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90 seconds at 9am: Life premium hikes; Yuan revaluation?; Greek debt coverup

90 seconds at 9am: Life premium hikes; Yuan revaluation?; Greek debt coverup

Watch on our video page here. click here to go to todays 90-at-Nine video report Watch on YouTube here. Bernard Hickey details the key news from over the weekend in 90 seconds at 9am in association with BNZ, including theĀ NZHerald's report that life insurance premiums may be about to rise as much as 25% because of recent tax changes. For more detail, see the report from's Insurance Editor John Grant in September 2009 on how these changes might lift premiums 25%. Also, KPMG is saying that levels of fraud increased sharply in the second half of last year as companies in trouble uncover dodgy loans to executives and managers. KPMG expects worse will come in the year ahead. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O'Neill has forecast China is about to revalue its currency by as much as 5%. That would see the New Zealand dollar fall vs the Yuan in relative terms and help exporters both here and in Australia. In Europe, Goldman Sachs has been discovered hiding Greek debt through unusual deals, which is making investors nervous.

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