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New Zealand could face another electricity shortage in 2025 as natural gas remains in short supply and Tiwai Point backstop won’t be available

Economy / analysis
New Zealand could face another electricity shortage in 2025 as natural gas remains in short supply and Tiwai Point backstop won’t be available
Photo by Thomas Despeyroux on Unsplash
Photo by Thomas Despeyroux on Unsplash

After a dangerously dry winter, spring has brought heavy rainfall which has filled the hydro lakes and sent wholesale electricity prices tumbling to unusually low levels.

Transpower has stopped its emergency electricity supply management and the energy crisis has been averted — at least for a time. 

New Zealand has mostly survived the winter but it paid a price. Thursday was the last day of operation for Winstone Pulp International after almost half a decade of business. 

And, Oji Fibre Solutions is also closing its mill in Auckland. Both these businesses faced other financial pressures but high energy prices sealed their fate. 

More businesses temporarily halted operations. The aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point reduced its output, Methanex stopped production to sell its gas supply, and Pan Pac Forest Products paused work for a couple of weeks.

These closures will be another whack for our already miserable economic output and current account deficit. But impossible to measure are the costs incurred by investors choosing not to set up business in New Zealand due to the high price of electricity.

Critics of the electricity market structure complain the country’s energy demand is being moulded to match supply, when it really ought to be the other way around.

No intervention worth the mention 

The Electricity Authority has established a task force with the Commerce Commission to look at ways to boost competition and encourage more investment in new generation. 

It has eight initiatives but the most interventionist of these would be to require gentailers to deal with all retail business on the same terms as with their own retail divisions.

The Coalition Government has shown a limited appetite for intervention so far, but it has promised to consent an LNG import terminal — as long as it is completed within three years. 

It has also promised to reverse the oil and gas exploration ban. However, none of these measures are likely to do anything to secure New Zealand’s energy supply next winter. 

If 2025 turns out to be another dry year, the energy problem could get even worse. 

Transpower warned this week the risk outlook was “concerning” as gas supplies would still be limited and the Tiwai Point demand response couldn’t be used two years in a row.

“It is critical the industry continues to focus on fuel storage and availability ahead of 2025, including across controlled hydro storage and thermal fuel arrangements,” it wrote.

“Peak capacity risks, especially in cold snaps, will persist until there is sufficient investment in flexible resources such as batteries, demand response and peaking generation.” 

While New Zealand was able to avoid power losses this winter, it relied upon a 185 MW reduction in energy use from Tiwai Point which will not be available next time.

The network operator appears confident it can cope with another dry winter but does worry about unexpected cold snaps and generation outages. There’s little margin for error

Gentailers grow market share

Forsyth Barr analysts said these concerns about winter 2025 were evident in electricity futures trading at $233 per megawatt hour, similar to prices in early July when conditions were dry.

For context, the average wholesale electricity price in September—now that the hydro lakes are full and the weather is warmer—was just $80 per megawatt hour. 

Futures contracts for 2028 also began trading this week at an average price of $152, well above the estimated cost of new supply which ranges between $115 and $120. 

“The strong message from the market is to continue building new generation, and preferably build faster,” Forsyth Barr wrote in a note to clients.

If construction continues at its current pace, supply and demand may not get back into balance until after 2030. Although, the analysts thought the pace would increase. 

While the period of high prices hasn’t boosted gentailer margins, Forsyth Barr said four biggest players all increased market share for the first time since 2016 in August.

“This is a strong sign that independent retailers are under pressure at present,” the analysts wrote. 

Flick Electric was the only non-generator to even marginally gain customers. The company’s website says it is “calling out rule breakers” and lobbying to “break up big power companies”. 

In a recent blog post, a company spokesperson said Flick had had to limit its growth because the cost of taking on new customers was too high.

“It’s our view that these recurring sky-high prices aren’t just the symptoms of short supply — they’re also the symptom of a market structure that allows power prices to keep rising”.

