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Covid update: Ministry of Health says all five of the community cases are clearly linked to the Auckland cluster

Covid update: Ministry of Health says all five of the community cases are clearly linked to the Auckland cluster

There are five new community cases of Covid-19 - and nine new cases in managed isolation.

There are 10 people with Covid-19 in hospital, two of whom are in ICU. Of the patients, two in Auckland City, three in Middlemore, three in North Shore, and two in Waikato. Eight people are on a ward, and two are in ICU – one each in Middlemore and Waikato Hospitals.

The Ministry of Health said in a statement that the five new community cases "are all clearly epidemiologically linked to cases that are either epidemiologically or genomically linked to the Auckland cluster".

"Two cases are household contacts of previously reported cases, and the other three are all in a household that is linked to an existing case." The statement didn't specify if any or all of the cases were related to the 'mini-cluster' involving the Mount Roskill evangelical fellowship.

The Ministry said that of the nine cases in managed isolation facilities, five are in Christchurch, three are in Auckland and one is in Wellington. "They are all in strict quarantine arrangements."

The Christchurch managed isolation cases are a man in his 20s, a woman in her 30s, two women in their 20s, and a man in his 40s, who all arrived on the same flight from India via Fiji on August 27.

The Auckland managed isolation cases are a woman in her 20s and another in her 30s, both of whom arrived from India on August 23. The third managed isolation case in Auckland is a woman in her 50s who arrived on August 26 from Qatar.

The final managed isolation case is in Wellington – a man in his 50s who arrived on August 18 from the United States and tested positive in routine testing around day 12 of his stay in managed isolation.

The Ministry said since August 11, its contact tracing team has identified 2,743 close contacts of cases, of which 2,676 have been contacted and are self-isolating, "and we are in the process of contacting the rest".

"As of this morning we have identified 51 close contacts of the Tokoroa health professional who has tested positive for Covid-19. Of those, 48 have already been contacted. They have either already been tested and returned a negative result, or are isolating awaiting a test. The team is continuing to follow up with the remaining three close contacts."

There are 123 people linked to the community cluster who have been transferred to the Auckland quarantine facility, which includes 79 people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and their household contacts.

There are 13 previously reported cases who are considered to have recovered  – all community cases.

With the 14 new cases, New Zealand's total number of active cases is 132. Of those, 33 are imported cases in managed isolation facilities, and 99 are community cases.

Our total number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 is now 1,401.

On Monday there were 8,599 tests processed, bringing the total number of tests completed to date to 766,626.

The Ministry said that the NZ COVID Tracer app has reached a significant milestone, recording over two million registered users, which is equivalent to half the population aged 15 and over.

There have also been an average of more than 1.7 million scans per day over the last week.

"This uptake is fantastic. The more people who get into the habit of keeping track of their movements, the easier contact tracing will be," the Ministry said..

The Ministry is continuing to receive several thousand QR code requests each day as transport operators work to get their codes in place by September 3.

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[Please don't post rumour, one that is quite unverified. This is not a site to start conspiracies or promote untruths. Last warning. Ed.]


> [edited]

Is there actual confirmation of this, or just scuttlebutt?


Shoutout to MoH technologists.

The Ministry said that the NZ COVID Tracer app has reached a significant milestone, recording over two million registered users, which is equivalent to half the population aged 15 and over.
- Its a lovely diary service.


Trade Me founder Sam Morgan says he will stop chipping in money and promoting an initiative to roll out “CovidCard” Bluetooth tracing devices, after becoming frustrated with the Ministry of Health.

Morgan said the CovidCard project had been “buried among people who are useless deep inside ministries who just can’t deliver this”.…


Can we please remove all lockdowns, have the election this Saturday, be done with it and then have lockdown 4 till things are sorted properly ?


Jeez, you wouldn't be looking for a *certain* outcome there, instead of a democratic one, would you there, Contrarian?


I'm in favour of Judith having more time to dig herself a hole.

She wants to be prime minister but apparently has no influence over the actions of her husband.
