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Joe Biden’s debate disaster – who could replace him on the Democrat ticket in November?

Public Policy / opinion
Joe Biden’s debate disaster – who could replace him on the Democrat ticket in November?
US President Joe Biden. Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP/AAP.

By Caroline Leicht*

Following Joe Biden’s performance in the first televised debate with presidential challenger Donald Trump – which has variously been called “rambling”, “weak”, “meandering and confused” – giving the impression of a man “20 years older” than his rival, many senior Democrats are reported to be seriously discussing whether to replace him as their candidate on November 5.

The US press carried reports that “panicked” Democrats were examining ways that the president might be replaced in time to mount a credible challenge before the general election on November

Until now – and as you’d expect – Biden has commanded the loyalty of his party and those prominent Democrat leaders who might otherwise have challenged for the party’s nomination. But the sense now is that this will change. So who might emerge as a possible replacement for the 46th US president?

Kamala Harris

As the current vice president, Kamala Harris would appear to be the obvious second choice if Biden decides not to run. But, much like the president, she has done very poorly in approval ratings. In mid-June, she had a negative approval rating of 60%.

While a vice president’s approval ratings have historically been tied to those of the president, Harris would have to find a balance between setting herself apart from Biden and not diminishing the administration’s efforts.

Harris fiercely defended Biden after the debate, saying: “People can argue about style points, but ultimately this election … has to be about substance. And the contrast is clear.”

Stacey Abrams

When Georgia flipped blue in 2020, many credited Stacey Abrams for the success. The former minority leader of the Georgia House of Representatives was a prominent campaigner for Democrats ahead of the 2020 election.

But despite this success in the south being attributed to her, Abrams comes with a difficult electoral record. She stood for governor in Georgia in 2018 and 2022 and lost both times, which could certainly cast some doubts on her electability within the party and among the voting public.

Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg went from local to national politics within the span of just a few months. The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, ran for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020 and won the Iowa caucuses. But he dropped out of the race shortly thereafter. When Biden took office, he appointed Buttigieg as transport secretary – and since his move to Washington, Buttigieg has continued to make a name for himself.

Darling of the progressives: Pete Buttigieg is the first openly gay man to run for a presidential nomination. EPA-EFE/Caroline Brehman.

Within the Democratic party, he appears to enjoy much popularity. He was “the most requested surrogate on the campaign trail” ahead of the 2022 midterms. If elected, Buttigieg would be the youngest ever president and the first openly gay man to become president.

But Buttigieg may face challenges on the campaign trail as he has previously had significant difficulties securing support from minority voter groups.

Amy Klobuchar

The first woman elected to represent Minnesota in the US Senate, Amy Klobuchar has been on the national political stage since 2007. During the confirmation hearings for supreme court associate justice Brett Kavanaugh, she made headlines and drew praise for her sharp line of questioning. Klobuchar previously ran for president in 2020 and put her support behind Biden after exiting the race.

She is seen as a moderate, someone who could unite both sides of the party and might be a close alternative to Biden. However, she has lower name recognition than her possible opponents within the party and had difficulties securing excitement for her campaign in 2020, an issue that could block her path again.

Gavin Newsom

California governor Gavin Newsom, who won a second term at the midterms, made headlines last year when he paid for billboards in conservative states like Texas and Indiana advertising that abortion is still legal in California.

Newsom is less disliked than Biden and Harris but is still polling in the single digits, according to latest data. But this may be explained by his slightly lower name recognition among voters. Data from the January Granite State Poll in New Hampshire shows that some voters felt they do not know enough about him to form an opinion yet.

Asked after the debate if he was considering running to replace Biden, Newsom said: “Our nominee is Joe Biden – I’m looking forward to voting for him in November.”

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren, the senator for Massachusetts since 2013, previously ran for president in 2020 and quickly became known as the candidate with the most detailed plans for every issue on the agenda. While she did not win the nomination, she has since continued to make waves on Capitol Hill with passionate speeches on issues such as abortion rights.

‘Angry’: Elizabeth Warren decries the supreme court decision over abortion rights, May 2022.

Behind Biden and Harris, who naturally have high name recognition due to their positions, Warren is best known among potential candidates. Additionally, she is less disliked than the president and vice president.

Latest data from YouGov US polling shows Warren with a 47% approval rating against 24% who said they disliked her.

Gretchen Whitmer

After winning a second term as governor in the November 2022 midterms, defeating a Trump-backed Republican and increasing her win margin from 2018, Gretchen Whitmer has entered the 2024 stakes as a wild-card contender.

Whitmer was first elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in 2000, and gained national attention for her speech on abortion rights in 2013, where she revealed that she had been sexually assaulted as a young woman. She was the target of a kidnapping plot thwarted by the FBI in October 2020.

Whitmer is well known for her ability to work across the aisle and has passed more than 900 bipartisan bills as governor. With Michigan poised to move up in the Democratic primary calendar, Whitmer could have an early home advantage if she decides to run.

