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Schroder Australian Equity Long Short Fund

Investment funds / non-KiwiSaver / Alternatives / Australia

The Schroder Australian Equity Long Short Fund takes a long/short approach to investing. Unlike long-only funds which rely on equities increasing in value, long/short funds allow investors to benefit from both rises and falls in value of selected companies within the fund. This is done by buying and holding investments that are expected to go up in value (long) and selling securities the fund does not own that are expected to go down (short).

Use this standardised profile only as an initial resource. Only the fund manager can supply you with the documents you will need before you invest. This profile will enable you to make a shortlist using some standard quantitative factors.

Or you can source a full set of qualitative attributes from Research IP at the links within this document.


This is an amazing resource! I have a question around the performance pages.. i may have missed it but I could not see a disclaimer on if the performance % is after fees? I assume it is before tax, but just curious about if that performance has factored in all fees?
