In May, China reported that youth unemployment (among those aged 16 to 24) had reached a record-breaking 20.8%, with the high-paying, high-skilled jobs that university graduates are trained for growing scarcer. Since mid-2021, hundreds of thousands of positions have been eliminated in the tech sector, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, stringent capital and antitrust regulations, and the government’s broader “tech crackdown.” And, as the rapidly changing policy environment adds to the uncertainty, cutbacks are also coming to other high-skilled sectors like finance.
In June, the Chinese internet was flooded with despairing photos and messages from new graduates whose only employment prospects lay in low-paying sectors, where there is still some job growth. Chinese students and their parents are finding this new economic reality difficult to accept, given the tremendous sacrifices they made for higher education.
The Chinese education system is one of the most competitive in the world, not least because college admission is determined by a single standardised national exam, the gaokao. By the time most graduates from good colleges arrive on the job market, they have committed many years of their youth to intensive study. The pressure to master the core curriculum – math, science, and literature – is so great that even elementary schools have cut back on non-academic classes such as physical education and music.
Meanwhile, these graduates’ families have made sacrifices that are hard to imagine in many other countries. Children as young as ten often do four hours of homework per day, requiring constant encouragement, monitoring, and coercion from parents. All this is done with the expectation of enjoying future security in a rapidly growing economy – except that now economic growth has waned.
Young women tend to suffer more than young men in the labor market. Although Chinese girls outperform boys across subjects and age groups, they have long been prevented from entering traditionally male industries such as civil aviation, which previously had explicit anti-female quotas. These hurdles reflect China’s strong tradition of preferring sons. There are 116 boys for every 100 girls among those aged 15-19, compared to 98 boys for every 100 girls in the United States.
Moreover, women’s employment prospects were further reduced after the government started pushing, in the mid-2010s, to increase fertility. With the birth rate falling to an all-time low – setting the stage for massive economic problems down the road – the central government abandoned its one-child policy, and many provinces have increased maternity leave above the national minimum.
But this has made employers more reluctant to hire women, with many voicing concerns about the cost of future time off for bearing and rearing children. The assumption is that a man will work as many hours as you need, no matter how many kids he has, whereas a woman might not.
These cultural norms are colliding with the contraction of high-skill jobs. If there are more jobs than workers, employers have no choice but to hire women and provide the necessary support and benefits. But with 11-40 applicants for every opening, China has become a buyer’s market. The immediate result is that young women will be forced to take even lower-paying jobs than men with similar qualifications; and some may simply exit the labor force altogether.
Young women’s darkening employment outlook is just one of many signs that the Chinese economy is headed in the wrong direction. For decades, China’s growth has followed the pattern of advanced economies, with rising incomes and educational attainment, shrinking family size, and growing female labor-force participation. But now it is heading back toward lower incomes and educational outcomes (as parents conclude that higher education will not result in high-paying jobs), larger families, and lower female labor-force participation.
The slowdown from 10% annual GDP growth was inevitable. But current patterns raise profound concerns for China’s economic outlook, especially considering that the government’s policies for addressing them have not worked. For example, to reduce some of the pressure on schoolchildren and their parents, the government abruptly banned online tutoring in 2021, arguing that this would help level the playing field. But all the policy did was drastically reduce the value and the number of jobs in tech (and in the parts of the financial sector that had invested in it).
Worse, families now must pay even higher prices for in-person tutoring, lest their child fall behind. And with the broader reduction in high-paying jobs, an already hyper-competitive system will become even more cutthroat, adding to the costs parents must bear to secure their children’s financial future. Again, these increased costs will hurt girls more than boys. Under the one-child policy, urban parents with daughters invested all their resources into their only child. But now that Chinese parents can have two or more children, many will allocate their limited resources to sons over daughters.
To be sure, one way to address youth unemployment is to encourage young graduates to return to rural areas and take lower-paying manual jobs. But for a middle-income country where economic development is closely associated with the growth of cities, ruralisation would represent regression. It would not increase wages, motivate future generations to pursue a higher education (which is necessary for creating higher-paying, high-skilled jobs), or provide women with more equal opportunities.
To stem the reversal of its economic fortunes, China must address the root of the problem: the lack of high-paying, high-skilled jobs. If the economy is going to grow (or at least avoid a contraction) in the long run, the government must create the conditions for job creation in high-productivity sectors, and for greater investment in higher education.
