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Election 2011 - Political Party Policies

Election 2011 - Political Party Policies

This page is an index of the policy summaries available on this website. All policy summaries use the wording of the parties who developed them. The key points have been extracted and linked to the original online policy documents.

Only parties currently in Parliament are indexed in this service. To be included, the policy must be available on the Party website. We only link to individual Party policy, and not to Government or coalition policies.

We are keen to get all updates, or corrections. Please email  Send feedback to the same email address.

These pages are a summary, and are not intended to be a full version of any policy position. Each summary includes a link to the full, official policy page.

Also important to the upcoming election is the 2011 budget; you can find a break-down of this year's budget, including a comparison with previous budgets, which dates back to the previous Labour Government, here. A comparison with tax collected is to be found here.


Would be nice to get these policy comparisons updated.  NZers have a very steep post-RWC learning curve to contend with on policy issues before the election.  This page would be a very handy tool to help get our collective heads around what each party has to offer.


Hi Mike,

All of the policies are 100% up to date. Everything included in the database comes from the websites of the political parties themselves, if there are blank spaces for a particular party in a particular section then it's because they haven't announced any policy on the issue.

We will continue to update the database in the run-up to the election as soon as policies are announced.

Hope it helps you make an informed decision!



Since the Conservative Party are likely to win Rodney and are nearing 5% party vote it would be good if they featured here. We can't ignore them any longer!


Winston Peters comeback will end the same as Martin Crowe’s much talked about comeback to first class cricket.

In the case of Crowe it was age and dodgy knee. In the case of Peters it will be age and dodgy policy.

Listening to the TV interview above, Peters wouldn't know a "fiscal neutral" sum if he tripped over it in the dark.


Er, what about Mining? I know we missed the boat but shouldn't it have a section somewhere? I know some think it is nasty and dirty (which it is) and should only therefore be allowed somewhere else.  It is just irresponsible not to mine responsibly here as it encourages mining in the most exploitative regimes (in human and environmental terms).

Personally I think we should encourage mining, it can be done well.


Hi Roger, good point. It's touched upon in the energy section, although not on 'hard mineral' mining - most of the discussion this election has been on oil and gas.

Even in National's own economic development policy (that 120 point plan), the only mention of mining is this:

"Mining and petroleum: Establish a High Hazards Unit specifically for the petroleum and mining industries, and allocate $1.5 million a year to fund it."



Could this possibly have anything to do with why the Aussies earn so much more than us?


I have come across a fascinating Canadian web site which also provides a very credible, certainly constructive political self-analysis online questionnaire. It positions  political outlook in the political space the various political parties occupy.
