By Mariana Mazzucato & Antonio Andreoni*
The COVID-19 crisis and recession provides a unique opportunity to rethink the role of the state, particularly its relationship with business. The long-held assumption that government is a burden on the market economy has been debunked. Rediscovering the state’s traditional role as an “investor of first resort” – rather than just as a lender of last resort – has become a precondition for effective policymaking in the post-COVID era.
Fortunately, public investment has picked up. While the United States has adopted a $3 trillion stimulus and rescue package, the European Union has introduced a €750 billion ($850 billion) recovery plan, and Japan has marshaled an additional $1 trillion in assistance for households and businesses.
However, in order for investment to lead to a healthier, more resilient, and productive economy, money is not enough. Governments also must restore the capacity to design, implement, and enforce conditionality on recipients, so that the private sector operates in a manner that is more conducive to inclusive, sustainable growth.
Government support for corporations takes many forms, including direct cash grants, tax breaks, and loans issued on favorable terms or government guarantees – not to mention the expansive role played by central banks, which have purchased corporate bonds on a massive scale. This assistance should come with strings attached, such as requiring firms to adopt emissions-reduction targets and to treat their employees with dignity (in terms of both pay and workplace conditions). Thankfully, with even the business community rediscovering the merits of conditional assistance – through the pages of the Financial Times, for example – this form of state intervention is no longer taboo.
And there are some good examples. Both Denmark and France are denying state aid to any company domiciled in an EU-designated tax haven and barring large recipients from paying dividends or buying back their own shares until 2021. Similarly, in the US, Senator Elizabeth Warren has called for strict bailout conditions, including higher minimum wages, worker representation on corporate boards, and enduring restrictions on dividends, stock buybacks, and executive bonuses. And in the United Kingdom, the Bank of England (BOE) has pressed for a temporary moratorium on dividends and buybacks.
Far from being dirigiste, imposing such conditions helps to steer financial resources strategically, by ensuring that they are reinvested productively instead of being captured by narrow or speculative interests. This approach is all the more important considering that many of the sectors most in need of bailouts are also among the most economically strategic, such as airlines and automobiles. The US airline industry, for example, has been granted up to $46 billion in loans and guarantees, provided that recipient firms retain 90% of their workforce, cut executive pay, and eschew outsourcing or offshoring. Austria, meanwhile, has made its airline-industry bailouts conditional on the adoption of climate targets. France has also introduced five-year targets to lower domestic carbon dioxide emissions.
Similarly, many countries cannot afford to lose their national automobile industry, and are seeing the bailouts as an opportunity to drive progress toward the sector’s decarbonisation. As French President Emmanuel Macron recently argued, “We need not only to save the industry but to transform it.” While extending €8 billion in loans to the sector, his government is requiring that it turn out more than one million clean-energy cars by 2025. Moreover, having received €5 billion, Renault must keep open two key French plants and contribute to a Franco-German project to produce electric batteries. As Renault’s major shareholder, the French government will be able to enforce these conditions from both outside and inside the company.
In some cases, governments have gone beyond conditionality to alter ownership models. Germany and France are acquiring or increasing (respectively) the state’s equity stake in airline companies, citing the need to safeguard national strategic infrastructure.
But there are also negative examples. The auto-industry bailout has played out very differently in Italy than it has in France. The FCA Group has convinced the Italian government – which has historically provided large subsidies to Fiat – to grant its subsidiary FCA Italy a €6.3 billion guaranteed loan with basically no enforceable conditions. FCA Italy is expected to merge with the French PSA Group by the end of this year, and the FCA Group itself is no longer even an Italian company. Born in 2014 from the merger of Fiat and Chrysler, it is domiciled in the Netherlands, and its financial headquarters are in London. Worse yet, the company has a poor track record of keeping its investment commitments in Italy, which has fallen off the global map as an auto producer, both in terms of volume and electric vehicles.
In other negative cases, major companies and sectors have leveraged their monopoly or market-dominant bargaining power to lobby against conditionality, or have exploited central banks’ support, which tends to come with fewer or no conditions. For example, in the UK, EasyJet was able to access £600 million ($746 million) in liquidity from the BOE, despite having paid £174 million in dividends a month earlier. And in the US, the Federal Reserve’s decision to start purchasing riskier high-yield bonds has fueled moral-hazard fears. Among those standing to gain are US shale-oil producers, which were already highly leveraged and mostly unprofitable before the pandemic arrived.
Far from a step toward state control of the economy, conditional bailouts have proven to be an effective tool for steering productive forces in the interest of strategic, broadly shared goals. When designed or implemented incorrectly, or avoided altogether, they can limit productive capacity and allow speculators and insiders to extract wealth for themselves. But when done right, they can align corporate behavior with the needs of society, ensuring sustainable growth and a better relationship between workers and firms. If the crisis is not to go to waste, this must be part of the post-COVID-19 legacy.
