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Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market today; Synlait's board huddles, rejects Penno's claims

Investing / news
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market today; Synlait's board huddles, rejects Penno's claims
NZX building ticker

 Here are the key things you need to know about in the NZX markets over the past 24 hours. Changes are as at 3:00 pm and may change when the market closes at 4:45 pm.

The NZX50 is currently down -0.5% but is looking to end with a gain of +1.3% for the week. Over the last six months the index is up +6.9%, up +10.3% from this time last year.

There are only 29 gainers for the last day of trading this week. The biggest gain is by Argosy (ARG, #30) up +1.7%. The company will finish level this week also at +1.7% but for the month they have gained +12.3%. Warehouse Group (WHS, #45) is next up +1.6% today finishing off their strong week up +9.4%. Infratil (IFT, #4) is also up a slight +0.8%, followed by Spark (SPK, #7) up +0.3%.

It has almost become a pattern this week watching the amount of decliners trump the gainers in the market. To end the week there are 56 companies with a decline. Summerset (SUM, #16) has the biggest decline down -3.4%, ending the week up +1.7%. Oceania Healthcare (OCA, #37) is down -2.4%. OCA will end the week down -1.2% and a monthly gain of +6.7%. Following closely is Tourism Holdings (THL, #42) down -2.3%. They also end the trading week with a gain, up +2.5%. 


  1-day 5-day 6-month YTD 1Y
NZ Top 50 ETF (FNZ) -0.4% +1.2% +3.1% +2.7% +3.4%
NZ Top 10 ETF (TNZ) -0.7% +2.0% +7.7% +5.5% +8.3%
S/P NZX50 ETF (NZG) -0.5% +1.2% +5.9% +5.9% +7.2%
NZ Dividend ETF (DIV) -0.3% +1.6% +1.7% -1.8% -0.9%

Synlait Milk's (SML) panel have come together to discuss the issue in regards to a complaint made by Dr John Penno regarding voting measures of the two largest shareholders in the company (Bright Dairy of China and a2MC). The Panel came to the conclusion that both parties are 'acting in pursuit of their respective commercial interests' as opposed to 'strategic co-ordination over voting rights'. Therefore there will be no meeting in relation to the dispute, and no further actions will be made at this time.

Fisher and Paykel Healthcare

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