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Watch security researcher Sam Curry hack and remotely control Kia cars in 30 seconds

Technology / news
Watch security researcher Sam Curry hack and remotely control Kia cars in 30 seconds
Computer Data Hacker
Image: Visual Content. Licence: CC BY 2.0.

A brief one for Friday, about security researcher Sam Curry exploiting a set of vulnerabilities in Kia cars that lets attackers activate remote control functions by simply reading the registration plate. Check out the video:

That is impressive, to say the least. A vast range of Kias were affected by the vulnerabilities, which could also be used by attackers to access sensitive personal information.

Kia has fixed the vulnerabilities Curry discovered, which the company said have never been exploited maliciously.

Kia isn't the only car maker with vulnerable vehicles. Read how Curry and others h4x3d a bunch of other brands a couple of years ago.

An old-fashioned steering and pedal lock isn't a silly idea...

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you cant hack and control my 1998 Mazda....


No one would want to hack and control your 1998 Mazda....


Oof... Someone call the burns unit


Give me a set of tools and...I would never admit to even knowing how to hotwire a car officer.


And if had a Kia I'd let them get away with the car.


Tongue in cheek of course. There are actually far worse brands of car, many of which are substantially more expensive!


Thank you for the interesting article. Privacy issues in new cars seem to go beyond Kia and driving control. Potential affecting insurance as explained in this clip.
