By Richard Shaw*
Christopher Luxon is no slouch on the dance floor, it seems. As his wife Amanda told the New Zealand Woman’s Weekly, the two prepared for their university ball with a ballroom dancing class.
The teacher said he had rhythm and I couldn’t believe she was saying that about him when I had done ballet for years. But that’s what clinched it for me!
As the pace increases in the campaign for New Zealand’s 2023 general election, and regardless of polls showing the National Party ahead of Labour, Luxon will need to find some of that rhythm in the weeks leading up to and after the election.
As a recent, unimpressive TV performance defending his party’s tax package demonstrated, he’ll need stamina and skill to make up for being a comparative newcomer to the political dance.
But this may be even more important after the election than during the campaign. If National leads the next government – and even if it doesn’t – the landscape on the right of New Zealand politics is changing.
In particular, ACT’s success in stitching together a coalition of urban low-tax-loving liberals and disaffected farmers is driving a wedge between National and voters it has long seen as its own.
The party Luxon leads is facing not just an election, but a generational realignment.
Rebranding an airline, as Luxon did in a former life, is one thing. Steering the National Party through what lies ahead may require more than fancy footwork.
Crisis poll for Labour as support collapses, National rockets into 40s https://t.co/MilQKTerag
— Newshub Politics (@NewshubPolitics) September 11, 2023
The political unknown
This is no small task for a political novice. Luxon only entered parliament as the MP for Botany at the 2020 election. National lost the party vote to Labour in that Auckland constituency, and the 50% of the candidate vote he gained was lower than the 60% National’s Jami-Lee Ross had won in 2017.
If it was a baptism by fire, he fared better than a lot of National’s other candidates in that election, which gave Labour the first single party majority government since the adoption of the MMP electoral system in 1996.
That seismic defeat saw the end of Judith Collins’ leadership, and the search for a new face. A little over a year later, Luxon was installed as the party’s fifth leader in just four years.
It’s been less than two years since then, but much has changed. Most notably, former prime minister Jacinda Ardern has gone – as have all of the COVID restrictions and many of the policies with which she was associated.
During that time, Luxon has been working hard to construct a political persona, but routinely faces claims he is an unknown quantity.
His previous careers at Unilever and Air New Zealand are well known, as is the fact he’s a conservative Christian. Some might know he likes waterskiing and country music. Some may even rate his credentials on the climate crisis, gender pay equity and opposition to human trafficking.
Yet Luxon still lacks political definition in a way John Key – the former National Party leader and prime minister, whose political success it is Luxon’s job to reprise – did not.
The two things most people knew about Key were that he was born in a state house and grew up to become an international man of finance.
The first fact allowed Key to promote himself as an ordinary bloke, the second notwithstanding. Luxon – who earned NZ$4.4 million a year at Air New Zealand and owns seven houses – has yet to pull off that political sleight of hand.
Brand Luxon
Earlier in the campaign, that slight sense of fuzziness – the feeling that people are not quite sure who Luxon is or what he stands for – was a concern for National’s strategists, forcing them to distinguish the leader from the party on the campaign trail.
There were worries, too, about the gap between Luxon’s personal polling and those of Prime Minister Chris Hipkins (and, for different reasons, those of the ACT Party leader David Seymour). However, the head-to-head contest for preferred prime minister between Luxon and Chris Hipkins has since tightened considerably.
But the concerns about the extent to which “brand Luxon” has achieved cut-through with voters have not entirely abated. For one thing, the same poll which had Luxon just a couple of percentage points behind Hipkins as preferred prime minister suggested he is less popular among undecided voters – who often determine the outcome of elections.
Furthermore, in another relatively recent poll, only 25% of women respondents felt well disposed towards Luxon, whereas 39% expressed some degree of negativity towards him – which may speak to his socially conservative views on (among other things) abortion.
In 2020, National lost significant support among women to Ardern. It needs those votes back if it is to prevail this time, which goes some way to explaining the composition of National’s party list, even if Luxon was less than keen to acknowledge gender was a factor in drawing it up.
David Seymour says if National wasn't prepared to "fully share power," ACT would consider a "gruelling and challenging" minority-government position.https://t.co/adX70v2PP4
— 1News (@1NewsNZ) September 11, 2023
The ACT factor
It is worth recalling, however, that this time three years ago, National’s figures were in free-fall. Luxon has turned that around, calming a querulous caucus and ending National’s leadership musical chairs.
He has also made sure the party’s list more closely resembles the wider population, with fewer middle-aged white males per capita than previously.
That said, reflecting on the views held by a number of those on that list, one journalist suggested a National victory could produce “an unruly rump of zealots championing Christian identity politics” and pose “a significant risk to National’s cohesiveness and its ability to hold that power”.
