Here's my Top 10 items from around the Internet over the last week or so. As always, we welcome your additions in the comments below or via email to bernard.hickey@interest.co.nz.
See all previous Top 10s here.
My must read is #4 on CoCos. Another opaque financial product that could disrupt the financial world...

1. The problem with 'CoCos' - I remember back in 2008 and 2009 when I was doing daily Top 10s how I kept stumbling over exotic new financial instruments (they always had bland acronyms) that appeared to be just about to blow up the world's financial markets. There were CDOs (Collateratlised Debt Obligations) and Credit Default Swaps (Credit Default Swaps). There were even synthetic CDOs, which combined those two instrument into toxic debt bombs that almost took down the global banking system.
Now I'm having to understand another exotic instrument that is worrying an awful lot of people on global financial markets.
As our chart on CDS spreads for Australasian corporates (which means banks mostly) shows, stress on global credit markets is growing. That's mostly because people are nervous about whether highly leveraged European banks, which have yet to have the real cleanouts that American ones did, will be able to pay the interest on the 'CoCo' (Contingent Convertible) bonds they've issued. These bonds are designed to convert from debt into equity in a bank if a bank is stressed.
On Monday night one analyst suggested that Germany's biggest bank, Deutsche Bank, might not be able to pay the interest next year on its CoCos. Its share price slumped, and so did those of plenty of other European banks. The bank rout has since spread into Japan and Australasia, although to a lesser degree.
So what are CoCos?
Here's a good FT backgrounder:
At a simple level a company has owners, and it borrows money from lenders who expect to get their money back. If the business runs into trouble, the owners lose their stake and the debt becomes equity — lenders turn into owners — in what can be a drawn-out process of restructuring.
Because a bank in trouble would not have time for such negotiation, coco bonds are designed to anticipate that process and transform automatically from debt to equity when certain conditions are met. Their full name is tier one contingent convertible bonds, and most are also known as additional tier 1 capital (AT1 bonds).
They have their roots in the financial crisis, when governments were forced to bail out banks. Devised to help rebuild the capital that regulators require banks to hold in case of losses, cocos pay a fixed coupon, but convert to equity or can be written off when losses force a bank’s capital below a certain threshold.
They also allow the issuer to miss coupon payments, and this prospect no longer seems remote, setting off the latest bout of market anxiety.
Cocos are the riskiest debt issued by banks, with only a quarter of the eurozone market judged investment-grade by credit rating agency Fitch last year. Retail investors are not supposed to be involved in the €95bn market where coupons are high — frequently 6-7 per cent, compared with below 1 per cent for senior bank debt — to compensate for the risk of loss-absorption, and the risk that payments will be halted.

2. Keep an eye on Italy - As John Rubino points out here, the Italian banks are the least safe of all those on the continent. The chart below is enough to get an idea of why some people are worried. 16% NPLs. Hmmm. How might that end?
All eyes are therefore on Italy’s Banca Monte dei Paschi, which has a non-performing loan ratio of 33% and, as a result, a plunging share price. When the Italian economy finally blows up, this will probably be where it starts.
But here the story takes an even more disturbing turn. It seems that the other lender now spooking the markets is none other than Deutsche Bank, pillar of the world’s best-performing economy. Shockingly-bad recent numbers have combined with questions about its mountain of derivatives and exotic debt to put DB in a very uncomfortable spotlight.

3. It's always, always about leverage - FT commentator John Kay is in New Zealand at the moment and he's also sceptical about Deutsche Bank. The numbers are startling.
Here he is talking to Jenny Ruth at the NBR:
“In the case of something like Deutsche Bank, the complexity and scale of its exposures are such that it’s not really credible that the management of the bank itself has any deep understanding of the scale and nature of the risks.”
Professor Kay says Deutsche Bank’s liabilities are more than €50 trillion, three times the value of all Germany’s assets.
But the bank’s capital base is just €50 billion, or zero-point-one percent of its liabilities, so even doubling that capital wouldn’t make any practical difference.
4. Nervous about US$102 bln of CoCos - Bloomberg also has a useful summary of the situation bubbling around Europe's CoCos and why it's unnerving global credit markets. The chart with the spike at the end gives an indication. Just a quick reminder that rising CDS spreads globally mean it's slightly more expensive for New Zealand's banks to roll over their foreign debts, which in theory would get passed on to New Zealand mortgage rates. Which is why many are calling for the Reserve Bank to cut the OCR again to offset this effective tightening.
