Life expectancy is rising quickly, not only in New Zealand but worldwide. It has often been identified as one of the big demographic challenges.
What kind of life can we expect to lead when we are 60, 70 or 80?
Today there are more people over 60 in the world than under 5. In two generations that will balloon to more over 60 than under 15.
Today Japan is the only country where 30% of the population is over 60, but by 2050, 64 countries will join this club.
How does New Zealand compare in the way it currently treats its older citizens?
Actually pretty well, overall.
New Zealand has ranked seventh in a global survey of the quality of life and wellbeing of older people.
The first Global AgeWatch Index looked at factors such as income, health, employment and education to rank countries by how well their ageing populations are faring.
New Zealand is highly ranked because of our health system.
But we have work to do to in other areas to rise in this table in coming years.
What is perhaps surprising is how far ahead of Australia and some other European countries (the UK for example) that we are.
We are one place ahead of the US, although the recent enactment of ObamaCare may improve their health status score quickly.
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