By Gareth Vaughan
Rivals have been quick out of the blocks targeting National Bank customers as soon as the country's biggest bank, ANZ New Zealand, confirmed the worst kept secret in New Zealand banking, - the death of the National Bank brand.
Adverts from rival banks' appeared on television last night and in this morning's newspapers specifically targeting National Bank customers. The move comes as ANZ New Zealand CEO David Hisco pledges the biggest thing National Bank customers will notice, as the bank's brand is phased out over two years to be replaced with ANZ, is a change in colour from green to blue. Hisco said what he described as the new ANZ would work very hard to keep its customers.
A full page advert in this morning's NZ Herald from TSB Bank started out with "Dear National Bank customers." It went on to say: "How do you tell your new bank what you think of their behaviour? Make them your old bank. We thought it might be a good time to introduce you to the country's largest independent bank."
And in its own full page advert Kiwibank said: "It's your choice. We back every Kiwi's right to choose who they bank with. Join us at Kiwibank..."
In an email sent to National Bank customers signed by Hisco, ANZ says by bringing the brands together it'll be able to do more to help customers than either brand could do on its own.
"We’re combining the National Bank’s track record of outstanding service, award-winning products and great internet banking, with ANZ’s size, reach and specialist expertise. Quite simply we are taking the best of both the National Bank and ANZ to build the new ANZ. Our commitment to providing great customer service won’t change," the email to customers says.
"The staff you deal with will continue to serve you just as they do now. In fact, more recently we've introduced the National Bank service model to ANZ to ensure all our customers enjoy the same outstanding service. As a National Bank customer, you’ll find most things stay the same. All the things you value from the National Bank will be part of the new ANZ."
A long time coming
The end of the National Bank brand will be phased in from next month as ANZ adopts National Bank's IT system, at a cost of at least NZ$221 million, some nine years after ANZ's acquisition of the National Bank from Britain's Lloyds TSB. ANZ announced its National Bank purchase, for A$4.915 billion in October 2003. That price excluded a dividend paid to Lloyds of NZ$575 million from National Bank's retained earnings. ANZ said then it intended to retain both the ANZ and National Bank brands for retail and small business customers subject to a trademark agreement. The group's rural business would operate under the National Bank name.
Last year ANZ renewed its rights to use the Lloyds black horse on a green and white background as the National Bank logo until the end of 2014.
With the switch to one IT system and the rhetoric from both Hisco and his boss, ANZ Banking Group CEO Mike Smith, over the past couple of years, it has been a question of when, not if, the National Bank brand would go. In a media conference yesterday evening Hisco said ANZ NZ's board had just agreed to the move, with the company’s legal name set to become ANZ Bank New Zealand Ltd.
Hisco said the new ANZ would work very hard to keep its customers.
"We've got two million customers and I think people's first reaction when they hear news like this is 'what does it mean?' And often people don't necessarily like change," Hisco said.
"But when they get the chance to talk with our staff, and when they realise that the person they deal with is still going to be there tomorrow, and our people take them through the logic of it, and they end up hearing that really it's the same person in the same place, (the) same products, same technology and it's just a different colour, we'd hope that logic will prevail."
"We're going to work very hard to keep our customers and at the same time we've got a tremendous proposition here."
"I believe our front line (staff) will work really hard to make our customers understand that they're still there and we really want to keep their business," Hisco added.
No goodwill write-down
Hisco confirmed what interest.co.nz has previously reported, that there's no need or plan to write-down the about NZ$3.3 billion of National Bank related goodwill carried in the group's balance sheet as an asset. That's because the goodwill is attached to the future cash flows of the National Bank rather than its logo.
He also said ANZ would be spending NZ$100 million, through a combination of capital expenditure and operating expenditure, on rebranding and reconfiguring branches and ATMs, suggesting this spending shows ANZ wants to grow rather than shrink its business in New Zealand. He said the roles of around 200 IT contractors would end and a few full time staff may lose their jobs but they'd be offered roles elsewhere within the group. Branch numbers will fall from about 300 to about 280.
"We now have one management structure and one customer approvals process. We'll very soon have one set of products and one technology system," Hisco said.
"I'm really excited about the future because very soon we'll have a new ANZ that has more resources and a singular focus and our growth this year in mortgages, business banking, deposits and credit cards has
already demonstrated what an organisation can do when it has a singular focus."
See ANZ's press release below:
ANZ National Bank today announced that after almost ten years of operating ANZ and The National Bank in New Zealand, the two brands would be brought together as ANZ.
Key Points
New ANZ to remain in all communities now served by ANZ and National Bank.
$100 million to be spent on branches, with branch presence in New Zealand increasing from 75% of where New Zealanders live to 90% - 15 new communities.
ANZ to adopt The National Bank’s technology system and the majority of its products.