Investors are increasingly concerned that weak earnings and a global market rout will make it harder for banks to pay the interest on at least some of these securities, or to buy them back as soon as investors had hoped. The bonds allow banks to skip interest payments without defaulting, and they turn into equity in times of stress. Deutsche Bank may struggle to pay the interest on these securities next year, a report from independent research firm CreditSights earlier on Monday said. The bank took the unusual step of saying that it has enough capacity to pay coupons for the next two years.
“The worries about these bonds represent real fears that the European banking system may be weaker and more vulnerable to slowing growth than a lot of people originally thought,” said Gary Herbert, a fund manager at Brandywine Global Investment Management LLC, which oversees about $69 billion in global fixed-income assets. “It’s the epicenter of growth concerns globally. And it doesn’t look pretty,” he added.

5. It's always, always about risk-related yields - One reason so many people piled into CoCos over the last couple of years is that interest rates in regular bank deposit accounts and bonds in Europes had been driven to 0% and even lower by the ECB's easing of monetary policy. Over US$7 trillion or a third of the word's government bonds are now charging negative interest rates. Twas ever thus. Remember how attractive the 10% offered by property finance companies looked in 2007?
Here's Bloomberg with more on these CoCos:
The notes were issued in Europe and offer some of the highest yields in credit markets, at an average 7 percent, compared with an average yield for European junk credits of less than 6 percent, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch indexes.
But critics say banks are too opaque, the notes are too complex to be properly understood, they’re too varied and they’re too much like equity to be considered bonds. With so many unknowns, the risks are high.
“Basically you have the upside of fixed income and the downside of equity,” said Gildas Surry, a portfolio manager at Axiom Alternative Investments. “AT1s are instruments of regulators, by regulators, and for regulators.”
Investors are not just concerned about banks missing interest payments, they are also worried about whether banks will redeem the notes at the first opportunity. Rising borrowing costs may make banks less likely to redeem the notes, which would force investors to hold the bonds for longer than they had hoped.
6. Is US$3 trillion enough? - The other dominant theme on global financial markets in the last couple of weeks is how quickly capital fleeing from China and how soon before the People's Bank of China has to stop intervening to hold the yuan up and either let it float lower, or impose much harder capital controls. China released figures on Sunday showing the stockpile fell US$100 billion to US$3.23 billion in January.
A lot of people just point to that big number and say that China has lots of room and time to just slowly whittle away those reserves.
But, as Christopher Balding writes via Bloomberg, that may not be the case, pointing out that US$1 trillion of those reserves are illiquid and the IMF recommends it hold a minimum of around US$3 trillion anyway.
Depending on exactly how fast capital leaves China, Beijing could be looking at a worryingly low level of reserves as soon as July. At current rates, China will drop beneath the recommended amount of $3 trillion at the end of the first quarter even if including all illiquid assets; excluding them, China could have fewer than $2 trillion in usable reserves by summer. By the end of the year, the government could face a situation where the only tools left to prevent the currency's slide could be hard capital controls that prevent money from leaving the country -- an embarrassing state of affairs for the world's second-largest economy.
How should Chinese policymakers respond? First, they have to accept that the financial laws of physics apply to China. The PBOC may have a good case to lower interest rates. But with loan demand down, fears rising over equity markets, and a huge overhang of surplus capacity, further monetary easing is sure to prompt additional outflows as investors seek higher returns elsewhere. That means continued downward pressure on the yuan, forcing the PBOC to spend billions more to buy up the currency.
By seeking both looser monetary policy and a strong yuan, the central bank is pursuing a set of contradictory policies that can't succeed. The PBOC needs instead to chart a course toward either floating the yuan or imposing capital controls. There simply are no other alternatives.
7. The other problem with China - As the economy has slowed down, some firms have stopped paying their workers. The current Chinese New Year holidays are an important time for many workers, who expect to get paid New Year bonuses and be able to take money home to their families.
There are a few problems with that this year, Reuters reports. Unrest is rising.
While the housing sector is among the worst-hit in China's economic slowdown, the pain is being felt by blue- and white-collar workers in other industries.
According to Geoffrey Crothall of the Hong Kong-based group China Labor Bulletin, which tracks worker issues, there was a spike in protests in the last quarter of 2015.
Its data show that in December and January, there were 774 labor strikes across China, from 529 in the previous two months, most of them over wage arrears.
At a printing factory in the western city of Chongqing, a Reuters reporter was present when a local official visited last week to make sure the boss paid his workers before the Year of the Monkey begins.
The official declined to speak with Reuters, although the boss later said it was an attempt to prevent unrest.
