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TSB Bank re-jigs its home loan rates, focusing its key offer on a hot two year 'special'

TSB Bank re-jigs its home loan rates, focusing its key offer on a hot two year 'special'

TSB Bank has this morning raised two short home loan rates and dropped two long ones.

It has not changed its market-leading two year 'special' rate, however.

They have raised their six-month fixed rate by +10 bps to 5.85%, from 5.75%.

And their one year fixed mortgage rate has been increased by +15 bps to 6.00% from 5.85%.

Their market leading two year 'special' rate of 5.80% has escaped any changes at this time.

At the other end, their four year 6.99% fixed rate has been reduced to 6.80%, a reduction of -19 bps.

And their five year fixed rate is now 7.00%, down -20 bps from 7.20%.

Neither of those reductions are are especially notable.

These changes focus the TSB Bank offer on that 2 year 'special', as they pull back from their market-leading one year rate.

To stay updated with the latest rates, see all banks' carded, or advertised, home loan rates here.

This is how the updated TSB Bank mortgage rates compare as at 9:00 am Monday, July 14, 2014:

below 80% LVR 1 yr 18 mths 2 yrs 3 yrs 5 yrs
6.05% 6.25% 6.09% 6.65% 7.15%
ASB 5.95% 6.30% 6.40% 6.65% 6.99%
5.99% 6.25% 6.39% 6.25% 6.99%
Kiwibank 5.99%   6.29% 6.29% 6.95%
Westpac 5.95% 6.30% 6.39% 6.65% 6.99%
Co-op Bank 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.25% 6.89%
HSBC 5.85%   5.99% 6.25% 6.99%
5.85% 5.99% 6.20% 5.95% 6.79%
TSB Bank 6.00% 6.05% 5.80% 6.60% 7.00%


Mortgage choices involve making a significant financial decision so it often pays to get professional advice. A Roost mortgage broker can be contacted by following this link »

Fixed mortgage rates

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6.8% fixed for 4 years not too bad but likely that this could be negotiated down quite a bit lower. On the other hand rates are likely to drop further in the next six to nine months once the reserve bank realises it has moved the OCR in the wrong direction.


Yep best to fix 1 yr or less as once ebbs realises their blunder, rates will need to be quickly reversed


Ebbs = rbnz 