Customers will continue to be served by the same staff – all frontline staff will remain with the new ANZ.
All sponsorship and community involvement commitments will continue.ANZ National Bank CEO David Hisco said The National Bank brand would progressively be phased out over about two years from around the end of October. The company’s legal name would become ANZ Bank New Zealand Ltd.
“ANZ bought The National Bank in 2003 and after almost ten years of reducing duplication, the next logical step is to combine them into one,” Mr Hisco said.
“In recent years we’ve made things simpler for customers by creating one management structure across both banks, one customer approvals process and, very soon, we’ll be moving to one set of products and The National Bank’s technology system.
“The black horse and green colour branding of The National Bank are licensed from British bank Lloyds TSB, and that licence expires in 2014. So it makes sense to change to ANZ, the brand used in 32 markets around the world.“All our frontline staff will continue to be part of the new ANZ – there will be no frontline job losses as a result of the brand change. The National Bank’s sponsorships and community commitments will continue under the ANZ brand.
“Customers will still be able to see the same people they’ve always dealt with in the same communities we’re in now. For most National Bank customers, it will be business as usual – they will see the same people, just wearing a different uniform.
“At the moment we have about 300 branches nationwide and over the next two years as we combine some of our adjacent branches, we’ll end up with about 280 full-service branches, still the most by far of any bank.
“This will see us investing $100 million in the next two years to ensure we have a well positioned and attractive branch network for customers in current and new communities.
“Over the next two years, we'll increase our branch presence from 75% of where New Zealanders live to almost 90% - so 15 new communities will get branches,” he said.
For ANZ and National Bank branches located very close to each other, this means that in most cases those branches will either co-locate to the larger branch or relocate to an area nearby where there is customer demand.
Mr Hisco said: “The new ANZ will combine the best of both banks. ANZ’s strength and presence across Asia Pacific and The National Bank’s reputation for great customer service and internet banking will be the cornerstones of the new ANZ. We want to be the best bank in New Zealand.”
Cost savings at ANZ National have been made in recent years with the streamlining of head office management and processes, with more savings to come in the future from eliminating duplicated information technology costs.
As planned, there will be a group of staff, primarily technology contractors whose roles will naturally come to an end as the NZ Simplification project winds up in the coming months. Like all businesses in the current economic climate, ANZ will continue to look for efficiencies and savings where it makes sense.
“Our history in New Zealand dates back to 1840 and includes various mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions since that time. We have a huge commitment to New Zealand and that will continue,” Mr Hisco said.
He added that ANZ’s community commitments in New Zealand would continue through many initiatives including the Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day, Young Farmer of the Year contest, the ANZ Netball Championship and New Zealand Cricket sponsorships, the multi-million dollar ANZ Staff Foundation community donations programme and the financial literacy programme MoneyMinded.
ANZ’s annual contribution to New Zealand has included:
8,000 staff volunteering hours;
$12 million in sponsorships and charitable donations;
$450 million in taxes to the Government;
$600 million to local contractors and suppliers; and
$800 million in staff wages and salaries.Additionally about 13,000 New Zealand shareholders and superannuation funds own about 33 million ANZ shares, worth more than $1 billion. ANZ’s parent company has increased its capital in New Zealand by more than $1.5 billion since 2009, taking total investment in the business to nearly $9 billion.
Incremental costs associated with the brand merger and related activities, which are estimated at around NZ$100 million, will be treated as non core and the majority will be recognised in the 2012 ANZ results. These costs will be offset by the gain on the sale of ANZ National Bank’s shares in Visa Inc announced by the ANZ Group last week.
(Updated with comments from David Hisco).
Last week i had to change my mortgage to westpac from nationalbank .National bank were not interested in matching any offer we had from the other banks .I felt for the first time in many years dealing with National bank the bank manager was least interested in retaining anymore customers .I hope people dont waste anymore time trying to get better deals with National bank as the employees dont care about the customers as their jobs are insecure .The rates i got from other banks were not even half of what National bank could offer me in discounts .
ANZ did 60% of new mortgages last Half of the year. Look on this websites comparison of interest rates nationals are actually cheaper than westpac.
So to summarise -
We get twice as many branches to bank at, no one loses their job, ANZ customers get a far better Internet Banking system, and they keep all of their sponsorships going in the community? What's not to like? The National Bank was a powerful brand, but it was only a brand. ANZ are getting all the benefits National bank customers have had for so long. It should have happened years ago so ANZ customers didn't have to use such crap Internet Baning for so long.
They merged their back-end systems ages ago, the NB has only been a front for a while. I was a NB customer for 35 years and loyal, Transferred to KB last month. NB was a technology leader, had "direct link " when other banks had nothing but all good things come to an end
If you wanted to bank with a technology leader then why did you go to KiwiBank!!?
