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English: SOE's not immune to downturn

English: SOE's not immune to downturn

"Hon Clayton Cosgrove: Does he think that the 90 jobs to be cut at Television New Zealand, the 52 jobs already lost at Quotable Value, and the expected redundancies at New Zealand Post are acceptable responses from State-owned enterprises to the Governments demand for better financial performance, and how many more jobs is he prepared to see lost in State-owned enterprises in order to meet the Governments unrealistic goals? Hon BILL ENGLISH: In each those organisations, the fundamental problem is that their revenue is dropping. It is actually nothing to do with Government demands, and a lot to do with the fact that the money coming in each week is less than it was. That means that they have to restructure their organisation. I have to say that many New Zealand businesses and Government and non-governmental organisations are, unfortunately, experiencing the same phenomenon. " - Parliament TV

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