“"The number of births, however, is driven by a more complex mix of social and demographic factors that change over time."
The bigger issue is money. You just can’t afford to raise a family on one persons average income anymore. If both you and your partner work who will raise the kids?
The usual answer is daycares, etc, but the cost to send your child there is usually so high it takes up a large percentage of that second income required. Hence the dropped rate of people having kids
The underlying answer though is NZ has devalued work and overinflated housing costs to serve the greed of older politicians and voters who've grown entitled to free money from housing. Living beyond their means by passing huge costs onto following generations.
You send them to pre-school for $7 - $8 per hour, while being lambasted by people (some even comment on this site) for being "bludgers" and having kids you cannot afford because when a child turns 3 you get 20 hours free childcare. So if you work 40 hours a week, you'll only have to pay $160 per week per child.
Agreed. I have friends where she makes $50-100 per week after daycare costs for their kids with the work she does but they need the extra for mortgage, basics etc. These days having kids has to be well planned if you wish to have the freedom of a parent at home for a couple of years.
I was fortunate to marry an ECE teacher. Heavily discounted childcare fees, but very mediocre pay to go with it. Mind you, Pay Parity has bumped her up 50% over the last 12 - 18 months.
Donny11 "The bigger issue is money". Yeah, nah. The bigger issues is deaths. Births are down 2.7% on June 20 and deaths are up 12%.
Did the friendly Rebekah/Interest.co.nz not notice that deaths are the story here not births? Anybody looking at that chart can see the blue births line is boring but the yellow death lines is interesting. Why are deaths only "slightly lower" than the record 2022? Dry tinder of 2021 can't account for all of this.
The increase in deaths is still much higher "...than the average annual increase over the previous decade (1.4 percent)."
"The number of births, however, is driven by a more complex mix of social and demographic factors that change over time."
Financial considerations also have an impact.
Unaffordable cost of housing is delaying couples buying housing (as it takes longer to save for a deposit, and borrow enough to buy at current high price levels). This will have an impact as couples delay having children, have fewer children or choose not to have children.
Since most mortgages or rent require 2 household incomes, it can be difficult to make finances work, if one stops work to parent the child / children.
The damage the housing ponzi scheme has done to New Zealand and the New Zealand economy is immense.
People still want the Kiwi dream of a house and kids. But both are getting further and further out of reach.
As i understand this isnt unique to NZ nor is it a bad thing.
Less people means less damage to the environment.
Unless u are a slave to delivering a growing gdp so that central and local government can waste more tax its good
In my book (and maybe contentiously) the more wealthy you are the more kids you can afford. But then those kids are more likely to goto skool, be healthy and study and contribute poaitively to society.. and afford a house and have kids.
Expecting everyone to have an automatic right to the same resources isnt viable when the world hqs a huge population and is capitalist...
The situation is a result of darwism merging with capitalism.
Socioeconomic status is inversely correlated with fertility. Those less well off have more kids.
Not quite that simple. Ethnicity plays a part.
And, as we know, some ethnicities are overrepresented in lower socioeconomic groups.
...& in several religions.
There other reasons beyond improved living standards why global population increased a third in the last 20 years (& trebled since WW2)
You are confusing cause and effect. Those who have more kids become less well off.
Source for that assertion please.
I've three daughters each with a partner - all six working. The eldest daughter has two children and is the poorest; the second daughter has a daughter and is struggling to pay her rent and keep a car running so they can deliver child to school. The youngest daughter has no kids, smokes and drinks and the lifestyle of a DINK.
As i understand this isnt unique to NZ nor is it a bad thing.
It may not be a bad thing in some respects, but for the many that wish to have children and a family unit, perhaps have their kids remember their grandparents, it is devastating when something that has never been and issue in life goals gets pulled so far out of their reach. This is the real impact of the housing ponzi we have.
There is a heap of reasons from councils restrictive land policies, excessive build standards, high council and govt charges, health and safety gone mad
Please nat, act, nzf cut through the crap
I have a bridge to sell you...
You reap what you sow. It's an absolute disgrace. Young people should be able to work hard and support a family and own a home without both parents working themselves to death. The policy settings around housing need to change now - everything needs to thrown at this. A house should be a home not a speculative investment.
Unfortunately the PM has a $20 million plus conflict of interest and one of their first major policy announcements was tax cuts for landlords, more welfarism for property speculators.
I didn't pick Marxists would frequent Interest.co.nz or has it become coordinated these days like the Twitter bots?
I think many responsible humans would be more inclined to have children if shelter and other basic human needs weren’t so hideously expensive.
Anecdotally talking with friends, this seems to be a significant contributing factor, but of course there’ll be others, such as access to contraception.
Emphasis on the importance of the career and how it dominates much of life is possibly another factor.
It’s all a bit strange really. Perhaps we humans are not by nature very well suited to the society that we’ve set up for ourselves…Kind of like pandas not willing to breed when in confinement. Might go a fair way too in explaining the appalling mental health issues present in todays society.
The contraception/choosing to wait until early 30s(with much less fertility) is a huge factor.
Took me fifteen odd years to find a suitable partner. We dont all magically meet at 18 like some are suggesting here and choose not to have kids due to money.
Indeed, it’s not due to a single cause. Many young people are prioritising careers in their 20’s rather than having kids. Then in their mid-thirties - due to declining fertility - they can be in for an unpleasant surprise when they have the intention of trying.
Because they're told by their wise elders the reason they can't afford a house is because they don't work hard enough, while simultaneously being labelled the "lazy memememe Iphone generation".