But unlike Ardern in 2020, if Luxon is in a position to lead the next government, he will not be dancing with himself. He is going to need at least one parliamentary partner. This may be where the skills developed in his previous careers will be most severely tested.
For one thing, the polls suggest Luxon will have to negotiate some form of governing arrangement with ACT. That is unlikely to be a straightforward process, given the extent to which the parties diverge on various policy issues.
Luxon would also find the day-to-day management of a National-ACT administration a challenge – much less a minority National government reliant on ACT for parliamentary support, as ACT leader David Seymour has suggested could happen.
ACT’s own experience in office is limited to Seymour’s brief tenure – a decade ago – as minister of regulatory reform and parliamentary undersecretary to the minister of education. And some of its candidate selection choices raise concerns about the sorts of views held within a party that could shortly find itself in – or propping up – a government.
To lose one candidate might be put down to misfortune. To lose several, as ACT has during this campaign, speaks to something more than carelessness.
The post-election dance
Such difficulties would be partly of National’s own making. Since the 2002 election, ACT has cleared MMP’s 5% threshold for parliamentary representation just once (in 2020). For survival, it has relied on National either standing aside in the seat of Epsom or encouraging its supporters to give their vote to ACT’s Epsom candidate.
National is playing neither game this year, but may come to regret ever having done so. Because right now, Seymour’s party has the political breeze behind it.
A seemingly resurgent New Zealand First (NZF) also poses a threat. These days NZF is as much a populist party seeking to “take the country back” from sundry “elites” and “a small unelected cabal of opinionated virtue signallers” as it is a vehicle for economic nationalism.
But just as he did with Brian Tamaki’s Freedoms NZ Party, Luxon is equivocating on the question of whether or not he would countenance working with NZF leader Winston Peters after the election.
For now, National’s leader can keep his potential governing options open. But in a month’s time – assuming present polling trends apply on the big day – we may find out who on his political dance card will get the nod.
Christopher Luxon just has to avoid tripping over his own feet before he gets there.
*Richard Shaw, Professor of Politics, Massey University. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
This will never work
Winston Peters,David Seymour and Chris Luxon there egos are all to big.
It's all about them.
Rubbish. The labour NZ First arrangement worked well in that NZ First kept Labour honest.
There is no reason why it shouldn't work again, although I agree that Seymour is somewhat immature.
It is paramount that NZ First are in parliament to (a) look after the seniors and seniors to be interests and (b) to moderate between the centre National and far right ACT.
That is if ACT has any candidates left by election day.
I have voted Peters in the passed but never again.
To negative ,stops growth, only there for a free lunch and some me, me, me time and way too old for this now.
David Seymour may have something to add not worked it out myself yet and all the people I know that support him can't tell me either.
Growth has to be stopped.
Indeed reversed - we're overshot.
But it will cease of its own accord anyway; what we need are politicians brave enough to acknowledge that, and prepared to make the hard calls.
I list those presently doing so, within the following brackets: ( ).
I'll be voting Winston first as I don't like Labour/Greens, National/Luxon or ACT. You go in knowing the name Winston first is for self promotion. The rest of what he claims he'll do is just hit and miss, mostly miss.
Fine let people wait an extra 2 years untill their pension and risk those on so called national super getting smaller cost of living increases in future years.
Dont forget the politicians queuing up to cancel out the Super Gold Card.
Best have Winnie do his last 3 years and hand over to the best replacement.
Do you look at politics today and think there is a risk that seniors interests are not being represented?
Is there a barrel the bottom of which Peters would not scrape in the hunt for votes? I doubt it. I will dance for joy if his nasty little party just fails the 5% threshold. I am a senior, but don't want Peters and his rag-tag bundle of followers in any government. The thought of Shane Jones handing out bribes-sorry- money without any accountability is sickening.
“Look after Seniors interests”…
Are you JOKING? Thats all National and Labour have ever done. Meanwhile young people cant even afford a house.
Meanwhile young people cant even afford a house.
Indeed, yet said young seem determined to not vote in numbers for their own self-interest - for a party promoting more affordable housing via a LVT and tax-free threshold.
Much as I'm lukewarm on it, perhaps TOP's Teal card is something that will make it worthwhile for them to turn out and start ticking boxes.
Wasted vote, for good reason
Winston Peter's proved himself during 2017-2020 by blocking the far left policies of the far left Arden adgenda.
A National, NZ First government minority government would be far better outcome for Luxton than the far right policies of Act.
If Act fails to provide confidence and supply and causes a snap election then their voters will punish them and return to National. They would not dare risk that outcome.
Labour deserves to be shot for their co-governance. That was not in their 2020 manifesto but hey absolute power corrupts absolutely. Under labour it's core voters are now worse off. Under national the promised tax cut will be "rescinded" in the name of Austerity due to a worsening financial situation and the foreign buyers tax will be expanded to a general "stamp duty" payable by everyone. Those are my predictions.
