Ex-Westpac chief economist Brendon O’Donovan has been elected to the Co-operative Bank board.
Chairman Steven Fyfe, the former ANZ National Bank deputy CEO, and other existing directors Sam Robinson and Dianne Kidd, were also re-elected to the board. Formerly PSIS, the Co-operative Bank also recently appointed former Westpac acting CEO Bruce McLachlan as its CEO.
The four directors were elected by customers at yesterday's annual meeting in elections that received the highest level of customer participation to date. Other board members, who weren't up for election or re-election, are Paul Goulter, Joanna Perry, Peter Ellis and John Isles.
O'Donovan is currently an adviser to Parliament’s Finance & Expenditure Select Committee and external advisor of The Treasury forecasting team. He holds pro-bono directorships for Epsom Brown Holdings Ltd, Beechworth Home and Hospital 2006 Ltd and Springlands Lifestyle Village.
He also has 17 years’ experience in the banking sector having been chief economist at both Westpac and the National Bank. O’Donovan’s appointment is subject to Reserve Bank approval.
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