It's unlikely that any intervention in the electricity market can prevent the next three years of tight supply and high prices ahead. But, while we grit our teeth and bear it, policymakers should think hard about how to ensure the problem doesn’t repeat itself.

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Many thanks to Labour and the Green Party for focusing on "sustainable" energy sources.  Plenty of good it did us.


What would you propose as an alternative to sustainable energy sources? Considering our most expensive generation is fossil fuel-based. The biggest issue was selling our power-generating assets and creating an energy market that has nearly zero incentive to try and lower power prices.


Ask the countries reliant on oil and gas (like the US) where electricity prices are half what they are in NZ, and a quarter of what they are in the UK which just shut its last coal fired power station (and also its last steel mill)


This is a dumbass comparison. We don't have anywhere near the energy reserves that the United States does, or any hope of having anything close to the scale of their oil industry.

They have enormous natural gas reserves from shale fields that they practically have to give away. This will never, ever be the case in New Zealand even if we sunk billions into oil/gas infrastructure. Per Kwh it's more cost-effective to be investing in renewables rather than chasing diminishing returns from our fossil fuel reserves which will never be able to compete with overseas deposits that are significantly closer to the markets they are actually serving. We easily have the capacity to bring more renewable energy into the picture, but the main barrier to that is gentailers that are benefitting from high power prices rather than investing in new infrastructure because the market incentive is completely broken.


Wind, solar, and geothermal are the future.
But maybe we need to renationalise the production and distribution of electricity.……


It really doesn't matter what the future of generation may be. Until the market is separated into generation, distribution and retail we're going nowhere.

Or put another way, the big 'electricity' companies, which are both generators and retailers aka gentailers, really have no significant driver to produce more electricity as their profits as assured by doing 'nothing much' and raising prices whenever they need more profits.

Once the split of gentailers occurs - into pure generation and pure retail, with zero cross ownership and total market layer limited to 33% - we'll see far more competition, as when you have just one product to produce and sell, the only option is produce more, or produce it at a cost less than your competitors. (That last part is fairly critical as far as the uptake renewables like wind and solar are concerned.)

But our government? "All good here boys and girls. Nothing to see. Let's build more roads and provide corporate welfare to construction companies."


It's not a dumb ass comparison. What I take from it is that our electricity prices are too high. We will never achieve US prices but we should never implement measures to become equitable with the UK. One caveat for higher but still likely lower than NZ are US electricity prices if dumb ass Kamala gets in.


we have more than enough --   forget the high quality coal we no longer produce -- or the oil we no longer refine -- the wind solar hydro and geothermal potential is almost unlimited and could meet all our needs several times over -   and in the long run will be way more efficient and cost effective -- if we had any vision and leadership  A government would invest heavily in an infrastructure stake!



Remember, the object of the Labour/Greens is to make everyone poor and dependent on the Govt for handouts.  Being unable to afford electricity is part of the plan.  Thats the real reason Labour shut down the Low User Plans and forced everyone to pay more.  Because then you will vote for them because they promise a "winter energy payment" benefit.   Ditto for all the jobs lost in regional areas - more beneficiaries, more Labour/Greens voters.  Its a feature, not a bug.


I just saw a National Party post on my Facebook feed.  

You could be eligible to claim up to 25% of your ECE fees back with FamilyBoost. If your household income is up to $180,000, that’s up to $975 every three months to help cover the costs.

Could say National want to keep everyone poor too, so they can promise a rebate for families having more children than they can afford. 


I struggle to see how anyone can be blaming the issues with our power markets solely on Labour. 
They probably could have made better decisions in this sector but all the major moves that are now having negative consequences on our power market are the direct result of National Party policies.  There is no incentive for lower power prices when the gentailers benefit from the status quo at the expense of everything else.


Power prices started going through the roof in 2018 when the oil and gas exploration ban was implemented.  This is not a recent problem but has been years in the making.  There is a graph showing the price rises over the last 6 years in the Herald article.  Its utterly ridiculous to sugges that this is the fault of the National Govt.…

According to data kept by the regulator, the Electricity Authority, average futures prices have risen dramatically since 2018, the year of the offshore oil and gas exploration ban.

