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Keith Locke died at the age of 80 without losing either his heart or his head. Indeed, there was about the man a joyous naiveté that one no longer finds on the New Zealand Left, writes Chris Trotter
24th Jun 24, 8:24am
Keith Locke died at the age of 80 without losing either his heart or his head. Indeed, there was about the man a joyous naiveté that one no longer finds on the New Zealand Left, writes Chris Trotter
Chris Trotter says attacking the smartest and most resilient people in the room is never a good idea
13th May 24, 8:24am
Chris Trotter says attacking the smartest and most resilient people in the room is never a good idea
The only real question, after Thursday’s Budget, is: How long will it take National to realise how profoundly the political game has been – and is being – transformed by Covid and Climate Change? Socialism is no longer a dirty word
24th May 21, 9:17am
The only real question, after Thursday’s Budget, is: How long will it take National to realise how profoundly the political game has been – and is being – transformed by Covid and Climate Change? Socialism is no longer a dirty word
In this horrible year of 2020, we have learned some important lessons about the importance of leadership and the power of science, Chris Trotter says
21st Dec 20, 9:27am
In this horrible year of 2020, we have learned some important lessons about the importance of leadership and the power of science, Chris Trotter says
Chris Trotter reflects on the life of Professor James R. Flynn, and the pursuit of truth and justice
14th Dec 20, 9:42am
Chris Trotter reflects on the life of Professor James R. Flynn, and the pursuit of truth and justice
Willem Buiter explains why COVID-19 has made comprehensive state intervention in the economy both necessary and urgent
10th Apr 20, 10:07am
by Guest
Willem Buiter explains why COVID-19 has made comprehensive state intervention in the economy both necessary and urgent
Chris Trotter argues if Jacinda Ardern is able to successfully lead New Zealand through the coronavirus pandemic the Labour Party might finally be able to shake-off the neoliberal monkey on its back
16th Mar 20, 10:03am
Chris Trotter argues if Jacinda Ardern is able to successfully lead New Zealand through the coronavirus pandemic the Labour Party might finally be able to shake-off the neoliberal monkey on its back
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics argues if American capitalism gives people the basic things they want, the socialist threat will go away
29th Feb 20, 9:25am
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics argues if American capitalism gives people the basic things they want, the socialist threat will go away
John Mauldin argues America already has 'socialism' today, wth the risks of capitalism socialised to the benefit of a few while a larger portion of the population struggles
26th Feb 20, 11:14am
John Mauldin argues America already has 'socialism' today, wth the risks of capitalism socialised to the benefit of a few while a larger portion of the population struggles
Gareth Vaughan on how capitalism broke young adulthood, fighting fake news in Finland, the World Bank's Doing Business Report cops a serve, tracking the Coronavirus and political satire in the US
2nd Feb 20, 6:02am
Gareth Vaughan on how capitalism broke young adulthood, fighting fake news in Finland, the World Bank's Doing Business Report cops a serve, tracking the Coronavirus and political satire in the US
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics delves into the hypocrisy of JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon warning of the dangers of socialism
30th Jan 20, 12:14pm
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics delves into the hypocrisy of JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon warning of the dangers of socialism
The fall of the Berlin Wall saw not only the collapse of communism in Europe, but also the social-democratic compact. To prevent a return to extremism and instability, that compact must be refashioned
14th Nov 19, 4:19pm
by Guest
The fall of the Berlin Wall saw not only the collapse of communism in Europe, but also the social-democratic compact. To prevent a return to extremism and instability, that compact must be refashioned
Chris Trotter argues that although democratic socialism is Labour’s official ideology, New Zealand politics lacks traditional left-wing champions like Bernie Sanders & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
21st Oct 19, 9:49am
Chris Trotter argues that although democratic socialism is Labour’s official ideology, New Zealand politics lacks traditional left-wing champions like Bernie Sanders & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The United States has the resources to create a better capitalist system, and it is clear which policies can improve wellbeing. But the country needs to elect a president and Congress that can build this system
14th Jul 19, 10:49am
by Guest
The United States has the resources to create a better capitalist system, and it is clear which policies can improve wellbeing. But the country needs to elect a president and Congress that can build this system
Chris Trotter says the left can detail the many privations of too-many of our citizens. But they can't figure out why poverty, inequality, homelessness and environmental despoliation are happening, so their political message doesn't connect
3rd Jun 19, 10:02am
Chris Trotter says the left can detail the many privations of too-many of our citizens. But they can't figure out why poverty, inequality, homelessness and environmental despoliation are happening, so their political message doesn't connect
Gareth Vaughan on what the purpose of an economy is, another Taylor special, Brexit & icebergs, embracing socialism & probing Trump
15th Mar 19, 10:00am
Gareth Vaughan on what the purpose of an economy is, another Taylor special, Brexit & icebergs, embracing socialism & probing Trump
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics says if you fear Socialism then the best way to stop it is by cleaning up Capitalism
20th Feb 19, 4:10pm
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics says if you fear Socialism then the best way to stop it is by cleaning up Capitalism
Chris Trotter suggests that given socialism has begun to matter in the USA, it will very soon matter everywhere else too
11th Feb 19, 10:15am
Chris Trotter suggests that given socialism has begun to matter in the USA, it will very soon matter everywhere else too
Opinion: Behind the madness on the markets
26th Sep 08, 10:39am
Opinion: Behind the madness on the markets