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Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Kiwi Property, Ryman & Contact all rise today; Oceania, Serko & FBU slumps continue

Investing / news
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Kiwi Property, Ryman & Contact all rise today; Oceania, Serko & FBU slumps continue
NZX building ticker

Here are the key things you need to know about in the NZX markets over the past 24 hours. Changes are as at 3:00 pm and may change when the market closes at 4:45 pm.

The NZX50 has rebounded +1.0% since yesterday putting the index up +2.7% over the last six-months, up +8.9% year-on-year.

There are 48 gainers on the mainboard today. Kiwi Property Group (KPG, #23) gained the most up +3.3%. Over the year the group is up +9.4%. Second on today's gainer list is Ryman Healthcare (RYM, #15) up +2.9%, the most positive move as of recent with the retirement village operators declining -12.5% for the month. Year-on-year the group fall -31.9%. Contact Energy (CEN, #8) gain +2.8% since yesterday as it stays level for the last-year at +0.3%.  Followed by Vista Group Limited (VGL, #36) up +2.5%, going strength to strength for the year up a huge +82.5%.

Kiwi Property Group

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KPG capitalisation
KPG weekly % change to capitalisation
KPG rank in NZX50
KPG share price
KPG annual % change to share price

There are 32 decliners led by Oceania Healthcare (OCA, #38) down -4% taking its month-on-month decline to -12.1%. Serko (SKO, #45) follows next, down -2.2%, year-on-year the Tech company has fallen -28.2%. Fletcher Building (FBU, #18) declined -2% since yesterday, making the year-on-year slump to -35.9%, followed by Sky TV (SKT, #50) down -1.9%. SKT still holds a gain for the last-year however, up +3.2%.

Oceania Healthcare

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OCA capitalisation
OCA weekly % change to capitalisation
OCA rank in NZX50
OCA share price
OCA annual % change to share price


  1-day 5-day 6-month YTD 1Y
NZ Top 50 ETF (FNZ) -1.6% -4.2% +0.7% +1.7% +6.0%
NZ Top 10 ETF (TNZ) +1.2% -1.6% -0.3% +1.4% +2.8%
S/P NZX50 ETF (NZG) +1.0% -2.1% +2.1% +4.2% +6.4%
NZ Dividend ETF (DIV) +1.1% -2.1% -2.9% -3.7% -3.7%

The Warehouse Group (WHS, #42) have released its annual report today with results that reflect the challenging year the company had. The Group announced a net-loss-after-tax of -$54.2 million which was directly impacted by the disposal of its outdoor adventure retailer Torpedo7. On the flip side the company reported an operating profit (EBIT) of $28.9 million which sat within the groups guidance that was provided in June. Chair of the Group Dame Joan Withers commented on the results saying “The economic climate in Aotearoa New Zealand has been difficult for most retailers, with inflation, high interest rates, and a weak economy significantly reducing consumer demand. However, our trading performance and operational execution have fallen short and exacerbated these challenges. The poor financial performance we’ve reported this year is not acceptable. The Board and Executive Leadership team are acutely aware of the disappointment shareholders will be experiencing and the big job ahead of us to get the company back on track.”

SkyCity Entertainment Group (SKC, #31) announced that the High Court has imposed a civil penalty of NZ$4.16 million against SkyCity Casino Management Limited (SCML) who operate SKC New Zealand's casinos. As a result of the settlement agreement, SCML is required to pay this penalty within 15-working days. On the announcement, a comment made earlier in the year by CEO Jason Walbridge was mentioned, "SkyCity is aware that, as a casino operator, we have a responsibility to combat money laundering and terrorism financing. This is a responsbility we take very seriously. We will continue to upgrade our anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing systems to ensure we meet both our regulatory obligations and the expectations of the communities in which we operate."

The Warehouse Group

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WHS capitalisation
WHS weekly % change to capitalisation
WHS rank in NZX50
WHS share price
WHS annual % change to share price


The Warehouse Group (WHS, #42)

NZX50 Consumer Goods Sector

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sector capitalisation $mln
Source: NZX
sector change
Source: NZX
sector change
Source: NZX

Click on the chart title to find more about this sector, including its components.

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