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New Zealand public company profiles - NZX50 companies

Here is a list of the NZX50 companies as at Friday, 17 January 2025, ranked by capitalisation.

This resource allows you to click through to a simple Profile of each company, offering basic details of their operations, earnings and capital structure. These Profiles are not investment analysis and you should approach a qualified investment advisor if you need that information.

We welcome feedback on this resource.

Rank Profile Name Share Price Capitalisation mln NZX50 Percentage
1 FPH Fisher & Paykel Healthcare $37.85 $22,184.83 13.922%
2 MEL Meridian Energy $5.94 $15,478.45 9.714%
3 AIA Auckland Airport $8.57 $14,420.32 9.049%
4 IFT Infratil $11.88 $11,482.52 7.206%
5 MCY Mercury $5.93 $8,298.86 5.208%
6 CEN Contact Energy $9.60 $7,660.29 4.807%
7 MFT Mainfreight $71.85 $7,235.22 4.540%
8 EBO Ebos $36.60 $7,125.11 4.471%
9 SPK Spark $2.95 $5,440.07 3.414%
10 ATM A2 Milk $6.30 $4,561.32 2.862%
11 POT Port of Tauranga $6.45 $4,387.72 2.754%
12 VCT Vector $4.03 $4,030.00 2.529%
13 CNU Chorus $8.86 $3,844.24 2.412%
14 GMT Goodman Property Trust $2.05 $3,154.48 1.980%
15 SUM Summerset Group $13.19 $3,109.29 1.951%
16 RYM Ryman Healthcare $4.49 $3,087.51 1.938%
17 FBU Fletcher Building $2.84 $3,052.72 1.916%
18 GNE Genesis Energy $2.17 $2,367.80 1.486%
19 AIR Air New Zealand $0.60 $2,021.08 1.268%
20 PCT Precinct Properties $1.22 $1,934.75 1.214%
21 FRW Freightways $10.68 $1,909.01 1.198%
22 MNW Manawa Energy $5.75 $1,799.59 1.129%
23 KPG Kiwi Property Group $0.92 $1,467.71 0.921%
24 GTK Gentrack $12.10 $1,303.38 0.818%
25 VHP Vital Healthcare Property $1.84 $1,243.05 0.780%
26 PFI Property for Industry $2.17 $1,089.77 0.684%
27 SKC Skycity Entertainment $1.43 $1,087.09 0.682%
28 WBC Westpac Banking Corp $35.89 $1,076.70 0.676%
29 VSL Vulcan Steel $8.11 $1,068.78 0.671%
30 SKL Skellerup Holdings $5.15 $1,009.77 0.634%
31 ANZ ANZ Banking Group $33.10 $993.00 0.623%
32 HGH Heartland Group Holdings $1.01 $939.87 0.590%
33 ARG Argosy Property $1.02 $864.11 0.542%
34 SPG Stride Property $1.33 $743.52 0.467%
35 CHI Channel Infrastructure $1.94 $740.49 0.465%
36 VGL Vista Group $3.07 $729.67 0.458%
37 SCL Scales Corp $4.29 $615.92 0.387%
38 OCA Oceania Healthcare $0.75 $543.17 0.341%
39 FSF Fonterra Shareholders' $4.97 $533.83 0.335%
40 HLG Hallenstein Glassons $8.29 $494.49 0.310%
41 TRA Turners $5.40 $480.47 0.302%
42 NZX NZX $1.47 $478.98 0.301%
43 TWR Tower $1.25 $476.25 0.299%
44 THL Tourism Holdings $2.08 $457.73 0.287%
45 SKO Serko $3.62 $445.55 0.280%
46 IPL Investore Property $1.13 $422.42 0.265%
47 SAN Sanford $4.42 $412.83 0.259%
48 SKT Sky Network Television $2.83 $389.62 0.245%
49 WHS The Warehouse $1.02 $353.78 0.222%
50 KMD Kathmandu $0.42 $302.46 0.190%
    Net Current Assets   -$151,154.10  
    ANZ NZD Current Account   $16,390.97  


A great initiative. Maybe over time could even develop into an interactive stock screener tool, even at basic level of simple metrics, separate key grouping, click on headings to rank order up/down, etc.


How come the two Bank's market capitalisation is so low ?


Both Westpac and ANZ are listed on the ASX. According to S&P who manage the NZX indexes, both are only included on the NZX50 as 0.8% of total capitalisation - presumably to reflect the level of activity and exposure on the local exchange.


Thanks. Nice to know. Presume this is the same method for others like A2Milk, etc.


Metlifecare won't be there for much longer after shareholders voted to sell the company to overseas interests for a bargain basement price. Unbelievable! How much damage has the NZ Superfund done to the NZX since it started? It's always seems to be the first to accept any sort of takeover offer.


ATM Hyperlink is broken - /nnz50/atm rather than /nzx50/atm


Thank you. fixed now.


Would it be possible to include the name of Auditors for each company's profile . Thanks.


It already is one of the items disclosed in each profile we have released. See the top table.


This is a useful table, but you need to take out NZ Refining and add in Serko.


Wasn't ERoad added to the NZX50 in December '21?
