
Amount Allotted at Highest Accepted Yield as Percentage of Amount Bid at that Yield* 72.00 50.00 100.00 100.00
Coverage ratio 1.07 1.24 2.45 2.46


(2) Series Offered : 4.25% 15 May 2034

  Jul 4  #910 Jun 20  #908 May 31  #906 May 16  #904
Series Offered : 4.25% 15 May 2034        
Total Amount Offered ($million) 175 200 175 250
Total Amount Allocated ($million) 175 200 175 250
Total Number of Bids Received 29 26 29 25
Total Amount of Bids Received ($million) 314 371 455 355
Total Number of Successful Bids 15 15 2 22
Highest Yield Accepted (%) 4.7200 4.5700 4.8075 4.5900
Lowest Yield Accepted (%) 4.6900 4.5550 4.8075 4.5550
Highest Yield Rejected (%) 4.7625 4.6600 4.9125 4.6200
Lowest Yield Rejected (%) 4.7200 4.5700 4.8075 4.5900
Weighted Average Accepted Yield (%) 4.7049 4.5624 4.8075 4.5684
Weighted Average Rejected Yield (%) 4.7338 4.5935 4.8383 4.5993
Amount Allotted at Highest Accepted Yield as Percentage of Amount Bid at that Yield* 75.00 82.90 87.50 22.20
Coverage ratio 1.79 1.86 2.60 1.42


(3) Series Offered : 1.75% 15 May 2041

  Jul 4  #910 May 23  #905 May 9  #903 Mar 7  #895
Series Offered : 1.75% 15 May 2041        
Total Amount Offered ($million) 100 75 25 50
Total Amount Allocated ($million) 94 75 25 50
Total Number of Bids Received 17 18 17 18
Total Amount of Bids Received ($million) 94 150 85 155
Total Number of Successful Bids 17 5 6 6
Highest Yield Accepted (%) 5.1100 4.9775 5.0300 4.8425
Lowest Yield Accepted (%) 5.0150 4.9700 5.0200 4.8275
Highest Yield Rejected (%)   5.0300 5.0900 4.9000
Lowest Yield Rejected (%)   4.9800 5.0300 4.8475
Weighted Average Accepted Yield (%)   4.8718 5.0265 4.8348
Weighted Average Rejected Yield (%) 5.0529 4.9943 5.0504 4.8696
Amount Allotted at Highest Accepted Yield as Percentage of Amount Bid at that Yield* 100.00 100.00 66.70 100.00
Coverage ratio 0.94 2.00 3.40 3.10


*Individual allotments may vary due to rounding.

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