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Your ideas? Who are NZ's most powerful people this year?

Your ideas? Who are NZ's most powerful people this year?

I'm helping the Listener put together its Power List for 2009 and would love to know who you think should be there. Last year the Top 10 were, in this order: John Key, Bill English, Alan Bollard, Tumu Te HeuHeu, Steven Joyce, Pita Sharples, Rodney Hide, Helen Clark, Michael Cullen and Gareth Morgan. The Listener Power List also includes the 5 key influencers in various sectors. Last year in Business and Economy, they were: Graeme Hart, Mark Weldon, Adrian Orr, Craig Norgate and Jim Bolger. In Maoridom it was Paul Morgan, Jim Mather, Wharehuia Molloy, Hinerangi Raumati and Willie Jackson. In the law, they were: Geoffrey Palmer, David Colins, Annette Sykes, Greg King and Greg O'Connor. In Agriculture, they were: Chris Kelly, Henry van der Heyden, Andy West, Frank Brenmuhl and Dean Nikora. In Health and Medicine they were; Ron Paterson, Stephen McKernan, Len Cook, Pat Snedden, Deborah Powell and Ian Powell. In Media, Entertainment and Culture, they were: Flight of the Conchords, Derek Lardelli, Richard Taylor, Campbell Smith and Imogen Johnson. In Science and Technology, it was Jim Watson, Garth Carnaby, Peter Gluckman, Stephen Goldson and Jim Anderton. In the Media last year, it was: Tim Pankhurst, Jeff Latch, Bill Francis, John Fellett and John Barnett. Your picks?

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