Mariana Mazzucato, Professor of Economics of Innovation and Public Value and Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, is the author of The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy. Antonio Andreoni, Associate Professor of Industrial Economics and Head of Research at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, is Visiting Associate Professor of the Fourth Industrial Revolution at the University of Johannesburg’s South African Research Chairs Initiative. Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020, and published here with permission.
Yes no bail outs in normal circumstances. But the state shut everyone down and are acting like it's because you don't have a sustainable business that you failed. Hypocrite..
Hardly hypocritical. A lot of business, in fact most of them came through the otherside just fine.
If a business doesn't have cash, assets, or a contingency plan to survive a few weeks, that is not the governments fault.
The problem is, most of these awesome real world business men and women actually aren't capable. Their business literally survives day to day, and much like their personal lives it is all on tick.
I can't have any sympathy for business when tens of billions got tipped into their trough, while average Joe citizen got diddly squat.
Oh really.. New businesses or new tourist venture? You ever been in business?
Pretty sure businesses end every day. Even during the boom times. A quick google and yip, half of all new businesses fail in the first 12 months. 80% fail within 3 years.
Why be adaptable, agile, flexible, etc.... when you can just hold out a hand for cash.
Our owners did, they did have enough be to survive, but as government said criteria was one month reduced revenue they got three months WS. Back full production 5 weeks later., And on track to have best year in history of company. It was a handout, but needs to stop.
Handouts with no conditions are stupid. I hope they catch up with the wage subsidy rip-off merchants like Metlifecare & deal to them.
Yes, conditionality re bonuses, buybacks, dividends, tax-havens all seems sensible when handing out public money. Also, the state did not shut business down. The real world, in the form of a virus, did.
Agree with you LJM A lot of business are taking advantage of this situation. I can not see the Govt trying to get the wage subsidy rip-off merchants money back.
LJM, but that wouldn't be "kind"
Good article and smart thinking. We all know time is really ticking on climate change and a top down approach has proven by far the most effective. No more business as normal, we need to not waste this opportunity.
The piece about the airlines is exactly BAU.
Keep on burning the fossil fuels and plant trees or some other bollocks mitigation and keep pushing growth.
pretty simple i would have though -- if i am giving you a handout -- its not for free -- i either get a % of the business, or can insist that i get paid before dividends buy backs etc -- or a share of the profits for next five years etc -- Government should be doing this with all agriculture when they bail out for drought/ flood / disease etc - but insist on an amount of goods being provided to NZ market at cost - after all its effec tively a free insurance scheme!
Elizabeth Warren should have been the Dem nomination for President. If she doesn't get the running mate place, they really are a write off.
A very articulate and forceful person - those qualities necessary to take Trump to task and quantities Biden is lacking. Unfortunately Biden comes across weak and non confrontational; in doing so provides Trump a better chance of dominating debates and re-election.
Maybe best not to bet on there being any debates.
Here is VDH appraising the Biden landscape.
Who Joke-a-Hontas and creepy Uncle Joe? Trump will destroy them in debates. The Demonrats have no chance apart from riding this wave of division and civil unrest to try sway the marginal voter. BLM ring any bells... If the Demonrats do get in, wait for the Trillion dollar reparation bills on top of the yuge and bigly "stimulation"currently.
Printers go from brrrrrrrrr to BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Trump is a sad indictment on the role of President.
It is an even sadder indictment on the USA that the polls show that 40% still support him.
No president has put so much misery, chaos and division ahead of nothing else but self interest.
I guess it would be much better to have the puppet(president) be an amazing orator instead of one who says what he thinks however stupid that may be. Thing is the game is rigged and has been since for sometime. Which side do you choose: blue or red, good guys vs bad guys, Stalin vs Hitler when the reality is they are all liars, crooks and gangsters looking out for themselves and their buddies.
Cant agree with your statement last statement, I'll concede division for sure although trumps causes are not aided by a liberal left-leaning msm. The people of the middle east would have something to say about the misery and chaos as well as many parts of Europe too due to the mass invasion of "refugees" the successive Bush and Obama presidencies were responsible for.
Bring freedom and democracy to the middle east = bomb them
Hope and change we can believe in = no hope no change more bombs
Make America great again = accelerate America's decline
I disagree with your last statement, Make America great again = accelerate America's decline. The USAs decline started with the entry into the Vietnam war, and its continued for approx fifty years. Trump is not entirely responsible for this. Its been bad leadership, poor planing, not thinking of the future properly. The USA needs to look at the 1950s when the USA was the most respected world power and lead the world in many aspects.
Things got done fairly quickly like China, the US dollar was low and they exported more, there was more common sense then. The USA needs to be like that NOW If it was to be a respected world power again.
This is a very good article but what measures would be used? Would the government be able to simply decide to support companies that already have transparent and externally audited sustainability reports to show employee wage rise as well as divident rise as % of profit, and how they do on animal wellfare, emmissions, pollution, ethical supply chain etc etc?
A part of this picture will be the banks. In NZ, at least, banks are pretty predatory with respect to business's. Many small business's really struggle to get out from under their thumb. It'd be nice for someway to be developed that gave them a better chance at survival and growth.
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