"That's what the government is most fearful of," said the factory owner, who did not want to be named.
8. Capital flight is a lot like a bank run - One of Australia's most prominent fund managers reckons capital flight could cripple China's economy. This flight is rational and fueled by Chinese citizens' deep distrust of their own Government, he says via SMH.
Vimal Gor, head of income and fixed interest at BT Investment Management, argued that trying to assert control over money fleeing an economy's borders can be a bit like preventing a run on a bank.
"The market sees capital outflows and devaluation more akin to what a failing bank looks like in its final days – a bank run precipitating a falling stock price, which encourages further doubt and so on," the fund manager says in his widely followed investor newsletter.
"The capital outflows are the depositor withdrawals and the exchange rate is the stock price. This is because similar issues around opacity affect banks as well. When a bank run is occurring, as Mervyn King, ex-governor of the [Bank of England] once said, it is rational to participate in it."
Part of China's problem is that its capital controls have proved incredibly porous and money is still leaving the country despite restrictions imposed by financial institutions. The depreciation of the yuan, which began in earnest in August 2015, has not deterred wealthy Chinese from trying to move their cash abroad.
"For those in power, moving this money overseas is the rational thing to do, and should be independent of whatever the exchange rate is," Mr Gor said. "This means that FX reserve depletion could well be the actual trigger for a hard landing in China, rather than a collapse of the banking system, which is still clearly under the party's control.
Mr Gor argues that the wealthiest members of China's population maintain a deep distrust of policymakers, and Beijing needs a new strategy.
"This is driving the capital outflow, which has resulted in devaluation, but the real risk will be if it eventuates that a 20 [-plus per cent] devaluation doesn't stop the flow of capital out of the country."
9. Get rid of the big bills - One step short of abolishing cash altogether is to to simply get rid of the really big notes, which most of us don't use for legitimate reasons.
Here's a Harvard paper proposing removing the US$100, 500 euro, 50 pound and 1,000 Swiss Franc notes from circulation to make life difficult for drug dealers, kleptocrats, tax evaders and smugglers. New Zealand's NZ$100 bill would fit in this category. I agree with this and it would get around the objection some have to still using cash to buy small items.
Such notes are the preferred payment mechanism of those pursuing illicit activities, given the anonymity and lack of transaction record they offer, and the relative ease with which they can be transported and moved. By eliminating high denomination, high value notes we would make life harder for those pursuing tax evasion, financial crime, terrorist finance and corruption. Without being able to use high denomination notes, those engaged in illicit activities – the “bad guys” of our title – would face higher costs and greater risks of detection. Eliminating high denomination notes would disrupt their “business models”.
10. Clarke and Dawe on the European Debt Crisis - This is from July 2010 and seems strangely prescient....again.
#11. IEA says oil price on slippery slope. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-35530123
Wonderful news indeed (but keep an eye on the UK- its all they had apart from dodgy finance- and everybody is doing that nowadays.)
Re#1 - the problem with 'hybrids'
Firstly there is the risk that these investments run for longer than their initial five-year period. The notes are issued for 10 years, with BNZ having the option to repay them after five years. They may be inclined to do this as the notes start to lose their tier two capital status after the first five years.
There is also the risk of a "non-variability trigger event", which could occur if either NAB or BNZ strike severe financial difficulties. Either the Australian or New Zealand regulatory authorities could trigger such an event, which could lead to the notes being written off, or converted into NAB shares. Read more
adds up to who in their right mind takes on corporate debt when looking at the GFC. Oh wait many of the same ppl who got burned in the NZ finance industry jumped into these I believe.
Useful background here on CoCos via Interest too. HT Gareth.
"But if something goes wrong naive retail investors could face a nasty surprise with their interest payment tap turned off or reduced to a trickle, or they could even see their debt securities converted into shares."
and then there is all the other corporate debt the ex-burned by finance companies saved have run to. Still I suppose at least with this cr*p the Govn wont be reasonably expect to bail them out unlike deposits. Still splitting hairs IMHO mind.
They're designed to behave as unsecured debt, without triggering a full on default (which would trigger CDS). It seems a simple concept really. What they show, is far more important than what they are. What they are showing is that the difference between what a bank recieves in interest payments for loans, and the amount it pays out in interest for deposits, is getting so slim, that there wont be enough to go around.
Why are banks spending more on deposit interest, than they recieve in loan interest? Especially considering that particular balance is skewed in the banks favour to begin with. That's what we need to talk about. That is exactly the story that isn't being told, except vague innuendo.
