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Latest results from Harcourts' auction rooms in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch

Latest results from Harcourts' auction rooms in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch

It has been a busy time in Harcourts' Hamilton auction room, where the agency auctioned as many properties as it did in Auckland last week.

Included in the offerings were a handful of vacant lots in a new subdivision at Tamahere.

The sections were all over 5000 square metres and sold for between $470,000 and $590,000.

Sections in another subdivision at Rototuna sold for between $306,250 and $361,375.

There was also a good number of established Hamilton homes offered for sale and these sold at prices ranging from $390,000 for an older, four bedroom house at at Forest Lake to just over $1 million for a property at Horsham Downs.

A house in Taupo sold for $380,000 and in Wellington prices started at $210,000 for an apartment on The Terrace and went up to $1.12 million for a house in Wadestown. 

In Feilding a couple of houses both sold for less than $300,000 and Christchurch took the prize for auctioning the most properties last week, with prices ranging from $419,000 to just under $1 million.

If you were buying in Auckland you could have purchased a two bedroom apartment with a car park in a complex located next to the railway tracks in Avondale for $360,000 and after that the next cheapest was a tidy three bedroom house at Pukekohe which went for $502,000.

However there was plenty of choice for Auckland buyers looking to spend more than $1 million.

To see the full results of  Harcourts' recent auctions throughout the country, with details and photos of all properties including those that didn't sell, hover your cursor over the Property tab located just under the banner near the top of this page and select "Auction/Sales Results" from the drop down menu.

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Oh??? How bizarre !!
so there are AFFORDABLE Homes in Auckland under 500k ??
So not every two beddy in Auckland is @ $1M ? that is good news


Slow day at the National PR office Eco?


You could either keep whinging/hoping that prices will fall (and you think you will be able to or dare to buy then?) or buy it and get on with life. Dreamers vs doers. Choose your side.


Great news - finally there is some choice for FHB with $1m budget :)


Hi, Im Bret Glazer, from Harcourts, I see my listing made it to, cool ( I think).
After reading a few of the comments it would be of interest to many that the general level of interest in this apartment was very low, which is a story in itself.
We get bombarded daily with stories about the high pricing aspects of the Auckland property market and yet there are also many stories about properties at the lower end..........many of which are currently being passed in at Auction, or harder to sell. Fussy buyers maybe? possibly in some cases.
Bret Glazer
