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retirement commissioner

The Retirement Commission wants the Government to implement a higher default KiwiSaver contribution rate and require employer contributions for over 65s and under 18s
13th Jun 24, 12:33pm
The Retirement Commission wants the Government to implement a higher default KiwiSaver contribution rate and require employer contributions for over 65s and under 18s
Diane Maxwell on protecting retirees vulnerable due to renting, isolation, and not being able to recoup investment losses
5th Oct 16, 12:51pm
Diane Maxwell on protecting retirees vulnerable due to renting, isolation, and not being able to recoup investment losses
Diane Maxwell on employing people who don't stand on swivel chairs to change lightbulbs, the age of eligibility for super and overcoming the hurdles older people face in the workforce
30th Jun 16, 1:47pm
Diane Maxwell on employing people who don't stand on swivel chairs to change lightbulbs, the age of eligibility for super and overcoming the hurdles older people face in the workforce
Retirement Commissioner red flags lack of financial products aimed at helping retirees convert savings into income
31st May 16, 8:31am
Retirement Commissioner red flags lack of financial products aimed at helping retirees convert savings into income
How should millennials be planning for their retirement when they can't see beyond their hefty student loans and high-sky property prices? Diane Maxwell gives her two cents
17th Mar 16, 12:57pm
How should millennials be planning for their retirement when they can't see beyond their hefty student loans and high-sky property prices? Diane Maxwell gives her two cents
Retirement Commissioner Diana Crossan announces retirement, plans to step down in January, 2013
8th Aug 12, 5:22pm
by Amanda Morrall
Retirement Commissioner Diana Crossan announces retirement, plans to step down in January, 2013