Whoh there cowboy. Sounds like the entitlement mentality that those avocados on toast have pumped into you (sarc)
I'm not sure how much evidence the government need that our system is unsustainable. Young people are getting gouged regardless if they rent or own. Cost of living is outrageous. Tax the shit out of property investors and recycle the money into building the right types of housing. Happy to hear other solutions?
But aren't property investors running the country and in positions of power with the key decision making? Are they really going to make things financially worse for themselves?
Our only saving grace is they have act and NZF acting as anchors for their decisions. Else Nats would already have let foreign investors help themselves to build and own houses.
So far the nats have managed to reduce ev car ownership, and kill a ton of other policies like the ferries. Whilst i dont agree with how labour was running most of those projects nats need to get on with replacing them ... but i hace a feeling they dont actuallt have any plans and especially no plans their partners will support.
We had our third last year. You're all welcome NZ.
Lol... I've also got 3. Doing our bit.
LOL. I've also got 3 - didn't want any - but are doing my bit under female direction. (Took two wives tho ;-)
Yes. I was happy with one but She Who Must Be Obeyed had other ideas. She stripped me, tied me down and did things that cannot be written about here.
I just closed my eyes and thought of our glorious nation.
You thought of sheep, cows and a very overpriced shack???
It's not unusual
I have 4, I want my medal.
I can tell you life is not designed for folk with multiple kids anymore.
They are your retirement plan so you will be looked after when you get old. People that don't have children don't have that security. *partly sarc
Just imagine how bad the statistic would be if it wasn't for us...
We should get a medal. Better yet, a tax break.
Well now you’re just showing off
Why is having kids "doing your bit" ..., Japan and Italy are doing their bit I would say
Because they need the pool of younger tax payers to grow to pay for looking after the older people.
That only holds logic if the planet we live on isn't being crushed under the weight of the human masses. No one pays tax on a dead planet!
Except it's absolutely not being crushed by humans and could sustain double the current global population easily we just need to work together better and be smarter.
Where's K.W. slamming all these parents for having children!?
Plot twist, the population in 1943 was about 1.6m - so about 30% of what it is today. Not accounting for assumed losses in the war, that would be a birth rate ~3x what we have today.
Sorry but financial is the main one. The cost of living crisis has only made it worse IMO. Having children is essentially a discretionary expense, couped with all the other costs and stresses associated with it.
A lot of people can't afford to have kids these days. Many can't afford large families like they used to.
If you want to raise children in your own decent home with a decent secure lifestyle. in a country where they will receive a decent education and have a hopeful future, then NZ is one of the last countries you should consider.
Not everyone agrees with you, NZ 3rd best in the world
Is that the opinion of Kiwis actually trying to survive in our economy or people overseas swallowing the romantic unrealistic spin that we push overseas. USA I note. Is it really informed by the experience of actual Kiwis.
better to have them in aussie they can always return
It's not only a financial issue. Modern feminism encourages women to pursue other things besides raising a family. And since women are the gatekeepers of reproduction this is the outcome.
I wouldn’t call it modern feminism personally, more so the level of opportunity is so much more for women now that having children becomes a conscious choice more so than a societal expectation. If you used have the option of 3 jobs or being a housewife as the 4th and now you have the choice 10,000 jobs with large opportunities in pay and experience, as well as the option to live in a variety of countries and cultures, then statistically more will chose not to have children. Common sense
Way too many people on the planet anyway, birth rates need to take a massive dive. Sadly people suddenly think we are going to go extinct when this starts to happen, I would argue we will go extinct much faster if we don't start to limit the growth now.
Elon strongly disagrees and has a pretty solid case laid out.
I'll roll with that one.
The best thing we could do to right this ship is allow income sharing between tax to the father / mother couple....... coupled with the first 10k of income tax free to get people off the benefit.... we are so stuck and cannot see the way but its so clear.
Sick enough that the west island looks better every day....
The conservatives campaigned on this. I agree. Why should a single income family where dad earns 120k have to pay more tax than the newly married DINKs down the road earning 60k each.
IMHO you do not need to be married, but raising a child qualifies in my book
its an investment in NZs future.
Why should someone who's chosen not to have kids, because of the impact of 8 billion+ humans on the planet, subsidise someone elses reproduction?
Because every child is an investment to the future. Universal and generous child benefit makes sense - it reduces the rorts, it nudges parents to stay together, low admin cost similar to Super. Agreed we need a declining population not a growing one but any sensible immigration policy achieves that.
If you have no kids you should get no super, why expect other peoples kids to pay yours.....
ok i get infertility etc.... but FFS people who have kids are paying for future tax payers.... do you have any idea about cashflow?
It isn't sustainable, why can't people fund their own pensions why keep taxing future generations so a few have access to a UBI. Or give every one a UBI.
I think you missed the point, that dink couple earns $120k and pays less tax between them than the couple with kids making $120k. Why is the couple with Kids subsidising the dinks?
We can continue to import increased GDP in aggregate but ultimately we will have to address catabolic collapse regardless...if we can.
Especially when we think we are first world capable when we are not.
Banana republic without the bananas
maybe a milk and honey republic
https://youtu.be/RDscbVWRBCw - planet key
That's a big spike in deaths. How many of the spike are from Covid? How many from something else?
Look over there - a squirrel!
Births down 2.7% is news - deaths up 12% is a statistic.
Seems an infestation of Greens and Labourites.
Soon will be reading comments blaming excess deaths on the Atlas network....
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