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Peak oil

Global demand for oil could peak soon meaning NZ’s plan to revive offshore exploration doesn’t add up, Jen Purdie says
14th Jun 24, 9:48am
by Guest
Global demand for oil could peak soon meaning NZ’s plan to revive offshore exploration doesn’t add up, Jen Purdie says
Robert Brecha says EV sales growth points to oil demand peaking by 2030, so why is the oil industry doubling down on production?
21st Sep 23, 9:51am
by Guest
Robert Brecha says EV sales growth points to oil demand peaking by 2030, so why is the oil industry doubling down on production?
Long-time commenter Murray Grimwood (aka Power Down Kiwi) on the energy returns on energy invested, why we don't want to believe in Peak Oil and climate change, and more
10th May 19, 10:00am
by Guest
Long-time commenter Murray Grimwood (aka Power Down Kiwi) on the energy returns on energy invested, why we don't want to believe in Peak Oil and climate change, and more
Friday's Top 10: Propping up the lie, infinite money printing, Nicole Foss, a Red Queen situation, earth's population to halve, Dilbert and more
24th Jan 14, 10:30am
by Guest
Friday's Top 10: Propping up the lie, infinite money printing, Nicole Foss, a Red Queen situation, earth's population to halve, Dilbert and more
Monevator's bugbears; 5 signs you're a borrowing junkie; Tax planning for pot dealers?!; 7 work habits of the highly successful; Kids party's on the cheap
6th May 13, 9:05am
by Amanda Morrall
Monevator's bugbears; 5 signs you're a borrowing junkie; Tax planning for pot dealers?!; 7 work habits of the highly successful; Kids party's on the cheap
What will they do next? Lazy savers; A crude awakening; Sleep deficit and productivity; Time on your savings side
2nd May 12, 9:48am
by Amanda Morrall
What will they do next? Lazy savers; A crude awakening; Sleep deficit and productivity; Time on your savings side
Economist Nicole Foss talks to Amanda Morrall about peak oil, euro zone crisis, the next Great Depression and the big "trap" that is Auckland's housing market. Your view?
20th Apr 12, 5:23pm
by Amanda Morrall
Economist Nicole Foss talks to Amanda Morrall about peak oil, euro zone crisis, the next Great Depression and the big "trap" that is Auckland's housing market. Your view?
Opinion: Bernard Hickey asks if John Key has a Plan B if peak oil, aging workforces and little technical progress create a growthless global economy. Your view?
17th Oct 11, 7:57am
Opinion: Bernard Hickey asks if John Key has a Plan B if peak oil, aging workforces and little technical progress create a growthless global economy. Your view?
Sensing financial freedom; 26 freebies; Fixing what's broken; The greasy KFC food fight; and meatier reading for the financially well-versed
28th Sep 11, 2:20pm
by Amanda Morrall
Sensing financial freedom; 26 freebies; Fixing what's broken; The greasy KFC food fight; and meatier reading for the financially well-versed
Carmel Fisher confronts the worst fears on the minds of investors and finds reason to stay calm, and carry on
17th Jul 11, 9:05am
Carmel Fisher confronts the worst fears on the minds of investors and finds reason to stay calm, and carry on
High petrol prices are 'awful for everyone', says Z Energy CEO who doesn't believe peak oil has been reached yet
4th Jul 11, 4:22pm
High petrol prices are 'awful for everyone', says Z Energy CEO who doesn't believe peak oil has been reached yet
Friday's Top 10 at 10 with NZ Mint: Why food prices are rising; Should the US sell its gold?; What the ECB meant; World population to hit 10 bln; Why headline inflation matters; Clarke and Dawe; Dilbert
6th May 11, 1:16pm
Friday's Top 10 at 10 with NZ Mint: Why food prices are rising; Should the US sell its gold?; What the ECB meant; World population to hit 10 bln; Why headline inflation matters; Clarke and Dawe; Dilbert
Tuesday's Top 10 with NZ Mint: How bigger shadows caused the crisis; IEA says crude oil peaked in 2006; 10 reasons never to buy stocks; FTA threatens Pharmac; Dilbert
3rd May 11, 2:08pm
Tuesday's Top 10 with NZ Mint: How bigger shadows caused the crisis; IEA says crude oil peaked in 2006; 10 reasons never to buy stocks; FTA threatens Pharmac; Dilbert
Monday's Top 10 with NZ Mint: Mood shifting against family trusts; Gaynor on foreign ownership again; How America writes NZ's laws; Cartoon-fest Dilbert
2nd May 11, 1:07pm
Monday's Top 10 with NZ Mint: Mood shifting against family trusts; Gaynor on foreign ownership again; How America writes NZ's laws; Cartoon-fest Dilbert
Opinion: Bernard Hickey argues New Zealand Inc needs to prepare itself for NZ$4/ltr petrol as rampant Chinese demand hits peak oil supply. Your view?
1st May 11, 12:16pm
Opinion: Bernard Hickey argues New Zealand Inc needs to prepare itself for NZ$4/ltr petrol as rampant Chinese demand hits peak oil supply. Your view?
Wednesday's Top 10 with NZ Mint: How peak oil is really kicking in now; Perigo vs Brash; Canadian house prices seen falling 90%; US$1.2 trln of useless stuff; Dilbert
27th Apr 11, 9:47am
Wednesday's Top 10 with NZ Mint: How peak oil is really kicking in now; Perigo vs Brash; Canadian house prices seen falling 90%; US$1.2 trln of useless stuff; Dilbert
Opinion: The world order is changing
1st Oct 10, 1:25pm
Opinion: The world order is changing
90 seconds at 9am: Peak oil cover up; Hanover Finance fesses up
11th Nov 09, 8:01am
90 seconds at 9am: Peak oil cover up; Hanover Finance fesses up