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A nation reinvented: 40 years on from its 1984 victory, the Fourth Labour Government still defines NZ, Richard Shaw says
15th Jul 24, 1:07pm
by Guest
A nation reinvented: 40 years on from its 1984 victory, the Fourth Labour Government still defines NZ, Richard Shaw says
Chris Trotter asks what would it be like to live in a country where real change was possible? And we could make it?
17th Jun 24, 9:37am
Chris Trotter asks what would it be like to live in a country where real change was possible? And we could make it?
An impermanent public service is a guarantee of very little else but failure, writes Chris Trotter
15th Apr 24, 9:17am
An impermanent public service is a guarantee of very little else but failure, writes Chris Trotter
Independent economist Brian Easton says budget tensions are becoming evident within the Coalition Government
1st Apr 24, 10:31am
Independent economist Brian Easton says budget tensions are becoming evident within the Coalition Government
NZ election 2023: Labour out, National in – either way, neoliberalism wins again, Toby Boraman says
18th Oct 23, 8:49am
by Guest
NZ election 2023: Labour out, National in – either way, neoliberalism wins again, Toby Boraman says
Chris Trotter mulls whether New Zealand's heading into a change, restoration, or status quo election
4th Sep 23, 7:42am
Chris Trotter mulls whether New Zealand's heading into a change, restoration, or status quo election
Chris Trotter casts his eye over the main political parties' election slogans noting only Te Pāti Māori is offering the electorate the prospect of something entirely new
31st Jul 23, 9:37am
Chris Trotter casts his eye over the main political parties' election slogans noting only Te Pāti Māori is offering the electorate the prospect of something entirely new
Chris Trotter says more and more, conventional wisdom sounds like conventional folly. In the end, no political party is entitled to people’s votes. Loyalty should be earned and renewed, not given blindly and regardless of repeated failures and betrayals
17th Jul 23, 8:29am
Chris Trotter says more and more, conventional wisdom sounds like conventional folly. In the end, no political party is entitled to people’s votes. Loyalty should be earned and renewed, not given blindly and regardless of repeated failures and betrayals
Chris Trotter probes tension within the Labour Party over dismantling the neoliberal status quo
1st May 23, 8:30am
Chris Trotter probes tension within the Labour Party over dismantling the neoliberal status quo
Economist Brian Easton says it is easy enough to say neoliberalism rose, and that it is failing, but why now?
14th Nov 22, 9:03am
Economist Brian Easton says it is easy enough to say neoliberalism rose, and that it is failing, but why now?
The Brits and the Kiwis have seen this supply-side economics movie before. They know how it ends. Second time around, they may not be quite so willing to pick up the tab
3rd Oct 22, 7:37am
The Brits and the Kiwis have seen this supply-side economics movie before. They know how it ends. Second time around, they may not be quite so willing to pick up the tab
Chris Trotter says the end of one era in New Zealand broadcasting, and the beginning of another, is being met with widespread public indifference
5th Sep 22, 8:18am
Chris Trotter says the end of one era in New Zealand broadcasting, and the beginning of another, is being met with widespread public indifference
Chris Trotter asks: Why is this government so determined to shut-up, shut-down, and shut-out the Right?
29th Aug 22, 8:11am
Chris Trotter asks: Why is this government so determined to shut-up, shut-down, and shut-out the Right?
We are living in a political culture unmoored to anything more edifying than the petty priorities of personal ambition – writes Chris Trotter
22nd Aug 22, 9:36am
We are living in a political culture unmoored to anything more edifying than the petty priorities of personal ambition – writes Chris Trotter
Luigi Zingales argues that the state-market dichotomy is a post-feudal relic that has come to serve vested interests
16th Dec 21, 9:39am
by Guest
Luigi Zingales argues that the state-market dichotomy is a post-feudal relic that has come to serve vested interests
The only real question, after Thursday’s Budget, is: How long will it take National to realise how profoundly the political game has been – and is being – transformed by Covid and Climate Change? Socialism is no longer a dirty word
24th May 21, 9:17am
The only real question, after Thursday’s Budget, is: How long will it take National to realise how profoundly the political game has been – and is being – transformed by Covid and Climate Change? Socialism is no longer a dirty word
Klaus Schwab thinks that now is the time to start reassessing sacred cows and disposing of defunct ideologies
17th Oct 20, 9:31am
by Guest
Klaus Schwab thinks that now is the time to start reassessing sacred cows and disposing of defunct ideologies
More than 40 years after he arrived in parliament, Winston Peters is facing, barring a miracle, the end of the line. Danyl Mclauchlan traces the life & times of one of the most compelling and enduring characters in NZ political history
11th Oct 20, 6:02am
by Guest
More than 40 years after he arrived in parliament, Winston Peters is facing, barring a miracle, the end of the line. Danyl Mclauchlan traces the life & times of one of the most compelling and enduring characters in NZ political history
Chris Trotter argues the version of West Germany's post-war economic miracle presented by the NZ Initiative's Oliver Hartwich was misleading, as it involved a more hands-on and less laissez faire government than he touted
27th Apr 20, 9:28am
Chris Trotter argues the version of West Germany's post-war economic miracle presented by the NZ Initiative's Oliver Hartwich was misleading, as it involved a more hands-on and less laissez faire government than he touted
Chris Trotter argues if Jacinda Ardern is able to successfully lead New Zealand through the coronavirus pandemic the Labour Party might finally be able to shake-off the neoliberal monkey on its back
16th Mar 20, 10:03am
Chris Trotter argues if Jacinda Ardern is able to successfully lead New Zealand through the coronavirus pandemic the Labour Party might finally be able to shake-off the neoliberal monkey on its back
Green Party officially withdraws support for set point debt targets, saying they've 'limited the Government's scope for change'; Party's new policy says 'current approach to fiscal management embeds neoliberalism'
10th Dec 19, 1:51pm
Green Party officially withdraws support for set point debt targets, saying they've 'limited the Government's scope for change'; Party's new policy says 'current approach to fiscal management embeds neoliberalism'
Chris Trotter argues Jacinda Ardern's 'year of delivery' was naivety of a very particular kind and 'transformational government' requires an unflinching exercise of political mastery over her civil service advisers
2nd Dec 19, 8:00am
Chris Trotter argues Jacinda Ardern's 'year of delivery' was naivety of a very particular kind and 'transformational government' requires an unflinching exercise of political mastery over her civil service advisers
Chris Trotter says the left can detail the many privations of too-many of our citizens. But they can't figure out why poverty, inequality, homelessness and environmental despoliation are happening, so their political message doesn't connect
3rd Jun 19, 10:02am
Chris Trotter says the left can detail the many privations of too-many of our citizens. But they can't figure out why poverty, inequality, homelessness and environmental despoliation are happening, so their political message doesn't connect
Jane Kelsey warns we're in for economic doom if we don't stop trying to make money from money
16th Jul 15, 12:53pm
Jane Kelsey warns we're in for economic doom if we don't stop trying to make money from money
Opinion: Gareth Kiernan says neoliberal economic policies didn't die, they just got embraced and adjusted by mainstream parties
2nd Jul 13, 2:11pm
Opinion: Gareth Kiernan says neoliberal economic policies didn't die, they just got embraced and adjusted by mainstream parties