Data going back to 2009 shows remarkably stable or even falling prices for electricity futures. In mid-2009, the forward price curve, showing the price for power delivered in a year or more’s time cost about $79/MWh. For the next 10 years prices stayed low and stable; the average futures price never cracked $92/MWh and fell as low as $71/MWh.

Industrial power users were getting real-terms price cuts as inflation slowly eroded the real price of their futures contracts. Things began to change in September 2018, when prices began their slow, seemingly inexorable rise. Within a year they had cracked $100/MWh, by 2021 they hit $130/MWh and earlier this year they hit $208/MWh, with some futures prices settling even higher.



"Power prices started going through the roof in 2018 when the oil and gas exploration ban was implemented.  "

Not it didn't.

But if you think you can prove it. I'll prove your wrong.


Here's a chart, filtered from 2015 to now. Might take a while to load, so here's a screenshot ->

We've had the biggest spot electricity spot prices under the current coalition.  If K.W. thinks the spike we had in 2018 is "through the roof" (it was the only the month of October) then I'd be keen to hear what their definition is of the last 5 months of wholesale prices.…


I do blame Labour.

When they had the chance, instead of being "girl's blouses" and pandering to (the rich's) vested interests, they should have corrected the balance, and damn the consequences!

Structural change needs will and courage. And leadership. And a clear and succinct communication strategy.

With none of those .... We'll succumb to "getting back on track" so the mega-wealthy turn NZ into their playground. (That's the National Party's policy by the way ... Rely on dumb voters ... They'll deliver to what rich people want.)


Did the National Govt force consumers to pay higher ECE fees like Labour raised electricity prices?  I dont think so. 


"like Labour raised electricity prices"

Did they? Are you sure? Last time I looked the energy companies could pretty much do as they liked.


Labour are directly responsible for agreeing to the elimination of the low user tariff & increased fixed daily charges at the behest of the generators & with the connivance of MBIE.

Enabling consumers billing, gentailer  profits & govt dividends to move more to fixed from variable…


....power companies paid out $10.8 billion in dividends over the last decade but invested $4.5b in new power projects.…


Half of those dividends and high corporate taxes on those super-profits went into government coffers and some of that went into Winter Energy Payments so back into the corporate earnings of the gentailers.

This is stupid economics where we keep paying a cartload of bean counters to circulate money instead of putting it into new generation assets.


Its all good.  At least we are not the UK with the highest electricitiy prices in the world.  Although the power companies will probably see UK prices as a goal to be achieved, not avoided.…

Residential UK users pay NZD 57c per kWh

Compared to US users who pay NZD 14c per kWh and China users who pay NZD 12c per kWh

Guess where all the industrial businesses (and jobs) will be moving to?




I pay 16c/kWh + GST, prices here aren't that bad.

US households tend to use a lot more power, so fixed costs are a lower fraction, and has a much higher economy of scale. Can't really compare China to NZ as there's so much that's different.


The US has cheap power prices partly thanks to natural gas being a waste product from producing shale oil, as well as the enormous economies of scale that come from having the world's largest oil industry. Anyone comparing us to them hasn't put a lot of critical thinking into why their electricity prices are cheaper than ours. And as Morepork has said above China's electricity market is so different there is little to no point comparing us to them.

Our advantage should be coming from our hydroelectric capacity and renewables, but thanks to our broken electricity market with completely backwards incentives we aren't able to make use of these natural competitive advantages to help our economy and instead end up paying way more for power to the detriment of us all. 


Don't get sucked into why xxx country pays more or less. It's a nonsense argument.

NZ are small islands far removed from anywhere. We should be making our own way ... based on our own values.


My power price is 25c per kWh plus GST.  


If it isn't an immediate problem, it isn't a problem.

- Successive New Zealand governments


The recent snow is probably more relevant going into next year, than the recent rain.

The snow pack counts as an extra "lake".