It's about 18months after the fact, and still people seem confused about what is happening to global growth. It stopped, and thats why everyone has stuff they can't sell for a profit, so they're trying to lose as little money as possible. That doesn't happen with a 3-4% growth of global GDP, that happens in a great depression. Even service economies need lost of nail trimmers, poodle grooming vans and mirrors for the gyms and salons.
If a government minister has to deny a rumour it's usually true:
I don't know if a government denial means the same thing to Germans as it does to me but that is a big red flag saying "Get your money now".
If the government minister is seen feeding the offending food (eg BSE beef) to his children you know it's true.
About a year ago I was chatting to a chap who was part of a team responsible for implementing the Basel 3 accord requirements for a European division of one of the large investment banks. He said that the behaviour of the banks at that stage was plain scary. -
They had all forgotten the GFC and were looking for ways to circumvent the Basel 3 accord.
The capital adequacy ratios were massaged too look OK but in fact they were calculated on a risk weighted basis as per CDOs and other dodgy GFC instruments. The real capital adequacy ratios were shocking.
The capital adequacy ratios were measured differently at each bank so there was no common yard stick.
The B.........s are probably relying on being bailed out again in some form or another.
Well, why wouldn't they? Germany and France seemed happy enough bankrupting the rest of Europe to save the French and German banks.
Zerohedge put the question of the day:
We wonder how long before any discussion of stress in the banking system will be deemed "hate speech" and be deleted from the propaganda stream?
This may attract scrutiny too?
Hillary Clinton’s political machine has been busted — thanks to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
Thks for the link... I'm a fan of Elizabeth Warren...
Bernie Sanders. Interesting. Support from the young is very strong. And given that so many Americans are not rich any more and know it, and the middle classes are waking up to threat, it will be an interesting race.
Even if Bernie doesn't come thru, there seems to be a new wind blowing and it would be something for the Nats to think about.
Google: democratic delegates and look at the presented chart.
Even if Bernie wins the popular vote, the establishment wants that foul wench Clinton in power.
Among young voters, according to a well-watched video, “syphilis is more popular than Hillary.”
Good link. Large numbers of the voters are angry. When they finally find a channel to vent that then look out. Strangely Sanders and Trump both provide that.
Re#8 Capital outflows leading to the exhaustion of China's foreign exchange reserves are a bigger trigger for a hard landing in the Chinese economy than its enormous pile of debt, warns one of Australia's most prominent fund managers.
China apparently earned a whole lot more foreign reserves if these figures are to be believed.
The merchandise trade deficit that the United States ran with China in 2015 hit a record high of $365,694,000,000, according to data released Friday by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
“The deficit with China increased $22.6 billion to $365.7 billion in 2015,” the BEA said in a press release. Read more
This piece from Ambrose is also good fun. The word 'doom loop' is used a few times...
Yep, the CBs and Govns never fixed the underlying issues and in fact probably allowed them to fester, oopsie.
For those late night steaks.
"Paris gets first meat vending machine.
Steaks, sausages and ham are now available 24 hours a day from a red meat vending machine installed outside a butcher’s shop in Paris."
faux - made in imitation; artificial.
Ever since my parents some decades ago had a "funny steak" in France which they decided afterwards was horse I am always careful of descriptions of food from France. So "beefcentral.com" might be a bit miffed to realise they maybe supporting horse meat and not beef. XD
Gee, they're brave, the machine and everything would be gone if they left it overnight 'round here.
As Nassim Nicholas Taleb observed yesterday:
"I had no concern over Deutsche Bank until the German Finance Minister stated we should have no concern over Deutsche Bank"
Nothing is confirmed until it is officially denied.
I could happily live without $100 notes.
I like cash. From time to time it is also useful to have big notes. Nothing better than when setting out on a road trip than to have a bundle of $100s. Then it's the highway, freedom and me. yes!
Good one Bernard. For some time now myself and others have been expressing some concern on the behaviour of banks and the apparent collusion of banks and Governments in causing financial issues across the world. One must ask that with regulators and other watchers commenting on the issue with banks, how long it will take for Governments (particularly ours) to start stepping away from them and begin placing regulation in place that protect the public rather than the institutions?
never today they are one of the same...
Suddenly I'm craving a can of coke
That note regarding Deutsche liabilities is really misleading Bernard. That is actually the total notional amount of derivatives on the books as opposed to a liability. To give this piece an element of credibility you need to break that amount down and see what is a positive market value and what has negative market value. At last check, the positive value was greater than the negative. I think you should be a little more careful when using these sort of headlines....
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