ANZ has said they're moving to the National Bank's technology system so I guess that is a good thing.
Kiwibank has the best internet banking out of the four banks I have accounts with.
I'm looking forward to the ANZ upgrade though, the ANZ system at the moment is archaic.
@mist42nz wow, and I thought *I* was the most cynical person in the world! What you say is mostly true, although I haven't been into a branch for like 5 years, and in the meantime I've added company accounts, changed mortgage/loan options etc etc.
Mostly I do it all online or email or occasionally on the phone.
Yeah man, I've been with National Bank for like 20 years through thick and thin. They are still very good to deal with and gave me a further .25% off the market rate (to match kiwibank) a couple of months ago. If I drop into overdraft on my company accounts (which happens sometimes) I get a call from my banking manager - to Australia!
I think it's a total win. Better front end tech, hopefully the same level of service, and possibly even more competitive mortgage/savings rates. Bring it on!
We were loyal to the National Bank for decades. However, as the "back office" functions were taken over by ANZ, you could see the customer service being reduced to ANZ's level.
We are in the final stages of moving our banking to the Cooperative Bank. Partly to retain a high level of customer service. But also because it sticks in our throats to see the untold billions of dollars that are sent across the Tasman over year by the Aussie banking oligopoly. Better to see the profits benefit the NZ economy & community.
I'm the same, I had a savings account with $5 in it, they kept on charging it fees until it went OD, then charged "unarranged Overdraft fees" on a savings account!, when it hit $100 they gave me a "courtesy call" to ask me to clear the OD (this is despite me asking them to close it), when I said they were being ridiculous, they said "thanks you very much" and hung up...next thing i know they have locked down *ALL* my accounts, EFTPOS Card doesn't work! This is despite me being a customer for 35+ years with not inconsiderable business with them
I was forced to go into a NB Branch to sort it out, the staff were great if not a little embarressed
Nothing quite like Flogging a Dead Horse, ............but in this case the Horsie gets to
watch......untill no one is saying get up Horsie...c'mon you can do it.
You'd have to think the Head Honcho's feel the Brand was only skin deep after all.
Personally I feel sorry for the horse. In just a few short years it'll be glue.
Just heard back from my banking manager - nothing is changing apart from the colours. And the extra good news is that the horse was already heading back to the UK as Lloyds TSB own him/her, so it's not off to the knackers yard just yet.
National Bank- Consistently HIGH performer in customer service ratings.
ANZ- Perpetually at BOTTOM of customer service ratings...
I wonder which way this is going to go for National Bank punters....
Goliath was never know for his sensitivities.....The_Duke,
ANZ has owned NB since 2003. Same people working there- why should service change?
it wont now, it already has. Noticed it go downhill from the time of the sale, NB seemed to adopt ANZ attitude which was a shame.
I've set up a bank account in Belize on the offchance someone inadvertently dumps $10,000,000 in my account during the transition. If I go quiet for a while and then start posting from Costa Rica, you'll know why...
Amusing TSB ad now running on the top of our site: "Dear National Bank customer, has your bank just bolted?"
All very clever, although given this was the worst kept secret, is this really the best they could do?
What's more, the best they can offer is a savings account at 3.25% vs National Banks 4.25%. I can get better than 3.25% at just about every other bank out there.
I won't be saying "hello TSB' any time soon.
Here's the final National Bank ad, features a dog but no horse - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu0IY2H9iuY&feature=youtu.be
duplicated post
Welcome to Australia, my friends.
May I offer you a Koala on a stick? Thanks for the last 7 years of New Zealanders National Bank banking history, BTW.
Mr Au Govt.
Hasn't National Bank been Australian owned for the last 10 years? And wasn't it owned by Lloyds of the UK prior to that - or at some point at least. When was it actually a NZ owned bank - if it ever was?
Interesting how branding can influence the emotions of people and distort the truth.
Yes , I am well aware of the previous shareholders and owners of National Bank.
I am also aware that it is only this year ( 2012), that the ATO was granted access to details of ANZ customers outside of Australia, on a bulk basis, to check for compliance with Australian tax legislation. The access is allowed under ATO rules that any buisness records held by an Australian company (ANZ), must be produced on demand. NZ has the same rules for it's local companies.
I am pretty sure that the acquisitions can bring positive, reliable and better banking service if it will be under ANZ management. Its a company brand name that has been trusted in financial institution over many years. Many depositors, investors and clients will come to generate better perspective if ANZ is at the center of operation. For some field of businesses, many tries even to rebrand their business to get into the battle field r as part of business evolution. Some of them even acquired various programs and business naming firms such as http://eatmywords.com/tips/choosing-a-naming-firm/ in order to have successful business ahead.
"works at Alexandra Watkins Consulting
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