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Urban limits

Minister for Housing Chris Bishop says the Government is ‘liberalising the rules’ of the housing market which will help property become more affordable, has spoken with banks about apartment lending criteria
4th Jul 24, 3:10pm
Minister for Housing Chris Bishop says the Government is ‘liberalising the rules’ of the housing market which will help property become more affordable, has spoken with banks about apartment lending criteria
Auckland MP Simon O’Connor says he successfully lobbied for the bipartisan MDRS policy to be 'walked back'
30th May 23, 6:19pm
Auckland MP Simon O’Connor says he successfully lobbied for the bipartisan MDRS policy to be 'walked back'
NZ's urban planning framework requires substantial overhaul to avoid further harmful effects from spiraling house prices, infrastructure shortfalls and environmental costs, Productivity Commission says; 'Scrap the RMA'
29th Mar 17, 5:02am
NZ's urban planning framework requires substantial overhaul to avoid further harmful effects from spiraling house prices, infrastructure shortfalls and environmental costs, Productivity Commission says; 'Scrap the RMA'
Geoff Cooper says the intent of the proposed Unitary Plan is about letting Aucklanders decide how and where they want to live through markets, while managing the costs of these choices
10th Jul 14, 12:18pm
by Guest
Geoff Cooper says the intent of the proposed Unitary Plan is about letting Aucklanders decide how and where they want to live through markets, while managing the costs of these choices
Bernard Hickey calls for a change in incentives for Councils rather than imposing central government control to free up housing supply and affordability
7th Jul 13, 8:19am
Bernard Hickey calls for a change in incentives for Councils rather than imposing central government control to free up housing supply and affordability
Auckland mayor says high cost of housing a 'complex issue', sees answers in past cheap-loan approaches, and by working with developers, banks, and the building industry. Wants to see intensification. Your view?
26th Nov 12, 5:12pm
Auckland mayor says high cost of housing a 'complex issue', sees answers in past cheap-loan approaches, and by working with developers, banks, and the building industry. Wants to see intensification. Your view?
Productivity Commission recommends immediate release of land for residential development in Auckland, Christchurch, in final housing affordability report
11th Apr 12, 11:10am
Productivity Commission recommends immediate release of land for residential development in Auckland, Christchurch, in final housing affordability report
Productivity Commission’s latest gig to look at local govt productivity, regulation, and what central govt could do; MULs in sights again
20th Mar 12, 9:23am
Productivity Commission’s latest gig to look at local govt productivity, regulation, and what central govt could do; MULs in sights again
Opinion: National's focus on housing affordability in RMA reforms is welcome
3rd Feb 10, 8:44am
Opinion: National's focus on housing affordability in RMA reforms is welcome