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Eswar Prasad warns that the darkening outlook for the world economy reflects significant challenges ahead

Public Policy / opinion
Eswar Prasad warns that the darkening outlook for the world economy reflects significant challenges ahead
"Worse to come" newspaper headline

The post-COVID recovery has run out of steam. The latest update to the Brookings-Financial Times Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery (TIGER) shows that growth momentum, as well as financial market and confidence indicators, have deteriorated markedly around the world in recent months. And as the global economy stalls amid heightened uncertainty and rising risks, many countries are either in or on the brink of outright recession.

Some wounds have been self-inflicted. Misguided policies like China’s zero-COVID strategy and the United Kingdom’s reckless “mini-budget” have made it harder for policymakers to respond to ongoing supply-chain disruptions and the protracted war in Ukraine. High and persistent inflation worldwide, and the actions central banks have taken to rein it in, are also depressing economic activity, weakening household and business confidence, and roiling financial markets.

In major advanced economies like the eurozone, Japan, and the UK, sluggish and tepid policy responses have compounded the effects of external shocks, knocking growth trajectories off track. Consequently, many developed countries now face the challenges that have long characterized periods of economic and financial stress in emerging-market economies: steep currency depreciations (relative to the US dollar), rising government bond yields, strained public finances, and tightening policy constraints.

The US economy, for its part, is rife with conflicting signals. On the positive side, consumer demand remains strong, and employment has continued to grow at a reasonably healthy pace. At the same time, GDP growth is anemic while inflation remains high by any measure, leaving the Federal Reserve with little choice but to hike interest rates further, despite the tightening of financial conditions caused by a strong dollar and falling asset prices.

In Europe, energy supply disruptions are fueling inflation and constraining growth, stoking fears of energy shortages in the winter and undermining private-sector confidence. The recent plunge in the pound’s value is emblematic of the many challenges facing the UK economy, including adverse external circumstances, the ongoing fallout from Brexit, and the country’s undisciplined fiscal policies. In many other European countries, populist policies could increase the risk of fiscal and financial instability.

Japan is the only major advanced economy that has the luxury of maintaining an easy monetary policy, thanks to its low inflation rate. This could help the country sustain stable albeit low growth, as the yen’s rapid depreciation has not had any appreciable negative effects thus far.

While emerging-market economies face similar challenges, including high inflation and depreciating currencies, they generally have better growth prospects than their advanced-economy counterparts. Still, weak demand worldwide and tighter financial conditions will increase pressure on developing economies with current-account deficits. But barring a few exceptions like Turkey, Sri Lanka, and Venezuela – where rampant economic mismanagement has precipitated currency collapses – most emerging markets do not seem to be heading toward a balance-of-payments crisis.

That said, China is facing a raft of problems resulting from the government’s rigid adherence to its zero-COVID policy, a faltering real-estate sector, and unsustainable financial-system pressures. While inflation remains under control, the renminbi’s depreciation relative to the US dollar has limited the People’s Bank of China’s ability to cut interest rates. The government and the PBOC have implemented several fiscal and monetary stimulus measures, but these have had limited effect on private consumption and investment. Export growth, too, is likely to be restrained by weak global demand.

India’s economy, on the other hand, remains a bright spot. The country is likely to register strong growth this year and in 2023 as exports rise owing to the rupee’s depreciation and the beneficial effects of various reforms undertaken in recent years. But the Reserve Bank of India’s ongoing struggle to rein in high inflation is a constraining factor.

Meanwhile, Russia’s economy has been battered by the economic and financial sanctions that Western powers have imposed since its invasion of Ukraine, although rising export revenues and weak imports have softened the blow by strengthening the ruble. Latin American currencies have done surprisingly well this year, but Brazil and many other countries in the region face challenging political environments, which could dampen domestic demand and growth, scare off foreign investors, and foment economic instability.

Governments and central banks no longer have the luxury of stabilizing growth and offsetting adverse shocks with unfettered fiscal and monetary stimulus. At a minimum, governments must avoid poorly targeted fiscal measures and other unhelpful populist policies, do what they can to overcome supply bottlenecks, and support central banks as they strive to restore price stability. An ineffective policy response endangers those hit hardest by food and energy price increases: the world’s poorest economies and the poorest households in every country.

With little room for maneuver, policymakers must coordinate fiscal and monetary measures to alleviate short-term inflationary pressures and focus on reforms that can improve long-term growth. In addition to mitigating labor-supply and trade constraints, they must create incentives for investment in green technologies and other types of infrastructure. Such measures are crucial to supporting private-sector demand and confidence in the short run and to re-anchoring inflation expectations.

Eswar Prasad, a professor at Cornell University, is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the author of The Future of Money: How the Digital Revolution Is Transforming Currencies and Finance (Harvard University Press, 2021). Aryan Khanna contributed to this column. (c) 2022 Project Syndicate. Used with permission.