Whether vice president or wild card favourite, no Democrat except Biden has declared an intention to run. Amid increased calls for him to step aside following his performance in Thursday’s debate, however, the Democratic party may consider their options ahead of the Democratic National Convention in August.The Conversation

*Caroline Leicht, PhD Candidate in Politics, University of Southampton.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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No mentioned of Dean Phillips?  Would he move up the queue given he has the second most (albeit by a long distance behind) delegates after Biden?


Doesn't have the name recognition that would be needed at this very late stage of the electoral cycle. Also the Democratic Party has no democratic mechanism for changing its candidate at this late point in time so the party elite are just going to hand pick the safe-hands insider that they think has enough name recognition to get them over the line.


Reach out to Camelot. Mend the bridge to the Kennedys. Enlist RFK junior. Recall and reignite uncle JFK’s “ask not what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Oh well not a snowball’s chance, for sure.


Other Kennedys have denounced RFK Junior.


Shona Laing summed it up rather well then, didn’t she.


Bring back Bernie...


Bernie sold out to Hillary for a bit of money and a couple of small time senate positions. Plus his wife was embroiled in some kind of money scandal at her college.


Well they want / need the Gav man from Cali.

Problem is, they’d be ousting the highly unpopular black VP which wouldn’t serve the racist Dem narrative.

Man they really stuffed themselves, absolute morons, should have stuck to the important issues instead of the polarising fringe issue drek they’ve served up for the last 5 years.


The current Black VP can easily be persuaded to quietly move on. Maybe a Supreme Court nomination?


Firstly, are you the guy from the Labour Party that spent a chunk of his life commenting on the laughable Standard? Secondly, Harris doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to sit on SCOTUS and would probably be voted down by the Dems as well as the Republicans. Unless of course, they were desperate…..


I think they need somebody older with a few more years' experience under their belt. 


Speaking of age, ironic then in the caption photo as above, would be oldest president ever Joe Biden, stands before a portrait of youngest president ever, Teddy Roosevelt.


Complete media blackout of the most promising, and popular Kennedy candidate.  Biden and Trump are both puppets of the corporations, and the three letter agencies that run the country.  Trump's a borderline idiot, while Biden's got dementia.  What a joke democracy in that country has become.  


Have you tried to listen to him talk...sorry gave me a headache after 5 mins?


Re Kennedy; If you don't like hearing highly intelligent people clearly articulating uncomfortable truths, then I guess you might feel that way.


Some people can only focus on the soothing marketing voice over, not on the message itself.


Here's a very brief ~20 min interview taken just after the real debate that covers a lot of his positions.


Hillary Clinton v Trump Again!🤭


The Wicked Witch of the West (double entendre intended)?

Quite apt. We have a Straw Man, a Tin Man....

But I think the country is somewhat out of yellow bricks...


Anyone. Anyone is better than Biden or Trump.


I would say keep Biden, but bring in Warren as VP.

Make it clear she will be taking over at any sign of illness,  or dementia.


The possibility of President Biden being replaced prior to the 2024 election is a complex and speculative topic. There are a few potential scenarios that could lead to this, but the outcomes would depend on the specific circumstances:

Impeachment/Removal from Office:
If Biden were to be impeached by the House and then convicted and removed from office by the Senate, the Vice President (Kamala Harris) would assume the presidency. This would be an extremely divisive and destabilizing event, but the constitutional process would still be followed. It's unclear how this would impact the 2024 election, as Harris would become the incumbent but may or may not choose to run.

Resignation or Incapacity:
If Biden were to resign or be deemed incapable of fulfilling his duties (e.g. for health reasons), Kamala Harris would again become president. This would likely be a smoother transition, but could still be politically charged depending on the circumstances.

Presidential Ticket Replacement:
It's also theoretically possible that the Democratic Party could choose to replace Biden as their 2024 nominee, either through a contested primary or by some other internal party process. This is extremely unlikely to happen absent major unforeseen developments, but if it did, the party's chosen replacement would become the de facto incumbent.

Any of these scenarios would inject significant uncertainty and volatility into the 2024 race. 

Harris or another Democratic successor may have an easier time consolidating support within the party, but would face a highly polarized electorate. Conversely, a Republican victory could be seen as repudiation of the Biden/Democratic agenda.

Ultimately, the impact would depend on a wide range of factors - the reasons for the change, the public's reaction, the strength of the candidates, the state of the economy and other key issues, etc. It's impossible to predict with certainty, but it's safe to say it would be a seismic event in American politics.



Regardless of how bad the other side on offer might look the US will not vote in  a weak embarrassment of a President. If the democrats do not understand that then they have shot themselves in the foot and head before anything really starts up. A replacement likely will fare little better as the process of selection will not fail to create an internal upheaval and further loss of public confidence. All Trump has to do is stay on his feet but that won’t stop the Republicans from flaying the Democrats, day and night. Decimation in other words, beckons.