Nancy Qian, Professor of Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, is a co-director of Northwestern University’s Global Poverty Research Lab and the Founding Director of China Econ Lab. Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2023, published here with permission.
Consider the source.
Consider the points she makes.
What a strange and self contradictory piece. Demands that the state intervene to ensure high paying jobs, complaints about ultra competitive schooling, the inherently liberal ridiculous notions that a woman is free when she is serving an employer while enslaved when serving her family.
The university system in China, as in New Zealand, is a ticketing system. Ask yourself, if you read all the books and wrote all the essays for a history or philosophy curriculum, is it worth less than, equivalent to or more than the vellum? You are graded for employment by essentially proving you can work hard for a few years with a singular focus.
The appropriate answer is to move away from employees training themselves for a profession and instead to reform our tax/corporate system to encourage employers to pick up and train employees. Both of my Grandfathers made their careers off cadetships, which have all but disappeared today.
Any state that measures its prosperity by the GDP rather than the marriage and family formation rates of its people is implicitly sterile, dead and lacking vitality.
instead to reform our tax/corporate system to encourage employers to pick up and train employees.
I think you get 8 grand a year to take on an apprentice, and a few other carrots.
Not that that figure covers it.
When reading this article I thought ''This sounds like a western narrative.'' Sure enough, when reading the credits, there it was in plain sight. An Asian name but a western thought process, & an unbalanced one at that, which is my point. We have no balance in our lives, as success, judged by the western narrative [& a liberal one at that] is totally out of sync with what I consider to be a balanced lifestyle. For me, family is important. It is the most important ingredient that I can succeed at in my life. If I can get my family right, then the rest of my life will flow from there. Sadly we have demoted family to the also ran category & it is costing us big time - in health [physical & mental] welfare dependency [an absolute crisis I would suggest] in the law courts & justice [?] system, at school [or not at school more specifically] in housing etc etc. We have f......d the family up so much that it now costs the govt half of all its expenditures, in one form or another. The family is the cornerstone of any & every successful civilisation that has had its day over the last 5,000 years or longer. Destroy it at your peril. Which is exactly what we are doing.
Could have just said 'sort out housing, kill off the bubble'. Let the people own their homes.
Well it was/is worse in China as the CCP made sure you couldnt have a family
While good for the population limits it has the potential to turn out badly for the country for the reasons you have pointed out
To stem the reversal of its economic fortunes, China must address the root of the problem.
I recall Hong Kong was doing pretty nicely until ..........
So the root of the problem is ?????
I cannot wait to see the first real moon landing by the mankind around 2030 by Taikonauts from China.
They will be able to take a clear picture of the flat earth from up there.
So these graduates will need to emigrate
Good for the world, bad for China -although the CCP can pressure their parents who remain in China to ensure the emigree's remain faithful servants of the motherland
To stem the reversal of its economic fortunes, China must address the root of the problem: the lack of high-paying, high-skilled jobs. If the economy is going to grow (or at least avoid a contraction) in the long run, the government must create the conditions for job creation in high-productivity sectors
I mean - yes? But this is the epitome of 'easier said than done', isn't it? Every government in the world would love to create more high-paying, high-skilled jobs.
It seems to me that China's created a crisis of expectations. An economy juiced on artificial, credit-driven property prices and a tech bubble can rage on for quite a long time but when it runs out of steam you find that the good jobs evaporate quickly. Sounds familiar...
NYT: "America can’t build a green economy without China... The US cannot build a competitive renewable or electric vehicle industry from scratch... US engineers will progress in these industries only when they can work with their Chinese counterparts." Link
The CCP was never going to do recession well
...larger families...
- I'm not sure there is any data to support the notion of an increasing fertility rate in China, it's been downward over the last few years: https://data.worldbank.org/share/widget?indicators=SP.DYN.TFRT.IN&locat…
- The youth unemployment in China has been increasing for years, this is not new or alarming: https://data.worldbank.org/share/widget?indicators=SL.UEM.1524.ZS&locat…
- Male to Female ratio is normalising over time: https://www.statista.com/statistics/282119/china-sex-ratio-by-age-group/
- There is a crisis in China and it's that there aren't actually enough young people to replace older workers: https://data.worldbank.org/share/widget?end=2022&indicators=SP.POP.1564…
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