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Paola Subacchi cautions against efforts to limit multilateral cooperation to countries with shared values and principles

Public Policy / opinion
Paola Subacchi cautions against efforts to limit multilateral cooperation to countries with shared values and principles
Janet Yellen looking at President Xi

The world order is at risk of a lasting split, with the United States and its allies on one side, and China and its partners on the other. As US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen noted at an Atlantic Council event last month, this outcome is far from desirable, and the US must work with China to prevent it. But, practically in her next breath, Yellen advocated actions that could thwart such an effort.

In Yellen’s view, the US should be deepening ties with countries that have “strong adherence to a set of norms and values about how to operate in the global economy and about how to run the global economic system.” In her view, picking partners that are “committed to a set of core values and principles” is the key to effective cooperation on important issues.

But where does that leave countries with different values and principles? How can the global institutional architecture survive if countries limit open engagement only to those who view the world the same way they do? If the West excludes a power like China from its multilateral arrangements, what can China do other than spearhead alternatives?

A better approach to China would be based on three key considerations. The first is that multilateralism is impossible without China. Not only is China the world’s second-largest economy; it also has one of the world’s largest financial systems, with assets amounting to nearly 470% of its GDP. China’s gross national savings – equivalent to about 45% of GDP – are similarly massive.

Moreover, China is the world’s largest bilateral lender, and it contributes substantially to multilateral financial institutions – and not only those built and led by the West. In fact – and this is the second consideration – China has assumed an important role in the international financial architecture, as both a member and builder of institutions.

In recent years, China has pioneered the creation of two new regional multilateral development banks. Both the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the New Development Bank (NDB) are designed to complement the international financial architecture, proving that China can lead institutions, act as a major provider of development finance, and be a “responsible stakeholder” in a system created by the US and its allies.

But, in a sense, that system is failing China. At the International Monetary Fund, China’s voting share is 6.1%, slightly lower than Japan’s 6.2% and well below the 16.5% US share. Their shares at the World Bank are 5.4%, 7.28%, and 15.5%, respectively. Though this is clearly out of line with China’s economic weight, the pace of reform has been slow, not least because of American obstruction – a point Yellen brushed aside when discussing the need to modernise the IMF and the World Bank.

This gives China’s leaders good reasons to consider other options, including decoupling the institutions it leads from the existing multilateral system and creating new ones. The result would be a fragmentation of the global financial safety net, which would become less responsive, predictable, and inclusive, inevitably leaving some countries exposed to systemic risks.

The third consideration that must shape the West’s approach to China is the thorniest: China’s economic and political systems – and thus China’s objectives and incentives – differ sharply from those of the G7 countries. This is a major source of tensions between the West and China, and a key reason why officials like Yellen advocate the easier engagement that is possible with “likeminded” countries.

To be sure, navigating conflicting perspectives, ideologies, and interests is challenging. This has been apparent during Russia’s war against Ukraine, which China has refused to join the G7 in condemning. But, as frustrating as China’s reticence is, confronting the country’s leaders will not help matters. Nor will excluding China from multilateral arrangements.

Instead, the G7 countries should focus on identifying areas of common interest where the risk of misunderstanding and disagreement is low and seize whatever opportunities for cooperation there may be. Climate change – and, in particular, climate finance – is an obvious example, but it is hardly the only one. While Western media have often presented China’s leaders as intransigent or even deceitful, China has continued to engage constructively with the West on a variety of economic and financial issues.

One example is debt management. Late last month, China joined Zambia’s creditor committee and committed to the G20’s Common Framework debt-restructuring process. It is a good sign not only for Zambia – whose debt burden currently amounts to nearly $32 billion, or around 120% of GDP – but also for other heavily indebted African countries.

Even with regard to Russia’s war in Ukraine, there is some convergence between Western and Chinese positions, albeit for very different reasons. In early March, the AIIB, citing the financial risks, froze all business with Russia and Belarus, and the NDB announced that it had “put new transactions in Russia on hold.”

This shows that appealing to shared values is far from the only way to convince countries to advance shared goals; practical considerations are also very powerful. In dealing with China, the West should attempt to build international dialogue and policy cooperation on a foundation of concrete common interests.

Contrary to the prevailing narrative in the West, cooperation with China has been the norm for decades. But if G7 leaders decide to make “core values” the basis of international cooperation, this could well change. A global economy in which China and the G7 follow separate, non-converging paths will leave both sides worse off.

Paola Subacchi, Professor of International Economics at the University of London’s Queen Mary Global Policy Institute, is the author, most recently, of The Cost of Free Money. Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2022, and published here with permission.

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I share with you the secret, but you have fully understand the meaning of them.


礼 and 理。


matering both, you will prevail in any situation.


there is no secret what china is up to as it is an old strategy,didnt the japanese call it a co-prosperity sphere?colonisers in a different guise.


... " thick face , black heart " ... a strategy which has seen them successfully through several millennia  ...


there is no secret what china is up to as it is an old strategy,didnt the japanese call it a co-prosperity sphere?colonisers in a different guise.

Just so you are aware, if it weren't for the Japanese, the Aussie mining industry would not have developed into what it has become. The Japanese are laregely resposible for its development. For their own needs of course, but it has had a large impact on wealth in Australia. 


co-prosperity sphere was imperial japans concept of colonisation,in order to control other countries and use their resources for the war effort.


"But, in a sense, that system is failing China. At the International Monetary Fund, China’s voting share is 6.1%, slightly lower than Japan’s 6.2% and well below the 16.5% US share. Their shares at the World Bank are 5.4%, 7.28%, and 15.5%, respectively. "

China is a superpower, far more wealthy than Russia, and in military strength too. China have shown that it can bankroll Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Build an airport for Nepal and rail in Africa. 

Yes China can do all these without the assistance of the IMF and World Bank.

China have many friends in Africa, and in nearly all the continents of the world.

It is powerful and can co-exist with the West. The CCP have choices. By a friendship without limits with Russia, before Russia invaded Ukraine, and subsequent support of Russia, China have shown its stance- an alliance with Russia, possible dominance of our planet.

Lastly, there was much publicity of dialogue between China and the US and EU, and I believe that it happened. 

When China was weak, it was "non-interference", now that it is very strong, its "economic/military diplomacy".


Pakistan and Sri Lanka? very strong?

For 70 years, the US has bankrolled South Korea, and China North Korea. Enough said.


How about china use some of this advice and make changes to its policy and the CCP acknowledge human rights the acceptance of non belligerent behavior as a way to meet the majority of countries expectations. Accept democratic principles stop authoritarian behavior in order to open doors and coexist with others.


... uyurghur making a very good point there , Fairlyfrank !  ... 


100% - the authors bland words skirt around this. Never become beholden to authoritarian regimes.


Problem is that with the US, there's a sizable chunk of Republicans law makers who would rather see a one party State in the US.