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Cheerful reading.


Haha. It is a bit negative isn't it.

To read 90% of the news does not help with ones mood. But it has to be done sparingly though in order to make good financial decisions.

However I am in a really good mood at the moment after reading who won the Ak Mayoralty!


Jacinda's seal of approval was the kiss of death for Efeso Collins ... so glad she was endorsing him ... his policies were dreadful  ...

... the rest of the country needs Orc Land to be vibrant & prosperous  ...


The reverse midas touch.


How you join the dotes from this article to Auckland local body elections and then Jacinda boggles the mind? What next the weather in Sydney?



. .  could be a few showers at Bathurst during the big race ...  get a grip , man  !


Bring back Brocky and Murph


Murph is back ... Brocky? not so much


Brocky is just above us , look up , he landers in the celestial pit stop , having a heavenly beer & pizza ... 


We know, come what may it will get worse before getting normal and than get better


Whatever you know (or think you know) will become true for you, so be very mindful what you chose to believe!


Some wounds have been self-inflicted. Misguided policies like China’s zero-COVID strategy and the United Kingdom’s reckless “mini-budget”...

What, nothing about Europe's self-inflicted energy problems?

In Europe, energy supply disruptions are fueling inflation and constraining growth...

Ah, there it is. All of China and the UK's problems are "self-inflicted", while the rest of Europe's are mere "disruptions", with the suggestion of who should be blamed for them being well understood.


Would you rather have Russia owning Ukraine by now, with more territories to come?


I'm positive in most respects but I just don't know how much more inflation the consumer can wear because it's starting to impact people's ability to access credit. Wages must rise to support consumers. Governments could help substantially by adjusting income tax bands to compensate for all the inflation foisted on workers in recent years.


From memory in the 90s tax brackets were changed regularly. It wasn't seen as a political football, they were just adjusted. Fullstop.


Labour love inflation : it erodes away the huge debt they've built up from their wastral spending  ... and ... and it pushes PAYE workers into higher tax bands , more revenue for Robbo to splash around  ...  


Wages ARE rising Squishy, at 7% officially


What a disappointing article. Really just a summary of everything we know.

Didn’t offer any interesting insights.


Maybe you should write something then?


Eswar Prasad does give the impression that he doesn't party much ... perhaps an invite to Beer & Pizza day will lift his spirits   ...

... did I mention that its International Beer & Pizza Day ? ... oh yes  , I did ... cheeeeeeers ... 


He comments a dozen times on every article. Don't encourage him to write his own! 😝


David invites any one of us to submit an article , or a Top 5 ... this is a happy place  ... open to all ...


Opec+ have decided to make it difficult to contain inflation . Crisis creates opportunity they probably figure. Will be interesting to see whether certain members come under pressure to increase output. 


While $100 a barrel sounds bad, it is now actually just an inflation adjusted $85. 


How much?! The absurdity of inflation in Argentina – photo essay

“You grow used to it. Since I was born, there’s been inflation, even since before my father was born. It’s such a part of our daily life that it’s inside of us,” Werning says. “I am 46, and for 36 years of my life I’ve had double-digit inflation; on average, that’s 80% inflation every year.”


... and , from a country rich in resources , fantastic soils , ocean bounty , minerals  , a warm lush climate ... a wealth of natural benefits ... Argentina has it all ... mountains so lofty , tree tops so tall ...

Frittered away by successive corrupt governments ... 


Sad indeed, such a beautiful country and lovely people. Last I was there 2019 the majority of places you went people would gladly take USD in cash over their own currency due to the stability it held. What good is a peso when it will be devalued the following day


Scary reading.

It has to be a drag on the country's productivity too, since its citizens waste time and energy worrying about its currency's decline.


Have you checked out the NZD lately?


Lots and lots of headwinds. Monetary policy since the GFC has burned so much potential trying to avoid financial reality, its like watching something trying to evade the pull of gravity. Once you have burned all your fuel, down you go....

Those with leverage unsupported by solid tax paid yield are about to be crushed. And about time.

Bring. It. On.



Whenever I mention the roots of what we are now experiencing goes back to 2008, people immediately get defensive, particularly with regard to their personal property.

Even Michael Jordan didn’t stay in the air forever!


Boomers are seeing the tide go out rapidly, and the can has been kicked over a cliff..happy days


The youngest Boomer is 58. Many are sitting back and watching the show at the Bach or on Business Class flights out of NZ. The truly lucky generation, tax free capital gains, now mortgage free and enjoying a better interest income. How many Boomers in the current Government? Enough said. 


Plenty of Gen X in the 50+ not just the boomers are now enjoying the same. As long as the basics of food and clean air remain, they can kick back and watch the show.


The fundamental issue with this whole piece is that it assumes that growth = success. Economies don't have to grow to be considered 'successful'. We are citizens not consumers. 