Short term , an agreement with methanex over peak use would help .

Lng is a terrible idea, it would be better to store lpg, and either convert a peaker station to lpg, or stop lpg production in the winter peak. 

Longer term the  renewables are way cheaper, the exploration ban has no effect whatsoever, and reversing it even less.



NZ should not plan for any LNG terminal to be available as early as 2026. It is not practical unless you ignore safe marine practice, not viable unless someone gets their numbers wrong, and could not be commissioned before winter 2028 unless it is a very dodgy setup.


And our government's solution to this problem is .... [crickets].

I'd remind everyone that the National Party set up this market.

And it was that National Party that sold of the our big gentailers so under the guise of 'competition' the gentailers could control the supply and therefore pricing.

NZ used to have the lowest electricity prices in the developed world which gave NZ Inc a competitive advantage. The National Party sold it.

And the National Party's plan to 'get us back on track'? ... Build more roads, corporate welfare, and play lapdog to whatever the scoundrel gentailers recommend as a 'solution'.

Man alive. We're as dumb as dirt. Probably dumber.



"I'd remind everyone that the National Party set up this market."

Not forgetting that Labour were in power 15 of the 25 years since...& did ?


...not sell down our ownership in the power companies?


B-b-b-but Labour could've gone full Zimbabwe and confiscated the companies off the private sector.  


Labour are responsible for many, many screwups, but the issues with our power generation market are pretty clearly a direct result of policies from previous National governments. 


If the Commerce Commission randomly prevents the 'Scheme of Arrangement' whereby Contact Energy has agreed to buy electricity generator Manawa then, to be consistent, it would have to make the Government sell down its controlling interest in Meridian, Mercury, and Genesis to the extent that it is no longer the majority shareholder in those companies; would they have the b*lls to do that?


TP  Risk model also has the assumption that the TCC closes this year (which it will) as Contacts 2nd Geothermal unit ( Tehuka 3 51.4 MW) starts on Monday,The additional 210 MW will reduce demand on Hydro,and additional peaking capacity of 100 MW comes back at Stratford in Nov.

Renewable assets coming back from outage are 44MW of wind in October,2 MW wind in Nov,and 128MW of hydro in Dec.Along with a full 600 MW of Solar (DG and farm) up and running by Dec,there will be constraints on need for FF over summer/autumn and reduced demand on Hydro as EA rules now require solar/wind to be despatched first.


No tinkering will address the issue that the NZ electricity market is fatally flawed.

a) Generators are paid for scarcity. There is zero incentive to spend expensive capital to add generation.

b) All generators are paid the price of the highest cost generator in any supply period.  This is the absurdity of trying to run power generation as a market when c) has not been addressed.

c) Successive govts have failed to address the dry year issue.  The market wont do it. 

d) The govt as major shareholder in most of the generators takes massive dividends and taxes, while businesses go to the wall due to exorbitant dry period power prices. 

e) Separation of generators and retailers will only help a little while there is a dry period problem.

f) Thanks National & Max Bradford for completely screwing up the NZ electricity system.


The market did solve the dry year issue. We had a very dry year and transpower weren't even estimating we'd have a 1% chance of blackouts.

Maybe it would be more accurate to say you don't like the way it solved the dry year issue?


"d" : when the partial privatisation started the first act of the generation companies was to change the Depreciation basis from historical cost (funded by generations  of NZdrs) to replacement cost estimates - thereby massively increasing their profits & dividends for the Govt. 



Over the past month Manapouri has been spilling the equivalent of around 1000MW of water. Partly to blame is out of service generation equipment. Sometimes we don’t need to build new generation plants, we just need to fix what we already have.


interesting the businesses blaming the high energy costs for their closing --   having travelled recently in South America - - seeing fields of solar powered stations powering orchards and vineyards -- factories roofed in solar panels --   I wonder if any of these companies considered the benifits of investing in their own power generation...  

Likewise what did they do to reduce their energy consumption -  and become more sustainable - 