Give Act some power and kiss goodbye to pension at age 65.
Don't you love reading between the lines. Dark times are ahead
"This Party Political broadcast was brought to you on behalf of the Labour party"
Well, the good thing is that they are toast anyway. One month before we finally get rid of these clowns, who managed to divide our society and seriously manage the NZ economy. One month before we finally get rid of one of the worst governments in NZ history.
Funny all my National friends where all for the covid spending, locking country down and where ok for the divide it was causing.
Now it comes to the consequences of paying there is a big mind shift.
Personal I think it was a big fraud just follow the money back.
Who made all the money out of it Pfizer
Yup, took the subsidies, now moaning about the govt deficit.
About $1 billion of the money spent on Covid was purchase of vaccines, presumably most of which went to Pfizer. The total cost of the Covid response and recovery was about $70 billion.
I think you need to look closer to home for the biggest winners.
Agreed. Apart from the 'helicopter money' to businesses, not all of which deserved it, it might be surprising to some people but some of the money went towards community development and keeping communities together (such as food packs for people who had lost their jobs). Community organisations coordinated a lot of this response using existing networks.
The outcome was that a lot of small communities across New Zealand supported through COVID gained valuable infrastructure which will help them going forward (e.g. specialist storage for COVID vaccines also means that flu or other vaccines now can be delivered to a remote community more easily), and some people who had previously not been employed gained valuable skills to use in employment. The positive impact on those small communities can't be underestimated.
Hopefully ACT will drive a hard bargain when it comes to negotiating its "bottom lines" with National, particularly a referendum on the Treaty.
It would define the Principles of the Treaty as below, which the vast majority of Kiwis would support.
- All citizens of New Zealand have the same political rights and duties
- All political authority comes from the people by democratic means including universal suffrage, regular and free elections with a secret ballot
- New Zealand is a multi-ethnic liberal democracy where discrimination based on ethnicity is illegal
Can you 're-write' a treaty?
It has been done before - over the last 40 years
Simply confirming the correct interpretation of it it as it is currently written, and originally intended by all signatories
I would think you could only rewrite a treaty with the agreement of both parties.
Rather like a contract.
What you really want to do is strong arm the judiciary to follow your interpretation.
Now that sounds really democratic.
ACT isn’t proposing to rewrite the Treaty, they are proposing to confirm it’s correct interpretation via referendum, in-line with how it is currently written.
Bruce from Manurewa & Sheryl from Sumner have the legal skills to interpret the Tiriti and what it's correct legal standing/wording is?
which interpretation are you referring to , the english or the maori version they both say different things , so if we do an FTA with india and both versions say different things how long before there would be conflict
Sir Apirana Ngata explained this well over a century ago
The Treaty of Waitangi an Explanation | NZETC (victoria.ac.nz)
In times past, rates were not levied on Maori lands. This was not because of the Treaty of Waitangi. Likewise in days gone by Maori lands were not affected by taxation and again it was not because of any provisions in the Treaty. The Treaty had provided for "all the rights and privileges of British subjects". If the law had adhered to the spirit of the Treaty, Maori land would have borne the burden of rates and taxation long ago.
He understood rates and taxes on land were two separate things and discusses how they were levied here in NZ 100 years ago.
How many times have I seen in the comments here the fact we have rates means we cannot possibly also have a land tax or that we will never have a land tax in NZ.
The laws made by Parliament affect all the people living on the face of this land, the land properly delineated and known as Aotearoa, the South Island and adjacent islands.
and the fire spread to the far ends of Aotearoa (North Island)
Just to prove my ignorance, why is Aotearoa being used for the whole of NZ when Sir Apirana Ngata seemed clear it was only the North Island?
It's a fair list as far as I'm concerned. Try raising it with the groups obsessed with retribution.
Agree 100%. A referendum will once and for all make it crystal clear that the large majority of the population will not stand for racism and separatism, as promoted by a self-serving small minority.
This article just continues the MSM focus on personalities rather than policies. While leaders personal views are a factor we really want political leadership to be more than that
Sad really but seems to be the way of the world
It would have been useful to see which policy differences actually exist and understand the potential impacts
to much to ask of a professor these days?
There is also the Greens , who may offer confidence to avoid ACT bargaining to gut all the environmental work done so far.
But I would say such support would be on these areas only.
Growing up and not mentioning TOP anymore - good to see :)
Huh, i don't recall making more than a passing reference to Top.
I do notice many that did are no longer posting.
There are almost as many land mines in NZ politics these days as there are in the Eastern Ukraine. Anything, repeat, anything will be better than the last 6 years. Surely.
Worst case it will be as bad
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